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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Which template element control that? Or is it strictly component/script-based?
  2. Set the mod version to 0.0.02 in the rebundle (.03 for the Git repo). Added a merc unit for the Indians, finally. The Deccan Tribal Levy, a skirmisher. Any other suggestions? @Sundiata Will rebundle and upload tonight.
  3. Absolute "best" imho would be to assign rain to cloud actors/entities that can travel across the map. But, hell, beggars can't be choosers. "Whole map" or placeable objects or whatever you can make happen I'd be happy with. Whole map "rain shower" and "thunderstorm" options would be acceptable too. Almost anything is better than the rain we have now.
  4. I agree with you regarding the unit types. A spearman is a spearman, really. But, I could see Hoplite-class spearmen being used differently or having different stats from a standard spearman (heavier armor, less speed, lower cavalry bonus, but greater attack). I can see Persian Sparabaran being used differently by setting up shield walls and swapping to bow. Pikemen, likewise, have different stats and uses from a "standard" spearman. Mauryan spearmen could be more massable and trashy. Roman spearmen (Triarii) could be trained at the Elite rank and be more expensive, but not be accessible until Phase II.
  5. All of this stuff, including other traditional diplomacy screen stuff, can't fit on one screen, so there will need to be some kind of tabbing or extra windows.
  6. Nice! I'll use the "old" model for the Roman Auxiliary Barracks.
  7. Awesome! Are you working on rain effects too? Those raindrops seem to be falling correctly, not like they do now.
  8. True, but I thought it was a nice parallel at first and helped people understand which vanilla release was compatible. And what if there are 22 more alpha releases? lmao, I'd have to skip 0.0.23! But yeah, maybe I'll start the numbering over again at 0.0.02 or something.
  9. It still needs redesigned, I was just wrong about the scale being too big. If anything, some of the other barracks are now too small compared to the archery ranges and stables. The Roman roof colors are fine.
  10. It's just a grate or door, not a portcullis. *shrug* Surely they had access to the "Iron Bars" technology. Unless you had an aesthetic problem with it?
  11. No one ever trusts me. It's why I'm not a joiner. lol One need only a small amount of imagination to imagine some changes made to the FOW renderer to render the mountain in the black map prior to being discovered (could be an actor tag), so that it just doesn't pop into existence. We could use such a tag for certain large objects (such as Wonders). Something like this could be the basis for an "Open Pit" stone quarry. https://sketchfab.com/models/9fe7d680d62e470b8810524f712f9cb5
  12. I misspoke. When comparing the Roman barracks to the Roman archery range and stable, it's a pretty good size.
  13. Sure they can be. They can be given an obstruction (and be unselectable) in-game. I could see even backing a shaft mine up to them that players can build a storehouse on a slot to capture and gather metal.
  14. I was saying to the artists they could model some mountains. It has been mentioned before so they know what I mean.
  15. That would be hard to integrate into one diplomacy screen with tribute and other info/features. What about as a tab or pop-up window accessed from the diplomacy screen?
  16. Yeah, I just looked at it and besides all the broken models and actors, a lot of the work isn't up to your current standards. Some stuff like a couple of the terrains, the barrels, the ferns, the carts, and the barriers are all good. Other stuff notsomuch. You're much better now.
  17. Outhouse should be a buildable structure. @Sundiata we need some research. @Lion.Kanzen we need references.
  18. Why are they in a mod and not in the game? Yes definitely. A very important plant for the Egyptian maps.
  19. Scythians Thracians Mountains Trees (we have maybe 1 good looking palm and maybe 2 good looking deciduous trees) Terrain textures Plants and Foliage Animals Treasures Mines and stones Iberian and Indian and Carthaginian units could all use some love Wonders (cool stuff for my mod, like cult statues and shipyards)
  20. Why do we have to have smoke coming out of every house? I'm still confused on this point. A random dude on the internet says he wants every building to have smoke coming out of it? Why? The blacksmith has smoke coming out of it because it has a visible fire and for recognizability. I agree that villages, towns, and cities were likely very smokey places, but they also had animals everywhere and raw sewage in the streets and people walking to and fro and actual roads ( ) and stuff. Why add smoke particles that affect graphics performance? Let's add poop particles too. I'm being mildly facetious. But still, maybe analyze this a little bit first. I can think of a hundred different (and more interesting) things you guys can use your awesome talents on than this.
  21. I am not sure why you think WFG would have to moderate user chat for anything except bullying. Can you clarify that point? The chief benefit I see for most players is this: A central host for less lag and a more stable connection. No need for host migration or any of that. P2P is bad bad bad for stability and lag. A central server could help a lot in this regard. Unless I am not understanding things correctly, which is possible of course. I'd say as long as the mod has been verified and hosted on the mod.io site, then it should be okay to install on the server too after some more thorough checks of the simulation files?
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