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Everything posted by GunChleoc

  1. I think it would make sense having yes / no in the same order the language writes - so yes = left for LTR languages, yes = right for RTL languages, and yes = top for top-down languages (in case we ever support these)
  2. Maybe this page can help? http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hack_and_slash. It's about the genre, but you have terms for both "hack" and "slash" in there. Here's a list of attack types I collected for my translation work - when you translate, make sure you find terms for the whole field. You should also look at how other games translate these terms, e.g. Battle for Wesnoth. pierce piercing impact energyarcanecoldslashingranged attackmelee attackbladefiresmashgazeglaiveshieldhackbucklershield bashnaphtha attackfire arrow
  3. I actually pointed the team to this thread when we were making our decision about software rendering... it's gone now, and the game is running much faster as a result
  4. Can you please attach the saved game file here?
  5. This has actually been discussed before. The result way always that the developers don't want to add another resource, and they have a reason for it. Everybody seems to think of "metal" as "iron", but it is supposed to represent metal in general, including gold. The in-game icon certainly suggests that it represents iron - maybe a different icon can be found, e.g. a pair of metal/gold ingots?
  6. I tried to message you, but it seems like you need a few posts before you can use the messaging system. Could you post an e-mail address or something?
  7. This translator does, because I don't have a bigger screen. It would make it harder to work on tweaking translations if I was forced to use full screen mode. The best way to deal with translations that are too long is to have dynamic realignment of the GUI elements, however, that's not easy to program. So, the best we can do is to make bug reports where we can't make our translations fit, so that the devs can see about changing the width of the element that's causing the problem.
  8. If we want to use the collar for team color, maybe it would work like this: * Basic - Simple collar. * Advanced - Spiked collar. * Elite - Spiked collar. Body paint.
  9. The implementation could be similar to a binary search tree: Every node (= tech) would have a left child and/or a right child (except for the leaves), but instead of just one parent, every node would have a left parent and a right parent (except for the root node).
  10. Looks like these strings are presented in the host's language.
  11. Can't GUI elements be organized into vectors or something? Positioning would then be done in relation to the previous element. The hard part might be to have a scroll bar when there are more elements than fit the screen. If it's integrated into the game, i18n will be easy - the coding has been done, and it's probably just a matter of marking strings for translation. A separate web module is where the work would be.
  12. I just had another idea: How much work would it be to add i18n to this? If it can be done, make sure that there is an explicit menu to choose the language as well, since browsers like to screw up the preferred language setting.
  13. Looks great There's one technical glitch - on the lowest row, the tooltips get cropped on small screens. As a feature idea, display what the technologies do on the tooltips.
  14. That might be - I'm a team of 1, so I don't know what the setup is for collaboration.
  15. Translation into Spanish is done here: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/0ad/language/es/ I don't know if you would be interested in joining the team, that way you could fix strings like that yourself.
  16. If it's not going to be used as a wonder, we might as well remove the stone circle and make it walkable. What would we use as a wonder though? I had a look here: http://www.stone-circles.org.uk/stone/ but as far as I can see it's all settlements and burial sites. The White Horse is the only thing that really sticks out.
  17. Your English is very good though, so that doesn't count
  18. That's bad. Is there a way to find out who did these and talk to them?
  19. And English speakers should try not to use too many abbreviations, because machine translation and dictionaries will have a problem with them. ofc = "of course"
  20. Thanks, I know what to do now. I'll translate this as "Is it or isn't it?"
  21. We usually expand questions with a standard verb to make this happen,because most projects don't allow individual translation of yes/no. It would help me to see such a message on screen to make sense of this string - wouldn't there be 2 buttons to click anyway, so why is this string there at all? A screenshot or instructions on how to trigger this string would help me.
  22. I have a string question. gui-ingame.pot gui/session/dialogs/yes_no.xml:15 (caption) "Yes or no?" My language has no words for yes/no. We use the positive/negative form of the verb that was used in the question instead (Portuguese speakers will know what I'm talking about, but I don't have any Sim/Não type alternative to use). So, I need some context here.
  23. If you think of the engineering involved, the palisades above the arch aren't rammed into anything, so they wouldn't hold. Maybe let them go all the way down into the irverbed and space them apart a bit, so that the water can flow between them? I was unable to find any references though, and this wouldn't work on big rivers anyway.
  24. We already had another thread about the same topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18696 Merge?
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