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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The awkward part was the developer's response, "Dont you all have phones? *giggle*" Pretty tone deaf to your audience. They obviously already knew their fans weren't going to like the answer.
  2. Nice. For the "low poly" game version, perhaps have the front and back halves be props which break apart when sinking, as if the center of the ship has buckled.
  3. That's because in Public mod "unlimited" population is actually something like 10,000 and not truly unlimited. In DE, I simply remove that pretense.
  4. I am not sure, but definitely check out the fighter plane cheat unit's template for possible clues.
  5. DE will only work properly with skirmish maps. I am no good with random map scripting.
  6. For DE (and maybe 0 a.d. part 2) I think the current Roman CC is more appropriate for the Imperial ("Principate") Romans, while a new slightly more modest CC could be made for the Republican Romans.
  7. The current Roman CC is fine. But if you made the CCs upgrade in appearance for town and city phase, then the current CC would definitely be city phase.
  8. Best to just download the ones from the in-game browser. I think it tells you which release each one is compatible with. That or go to http://0ad.mod.io
  9. This is important as well as lack of someone to come along and create 2 distinct civ profiles (Celtiberi vs. Lusitanians).
  10. If we had battalions this would all probably be a moot discussion. Though I am sure battalions would have their own exploits we'd have to work on.
  11. Even in all of those references there is not much variation in the gear or fashion. The game already has representations of most of those unit textures. Though, like you said, they could definitely be updated for consistent quality! They could totally use more and new shield variants, textures and models.
  12. Pedantry. Purple was chosen for hero portraits to easily tell them apart from other classes of units. The ad hoc justification was that purple was seen as a royal or elite color due to its expense. Quibble about the historicity if you want to, but for gameplay purposes I think hero portraits should have some purple. The reasoning is sound. Also, let's not pick apart every portrait for eye color and pupil shape, unless the sources specifically mention it.
  13. I sympathize with the "manpower" aspect, but civs like the Han, Zaps, and Xions are already largely complete.
  14. Just have a check function in 5he code to ensure the mod's installed. If not, it could fail with a simple dialog or ask the player if they want to DL the mod from modio.
  15. Right, but I think if someone is loading a saved game or replay the order of the mods should be recorded in the file and the mods ordered and loaded properly by the engine upon launching the replay or saved game. Don't know how difficult this is however.
  16. Thanks for the insight @Nescio. I was struggling to understand what "Epiphanes" meant. Megas and Nicator are quite simple to translate.
  17. I would say make sure to do these in layers, so that the standard background can be applied. This looks nice though.
  18. I think the issue is that the replay or saved game should just load the mods in the proper order when launched.
  19. I don't think one precludes the other. Sure, if there are a ton of civs then players will figure out which civs are better than the others and use those in multiplayer if all they care about is win:loss ratios, but that will happen regardless of how many civs the game has. It happened in Starcraft with every single new patch that was released where top players bounced back and forth from Zerg and Protoss, and that game had the absolute minimum of civs. This cannot be avoided. As @Sundiata mentioned, you can macro balance with culture groups and then tweak that a little on the civ scale for interest. Cultural groups would be maybe 6? Not hard to balance from that POV.
  20. The Royal Stoa building was just kind of ill-conceived from the get go. Stoas should have more of civic function (like in Delenda Est), not serve as another barracks. Thracian sword duders make sense for both Seleucia and Macedon, notsomuch for Athens and Sparta.
  21. I too had also thought to give their cavalry a build function. In the actor it would work just like the meat gathering does. The horse would stand aside while the rider goes to ground and hammers the foundation.
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