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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The Ptolemaic unit should be renamed ptol_camelry_archer, yeah.
  2. I think the best thing about the game is how nice the tech tree page looks and how easy it is to use. lol
  3. It's partially the map but it's mostly the Skybox textures themselves. (the black bands)
  4. What's the primary reference for this? Just curious where the reenactor got his inspiration.
  5. you need to fix that white line at the base of the neck right quick
  6. It would be nice feature in Atlas to take a snapshot map preview.
  7. While that is interesting and would be cool, I think it might introduce additional gameplay ramifications I'd rather not have to deal with. Forward building is already pretty dangerous, and this would make it even more dangerous. That's just one ramification off the top of my head.
  8. Almost nothing he says there interests me. He spends 3 paragraphs arguing against gates for Christ's sake.
  9. Fletching = the feathers. I think it could be a few stripes more. Not much
  10. I think the fletching could be a little longer. I like it too.
  11. Probably beyond the scope of this ticket, but I think it would be great to be able to pick a horizon texture as well regardless of the Skybox chosen. So, a mountainous horizon or oceanic horizon or whatever.
  12. Garrisonable elephants would be hilariously awesome, though I would doubt the utility of having to manually add soldiers to your elephants in the middle of a match. I would like to see the archer [or whatever] be trained along with the elephant. Separate entities, but one unit if that makes sense. And you're right, similar to archers on ships or archers on top of gates, there would need to be some work regarding obstructions and footprints and pathfinding.
  13. Really awesome nitpicks, Sundiata. Those would be some nice additions indeed. I especially like the dock mockup.
  14. I vaguely remember reading about an arrow machine kind of like in the video, but I am not sure who used it and what time period. I am not even sure what time period that movie is trying to depict.
  15. As a history major, I think you will enjoy this incredible thread here:
  16. Isn't there a program or method that can warp a texture to give an output that doesn't look warped on the model?
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