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Everything posted by GunChleoc

  1. You started your original post with "This post is about the name game." So, how about " The name game" as a thread title?
  2. The drops dp look a bit weird - maybe they're curving in the wrong direction? One would assume that the liquid would flow down before starting to drip, not up.
  3. Maybe best archive this thread and repace it with a new one containing up-to-date instructions?
  4. Also, give the section a non-techy name, e.g. "Get more civilizations". There was a discussion at Battle for Wesnoth recently about users not using the "Add-ons" button. Of course, not all mods are civilization packs, but that's the general idea.
  5. It is nice and crisp now - I think it looks too dark though. Probably best grab a few icons and position them around the icon you're working on to make the brigtness/contrast/saturation click?
  6. I agree - the maps could have tags added to them to signal which victory conditions they support for those victory conditions that are potentially unsuitable for some maps.
  7. I linked to on Facebook. The link itself is working, but the Facebook preview says: 400 Bad request
  8. This is actually not an argument for or against - a word can have more than one maning. For example, you can dance at a "ball" or throw it.
  9. You can use any software you want to create the textures. It's best to deliver the content in a free format though - png will do nicely in this case.
  10. There are 212 translatable strings that use the word "bonus", so it is conceivable that we will need a term. Some term ideas: deduction handicap
  11. @Orpheuis: The best way to get something added to a FLOSS project is to help making it. Simply demanding something will get you nowhere, because developing anything at all will take a long time. If adding the Tracians is that important to you, prove it by helping to create them. Once you have a working Mod, we can take it from there.
  12. Actually, they are both Latin words. While "malus" is pretty uncommon, it is not unheard of: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/malus I just don't like "penalty", but I can't come up with anything better either at the moment.
  13. According to that source, Brihent would be appropriate for a single unit, and Brihentin for cavalry in general (singular vs. plural/mass noun).
  14. Then bonus is also not a real English word... a penalty is something one gets after having done something wrong, so I don't think that it would be more appropriate than malus. deduction?
  15. I think if we wait for all translations to be 100% confirmed correct, we will never finish the voices. If a phrase or 2 needs fixing and the original voice actor isn't available anymore, having different voices is not a problem IMO.
  16. Maybe a rolling autosave would be nice here, e.g. have the latest 5-10 saves available?
  17. I think using actual Gallic will be very difficult, because we only have a few fragments for it. I think using Gaelic as substitute for Brythonic and Brythonic as substitute for Gallic would work. I'll dig up the translations and have a go at recording them with a mix of Scottich and Irish accent.
  18. I can only do modern Scottish Gaelic. We did ask somebody to translate into Goidelic one though, it's somewhere on the general voices thread.
  19. Sorry, I don't speak ancient languages at all.
  20. Tölt is NOT trot, and only a few horse breeds can do it. The German word for trot is "Trab" or "traben". English for Tölt is "pace".
  21. The first one is better - the background in the second one is very noisy. You could make the background better by lowering contrast/satturation/lightness. Just play with the settings and see what happens.
  22. Everybody is more familiar with px, but it is bad practice to define sizes with pixels, because it makes it harder for the user to change. For example, if I can't see very well, I might want to make the fonts bigger - if fontsize is defined with px instead of em, ex or %, this gets much harder, especially if I'm using an old browser. Of course, margins and paddings aren't that important for legibility
  23. Em is a size unit relative to the font size, roughly the width of the letter "m".
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