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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I'll reiterate my 0 A.D. Epoch idea (rhymes with "epic"). Eventually, many of these mods can be folded into the "main" game and then the host of a match can determine which "epochs" of civs the players can choose from. The same way the host can choose different victory conditions. So, there can be these epochs (the exact names can be up for debate in another thread, don't debate them here): Bronze Age Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Hittites, Trojans, Mycenaeans, Minoans, Israelites, et al. Classical Antiquity Essentially the current Empires Ascendent roster plus a few more. Zapotecs, Western Han, Xiongnu from Terra Magna, plus some of the others we've talked about, like the Thracians, Scythians, Parthians, etc. Late Antiquity Principate Rome, Sassanids, Guptas, Germans, Huns, Aksumites, Nabataeans, et al., the Empires Besieged era. Middle Ages Millennium AD potential roster. Mayans, Arab Caliphates, Carolingians, Norse, Mongols, et al. Renaissance Early gunpowder (you still have pikes and heavy cavalry at this time). Aztecs, French, English, Ming, Songhai, Incans, The host can choose any one or multiple epochs and the available civs list populates accordingly. Some civs that don't change much (please don't argue this point here), like the Scythians could populate more than one epoch (Bronze Age and Classical Antiquity for example), while some that we do have a lot of reference material for changes can also populate multiple epochs, but essentially be very different civs in each epoch (Romans: Classical Antiquity, Late Antiquity, and Middle Ages; Chinese: Classical Antiquity, Late Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance; essentially differently playing and looking civs, but still called "Romans" or "Chinese" in each, just with an epithet like Republican/Principate/Byzantine or Western Han/Eastern Han/Tang/Ming). Of course, this would be a long term plan. Perhaps a plan to implement later after Empires Ascendant is released, instead of the old "Part II" idea. By then there will be a lot more mods and the current mods will be a lot more mature too (in a state that can be merged with the main game). ----------------------------- Some additional examples: Romans (as an example of a long-running civ) can populate multiple epochs like so: Bronze Age Rome (Monarchy) Classical Antiquity Rome (Republic) Late Antiquity Rome (Principate) Middle Ages Rome (Byzantine) In each one, the armies are much different and the architecture is much different. Not to mention the technologies. The host could choose the Late Antiquity and Middle Ages epochs and the Rome (Principate) and Rome (Byzantine) civs would be available along with all the other civs of those 2 epochs. Or the host could choose to narrow the historical epoch to just one, repopulating the available civs to that one epoch.
  2. I am quite sure that in a very generic sense that the current Celtic temple took some of its inspiration from the sanctuaries, because that was the discussion at the time. But regardless.
  3. I suppose I could try just zipping it up into a zip archive and sending that to you. You can unzip and then use the 0 A.D. archiver via Linux.
  4. Doesn't the current Celtic temple already represent this?
  5. Food depletion effects can work, you just have to extend the GUI (how food is shown in the ribbon, the avg rate of income should be shown) and some other things. Units wouldn't cost 50-100 food to train, they'd cost something like 5 food to train and then cost something like 5 food every minute or so. A "food bar" wouldn't be necessary though. You could just make the lack of food effect a global effect on your units (-X hp every Y seconds you have zero food or something like that, perhaps a small slowing speed effect too). The important thing is you keep it pretty abstract, so it's simple to understand and manage during gameplay. Also, the player should be informed when the stockpile is getting too low in some obvious way.
  6. A Village Center looks rural and rustic. Can have some haystacks, a fire pit in the middle or a well, and a rustic-looking town hall or rural approximation of the look of the current Civic Centers. These are not "stone aged" town centers or anything like that (no giant mammoth tusks for ornamentation), they are era-appropriate, but rustic and rural. A Town Center looks more built up, perhaps a little more mercantile. Walls are sturdier. Structural elements are taller. A City Center looks much like a lot of the Civic Centers we already have.
  7. I like this, and it's not far from some of the ideas I have proposed in the past. Each CC should have its own territory that doesn't morph together like they do now. They start out as small villages and only "village" structures can be built within their territory. Upgrade each CC independently so you can build Town, then City structures within their territories. A Village CC would have a gathering bonus around it, while it loses this bonus as it's upgraded and perhaps different bonuses kick in. Now you have real provinces that are somewhat unique from each other, for instance, a couple of Village provinces where you do a lot of your farming and mining, etc, while owning a couple of Town provinces which may have a trading benefit and can build barracks and wooden towers nearby. Your City province allows the building of stone walls and fortresses. While your Capital province can grant some uber bonuses and unlock some unique structures, essentially more "Wonders" that give unique benefits. Now you're truly building an empire instead of some weird urban sprawl that makes no historical sense. The 3 major starting conditions would be nomad (of course), classic (start with 1 village center and some units), and empire (where each player has multiple village centers already congruently scattered around so that each player already has an empire of provinces and most of the map is already claimed by the players).
  8. More powerful in what way? Be specific. That was a publisher banking on nostalgia, really. Sure, but first we must make defensive strategies rewarding at all before one can look for ways to balance them. Right now, in the core game, turtling strategies or defensive strategies in general are seriously hampered.
  9. According to @stanislas69 the archiver will work fine on Linux but not Windows.
  10. I desperately want to update the mod download to version 2, because I've fixed a ton of problems. The archiver is killin me though.
  11. As far as the Companion Cavalry, for the Macedonians the "Companions" were the best cavalry they had, the most elite posting in the field army a soldier could attain. For the Seleucids, the Companions were a strong cavalry arm, but not the most elite. The Macedonians and Seleucids had the same name for different cavalry units. For the Kushites, yeah, I'd make the axe champ have a crush attack (for against buildings) and the sword champ have a stronger anti-infantry attack. I agree. In DE, there is a greater distinction between a Hoplite style soldier and a Spearman. They both have the anti-cav bonus and are vulnerable to missile attacks, but their stats are different and the Hoplite infantry get the "Shield Wall" aura that boosts the armor of nearby Hoplites. I am currently experimenting with making Persian and Mauryan spearmen into trashy massed Zerglings, with half the stats (including building and repair rates), but also half the total cost in resources, population, and train time.
  12. C:\Users\Astrid\0 A.D\binaries\data\mods\ or C:\Users\Astrid\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods That 2nd one is where modders should be telling people to place it.
  13. In Delenda Est, the train times are as follows. While longer than EA's train times, DE's don't exactly mirror your suggested values: Citizens/Villagers/Slaves: 15 seconds Infantry: 15 seconds Cavalry: 18 seconds Champion Infantry: 18 seconds Champion Cavalry: 20 seconds Mercenaries: 5 seconds (but are only trainable in limited numbers) War Elephants: 25 seconds And so on. Values like these definitely give the beginning of a match a more deliberative pacing. While in the late game they don't hamper frontline reinforcement much, since by then the player is likely to have multiple training centers.
  14. I honestly disagree (hi there). I don't think the heads need to have 300+ vertices or even 144. The current head could use some new UV mapping and some adjustments to the geometry, but the newer ones make the dude's head look strangely fat, IMHO. I think something halfway between the current head and proposed head would be more ideal, both in geometric shape, number of vertices (if absolutely necessary), and UV mapping.
  15. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/search/&q=POGs&search_and_or=or
  16. There's also the view that how "heavy" the armor worn was also based on position within the Macedonian phalanx. Front rankers wearing "heavy" armor and face masks, while the rear rankers wore no body armor and merely a pilos-style helmet. It's not so clear cut as me staking a position ("They wore heavy armor or armor based on the mission") or you staking a position. There was position within the phalanx, as I noted, and then also actual rank. Higher ranking officers would (GENERALLYYYYYY) wear heavier flashier armor, while lower ranks would wear more basic armor. I would love to have battalions in the game so we can depict all of these conditions and variations as accurately as we can. Have a flashy looking officer in the front right, with a standard bearer behind him; most of the front couple of ranks wearing heavy armor variations, then medium in the middle, and no armor in the back (with a lot of variant bleed between the rows, not defined harshly).
  17. The Republican Romans here are during the 2nd Punic War, so if you can find references for allied or mercenary units the Romans used in this time period and we can see what we can do.
  18. You could always just use that one here and there for a splash of detail.
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