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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I don't see evidence they were used as granaries. Source? Wind catchers could be a nice upgrade. I want to keep these simple though. The mod is already quite complex.
  2. It's possible, but incredibly mundane. Don't like extra nice UI elements?
  3. I'd like to give to the Persians a small special building called "Yakhchāl" or "Ice House" in English. 3 model variations would be nice. Build limit of 5. Adds +5% health to all units with an aura. They would get 1 as their special starting structure. Persian units could have a -20% train time buff (or have extra training techs to this effect), but a -10% health debuff. Building Yakchals would mitigate this and adds a nice cultural touch.
  4. What if... what if... at the start of the match, similar to Hyrule Conquest, you choose a hero to lead your civ. That hero gives you different choices at each phase up.
  5. "Cisterns" seems more like it should be a technology rather than an actual buildable structure. (as always, see Persians in Delenda Est, lol) I'd looove it if we could give to the Persians a small special building called "Yakhchāl" or "Ice House" in English. We should get rid of the weird "Tacara" object and give them something more unique like this. 3 model variations would be nice. Build limit of 5. Adds +5% health to all units with an aura. If special starting structures are implemented in core game, they can start with 1. Persian units could have a -20% train time buff (or have extra training techs to this effect), but a -10% health debuff. Building Yakchals would mitigate this and adds a nice cultural touch. Either that, or someone could help me add them to Delenda Est instead.
  6. FYI for you -- that documentation is at this very moment in the process of being rewritten.
  7. Balancing isn't like submitting code on phabricator. Others have tried explaining it to you that this isn't some AAA or any other kind of commercial game development enterprise. When balancing an alpha game, nothing is "out of scope," especially when it is essentially one guy doing his best to make something good out of the gameplay. The team can choose to implement the whole mod, parts of it, or none at all. The team could choose to delegate the gameplay and balancing to him, someone else, a small team of balancers, or no one at all. None of this is "out of scope" as long as that's how the team wants it done. So, that argument is largely invalid. How can you say "this" or "that" doesn't belong in a game which is still in alpha? lol, come on.
  8. I've wanted this forever. I call it "shuttle speed." That way you can make pikemen and skirmishers shuttle their resources at the same speed and reduce the economic differences between them (Delenda Est gets rid of soldiers gathering resources because of this and many other issues, so is a moot point for my mod; important to implement for core game).
  9. No, I think cow wants a tech which adds a static +X health. I could see this being used as a power-up or health potion type thing.
  10. I don't know what it is. It just looks less "balanced" than the old one, like you took the old one, mirrored it, and made it worse somehow. lol. Sorry if I can't quite put my finger on it. While I still have an interest in architecture and an eye for aesthetics, I haven't taken Architectural theory in 17 years.
  11. Movement is really bugged, my dudes. Units facing wrong direction when chopping trees, etc. too.
  12. Actually, it was a problem with DE's UnitAI.js. It was missing the last 10 lines for some reason. I have noticed something though. Since the pathing changes, animal wandering looks glitchy. They just twitch around in place instead of wandering. They also won't move off of foundations (same with units). And if a unit is accidentally waypointed off the edge of the map, he won't continue on to his next waypoints. Edit #5: Chasing and attacking is severely bugged now too.
  13. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/22356
  14. Might just need an autobuild of the exe actually now that I think about it.
  15. I sympathize with your view here. I have also said that since the game is still in Alpha that the team should not be so afraid to experiment (especially when it pertains to simply editing balancing stats). But I could foresee some kind of balancing group who tries out different balancing mods and then submits requested changes. That way the core game isn't affected and then near the end of the development cycle, the group decides on which mod to fold into the core game.
  16. Tripod from War of the Worlds. Would be awesome if it had an AOE gas attack, heat rays, and creepy sound effects. Oooo-la. Oooo-la.
  17. Getting this after latest svn update.
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