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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Excellent feedback on the Han. I'll have some ideas tonight on how to address them. I may do some reading and revamp the heroes a little. The intention was indeed to have the Imperial Court not train citizens anymore. Perhaps the function of the upgrade can be revisited. Perhaps the Imperial Court unlocks heroes there but also increases the speed of the entire production queue substantially so that training and research there is super fast. Then we can limit the upgrade to just 1 civic center.
  2. Fixing this now. Thanks for the report. I have ideas on how to fix this, but it will be slightly messy on the backend and a little hacky. Can you step by step this for me? It would help to reproduce and create a fix.
  3. Can you point to some examples or a wiki page or any documentation for the feature?
  4. Honestly, the Apadana of Darius is a rather simple building geometrically.
  5. They are working for me locally. What did the re-export fix with the others?
  6. @Stan` think they're usable? @wackyserious, @AIEND is right. I have not seen any reference to calf/shin armor. If we remove that from the textures that would be good. And then we can adjust the pant-boot position to match the puffy part of the mesh.
  7. Right. I would think it would only apply to a special unit: "Scythian Hunter" or "Xiongnu Scout" or something like this.
  8. It's mostly a joke idea. Though, I could see giving a falcon actor circling over a Scythian or Xiongnu scout unit to symbolize their hunting prowess.
  9. Using the m_armor_nomad_e.dae mesh from Terra Magna gives us the neck collar and geometry for the upper-arm armor. Also, the legs puff out at the knees with this mesh like in a lot of the references: The neck collar part would just need the UV map adjusted.
  10. Siege Tower and Traction Trebuchet already in the game and looking good. Just need a new skin/model for the Battering Ram. Perhaps use the Greek battering ram model as a base and then add Han Chinese styling. Could maybe even use the same skeleton and animations. Shoushe Nu bolt shooter already removed.
  11. The Gastraphetes, aka Bellybow, animations for the Macedonians could suffice.
  12. I think the difference between the 2 new ones is starker than the difference between the 2 old ones. Default, Attack, Attack-Move
  13. I asked @Stan` about the prospect of adding the armored body meshes from Terra Magna.
  14. Repeating Crossbow was invented in the 4th century BC: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Repeating_crossbow#/History
  15. This was why I wanted to give the champion infantry a long sword:
  16. 1. I can remove the shield from the champion cavalry very easily. I can also give them "cataphract" animations. I will say the Roman cavalry used shields, so are not a good example. Imperial Roman cavalry even used large oval shields, not just small round shields. 2. My justification for giving them a ceremonial long sword is because they are supposed to be "palace guards." If we can justify it, I wish we can keep the longswords. 3. I don't think any units have greaves. What some of them have are lamellar scales. 4. I made a post in that thread that may help us decide which helmets go with which textures.
  17. Can help us by recommending the right helmets with the right armor?
  18. I would like to update the cursors in the game. My first attempt was controversial. So I am trying this approach. My first attempt was a custom spearhead created by me with layers in Phtotoshop. Some vehemently detested it, saying they refuse to use a spearhead to select a tree. Fair enough. Spearheads aren't pointy enough, so an arrowhead it is! Behold: What say you?
  19. The elite Persian archer in the game wears a pointed bronze helmet.
  20. Trash units should be a bit less IMHO. But 0 a.d. has the citizen soldier complications as well.
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