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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. It's just not aesthetically pleasing. Not as well designed as the others.
  2. No one is truly saying the game should be a TW clone. Adding battalions (or "squads" as @DarcReaver would say ) does not turn the game into a TW clone.
  3. As long as the number appears up near the treasury ribbon, and not above the dead soldier in the game world.
  4. We need some kind of animation or notification up at the top that shows the loot being added to the treasury. Could definitely be improved. lol Maybe inspired by Drogon from Game of Thrones.
  5. I didn't mean that the code should be hacky. I meant that something doesn't have to be feature complete in one patch. It can be broken down into usable chunks. For instance, making captured horses commandable is useful on it's own. Making them garrisonable can be another patch.
  6. I will add this too: Spear units are your basic unit. Almost every civ should have a spear infantry and a spear cavalry. It's the sword units who are like-counters. So, sword infantry should counter spear infantry and sword cavalry can counter spear cavalry in some way (doesn't have to be a hard counter). I don;t necessarily do this, but I think spear cavalry countering sword cavalry doesn't make sense; it's backward. Swords > Spears (I know this isn't always the case -- in DE, in one of the few instances where I did extensive countering balance, I went to great pains to make a single swordsman murder a single spearman, but with auras and such I made massed spearmen be able to hold their own against massed swordsmen, still lose but not as badly).
  7. All melee cav should have some bonus vs. siege, IMHO. @borg- please tell me you increased the attack speed of spear cav.
  8. Nice. That's what I did in Delenda Est as well. <PreferredClasses datatype="tokens">Soldier Gates</PreferredClasses> <RestrictedClasses datatype="tokens">MercenaryCamp Ship</RestrictedClasses> I also removed their crush attack and went strictly with hack attack. You'll see there too that I restricted melee units from attacking ships. It solved some weird unit behaviors on naval maps where melee units would try to reach enemy ships within vision range only to then get stuck at the shoreline to get massacred by ship arrows.
  9. My problem with the Comitium is that it's ugly and would look weird for a Civic Center. But I'm not the artist, he or she can really do what they want. I think the new Roman barracks needs redone too.
  10. I wish this could be done manually in Atlas. I also wish wallsets worked in Atlas. But alas.
  11. Hmm. There are a couple of complications to the new D1782 commit. Namely the fact that you have to modify an existing bonus, you can't add a new bonus. To get around this, I was going to give the unit an initial 1x bonus and now I can modify that with a tech. Perhaps your tooltips can ignore 1x bonuses.
  12. While I appreciate improvements to the code https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/22345#file0 It's really starting to get hard to keep these files up to date. What would it take to get the team to add @Freagarach's changes to UnitAI, if indeed those changes are all that are needed? And if you'd like capturable/controllable horses in the core game, I can provide those no problem. You don't need a comprehensive solution right away. Just something that works well and can be expanded/extended/tweaked later. For instance, the proposed line changes allow horses to be captured and controlled, but once captured and moved to your base, they still wander around (like the player's sheep do). To make them garrisonable in corrals requires some other line changes, but those could be a different patch if necessary (but if those line changes aren't too many, they could possibly be bundled with the controllable changes).
  13. I think the film 300 gives the impression of a giant cliff and a super narrow pass along the sea, plus some kind of weird narrow "gate" caused by two mountains. There was a cliff there, which had since fallen into the sea and then silted over by the nearby river, but that was only a part of the pass. All my life, I've wanted to see THIS heroic battle on the silver screen: Not this:
  14. Nice renders, but I hope the icon backgrounds aren't beige.
  15. Standardization is key to recognizability. It's low key why you want tall thing in back.
  16. A "call to arms" button would be cool, which arms your nearby villagers to militia. And then a "back to work" button that turns them back to villagers once the enemy has been repulsed. That would be more of a Delenda Est thing though, since core game doesn't have "Villagers" and DE does.
  17. Rome's and Egypt's can be slightly stronger (maybe a 10% buff) since they were a trained force, but other factions can easily have a "Peasant Militia" or something similar which is quasi-historical.
  18. It is quite simple to edit or make new actor files. They are only small XML files and are shockingly easy to read. So, reusing existing assets like props and textures is a snap.
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