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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Cool idea, but probably would be best to emulate the actual topography of the battle site. The ancient shoreline would have been at the highway on the right. We are looking in the direction the Spartans would have been looking. These tourists are descending the hill upon which the defenders gave their last stand.
  2. Not necessarily. A basic tunic is a basic tunic. You don't need some elaborate texture for a militia dude with a club or pointy stick.
  3. <Upgrade> <Tower1> <Entity>structures/{civ}_stone_tower</Entity> <Tooltip></Tooltip> <Cost> <wood>50</wood> <stone>50</stone> </Cost> <Time>10</Time> </Tower1> <Tower2> <Entity>structures/{civ}_wooden_tower</Entity> <Tooltip></Tooltip> <Cost> <wood>50</wood> <stone>50</stone> </Cost> <Time>10</Time> </Tower2> </Upgrade>
  4. You should also put both upgrades wrapped within the same component. So no need to double up on <Upgrade> just use it once.
  5. There's currently no way to do this without modding the code. There is the spy tech that does this, but it is very narrow in scope.
  6. I think the neck hole on the bronze armor is too big. Otherwise it looks nice.
  7. Nah, looks fine. I think the fold lines are too dark though (they look like stripes atm). It's quilted linen.
  8. Nice. Maybe the center boss you can take from a shield already in the game?
  9. I am not sure. For the faction symbol, it'll probably be white, but for shields and stuff, maybe player color.
  10. Some of the stuff looks good, but I can't vouch for the realism. This guy sketched some stuff.
  11. I think there needs to be a different set of sounds for an arrow miss as opposed to an arrow strike. So, an arrow hitting the ground shouldn't sound like an arrow hitting a soldier. Also, the "Fwop" sound for all projectiles sounds super cartoony. Just some observations.
  12. Click clickclickclickklikkclikccklickliclikcikliclick
  13. I like that the knocked back units have to "stand up" before they re-enter combat. I would say that they need a little more variation in the standing up animation. Right now it looks unnatural for all units to kind of "chair up" in the same way. Hands and knees, one foot forward, stepping upward and righting oneself would look better.
  14. I looked at Millennium AD the other night to check out the buildings again. There are things I like about the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Carolingian building sets, but the textures are all incompatible. The Civic Centers need work the most (not quite up to snuff compared to core game models). I think using them as placeholder art would work though.
  15. Germanic head references, for any artist who is willing. I think these models can just be edits of the existing models (ideally), and can be added to the core game probably. Ponytails The game has a ponytail male head model and beareded head models, but not together. Germans definitely would benefit from bearded head models + maybe a couple of ponytail variations (props?). Above: 2 variations. Ponytail on back of head and ponytail closer to crown. Above: Some ponytail variants at the top of the head. Short. Suebian Knot This would be specific to the Suebi faction units. This is a knot of hair off to the side (right side?) of the head. Maybe 2 variants, one lower and one higher. Braided Female Hair models It would be cool to have unique head models for the Germanic women. Perhaps 3 or 4 variants. Above: Says "Vikings" but I think would be apropos for Germanic women as well (Nordic and Germanic peoples are related)
  16. Would an artist be willing to make some Germanic head models? Mainly, we're talking about ponytails+beards, Suebian knots+beards, and maybe 3 female head variants. References to follow. Any helmets will come later.
  17. For the Suebians, I'm thinking a more "early" interpretation for their look, with the hexagonal shields and low instance of armor. If I were to add the Goths, they'd be a later interpretation. Right, a wooden longhouse is a wooden longhouse. For gameplay purposes, I think some kind of fortification would be necessary. Probably wooden. Any walls would be a wooden stockade, halfway in strength between palisades and stone walls. Thematically, I'd go for a more "settled" interpretation for their gameplay, with territories, etc. While the later Goths would have some "nomadic civ" elements, like ox cart dropsites, etc. Heroes could be Ariovistas, Arminius, and?
  18. That is a large time frame. Would unit types and equipment have changed greatly in the intervening years? What about architecture?
  19. Hmm, that looks more like a Champion "Extraordinarius" to me, what with the groin and shoulder pteruges. Certainly use that texture for them! For a rank-n-file citizen soldier (advanced Hastatus or advanced Eques), I think a subarmalis would look more like this upper body piece: Certainly others may have their own interpretations.
  20. That is called the subarmalis. It is theorized it can be used as padding underneath many types of armor such as chain and mail. I don't see why it couldn't be worn under pectorals.
  21. You're also referencing the balance notes of a feature complete released game. There is much debate still about the final feature list of the game.
  22. I wouldn't mind the Palace of Darius, but what to do with the Apadana structure?
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