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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Honestly, at most each of those weapons should only need about 3 variants for proper visual variation.
  2. This is very handy. It seems clear now that the Apadana should be upgraded to the Wonder. The columns are more visible than I thought (had to see the building from an "RTS" angle to make sure). The current Apadana special building could maybe be renamed to Tachara and still used for its current purpose or relegated to an Atlas structure.
  3. I think the only type of terrain that it's worth using parallax is cliffs or chunky rock textures. That's about it.
  4. As worded it is essentially a cc0 license. We can attribute anyway since the project in general is pro attribution.
  5. You should try Delenda Est. It changes just about everything, so should give you delight in figuring your rankings.
  6. Having both options available wouldn't be bad. As mentioned, custom names could be useful for campaigns and whatnot, and there are a significant number of players that like this kind of roleplaying. I was the one originally which pushed for a UI option that gets rid of specific names, as I felt they cluttered up the UI a bit. Moving the specific names to the unit viewer would be ideal, but this is a different topic.
  7. Hmm, with the towers sticking up like you have it, it looks more like a fortress than @Enriques version. He probably used the towers on his to invoke architectural elements from elsewhere rather than to insinuate defensiveness. Also the texturing on the ramp looks a lot better on his (the red player color parts).
  8. The Gate of All Nations was slated to also include the monumental ramp and other stuff. As designed it was quite interesting:
  9. You've not seen the Ptol lighthouse in game? It's mostly good, would just need some tweaks for accuracy and scaled up a bit. Maybe some texture work too. Lol
  10. Look at it this way. 1 single unit has a texture of 256x256 plus multiple other textures: 256x256x3 for hoplite shields, plus a 128x128x3 for helmets etc. And this wonder will be something like 25 times the size of a unit, and will be un-animated and not rigged. Then I think 3 1024x1024 textures would be permitted. What say you @Stan`?
  11. Might have been fixed for alpha 24. I woukd suggest a solution (delete your cache) but someone else might have a better solution. @Angen @Stan` @wraitii @Ykkroshjk
  12. Well, the lumber camps and farmsteads you capture would take a little bigger footprint and be more eyecandyish and detailed. But yeah, I like DEs method but I was trying to find something slightly different for EA.
  13. It has a combo, storehouse and farmstead called the Granary.
  14. OIC, probably an AI error with the Nuba faction. They're a minifaction with not as many buildings as all the others.
  15. I suggest we use recently committed Hero Selection code to differentiate some civs. While non-branching civs use the code to choose hero, branching civs use it to choose a branch, each with 1 or 2 possible heroes. Iberians are the best example for branching for sure (Iberians, Celt-Iberians, Lusitanians). I would preferrrrr a separate civ entirely for the Lusitanians, but the code is now there for branching. There's a lot of ways to present this, and not every civ needs to do it the same way. For instance, in DE the Spartans branch slightly when you choose Cleomenes III as your hero. Choosing him removes hoplites and replaces them with phalangites and he unlocks walls. So, for Iberians if you choose Variathus it could swap in a different building set and a slightly different unit roster.
  16. The Carthaginians Liby-Phoenician Sailors and Colonizers. Mortal enemies of Rome. (Above: Hero selection for Carthage) Hamilcar Barca: The scion of the Barca family and conqueror of Spain Xanthippus of Sparta: Mercenary general who saved Carthage from itself Hannibal Barca: The famous son of Carthage who took the fight to Rome Maharbal, son of Himilco: The brash and valiant cavalry commander of Carthage The Citizens of Carthage: The rich and powerful political class of Carthage The Subject Peoples of Carthage: Conquered or Enslaved by the growing sphere of Carthage, they are forced to toil for Carthage and collect the resources vital to its trading empire
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