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Everything posted by GunChleoc

  1. Congratulations on getting the OS X version to work
  2. You can follow the progress here - there are still some problems to figure out, and one ven never tell how long (or hopefully short ) these things take.
  3. I think the list in the first post looks good How does modding work? We should also consider making it easy adding the translation of mods in the future by dropping extra po files in the folder. So, apart from size, splitting by civ might make sense for that, maybe?
  4. Non-English-speaking Europeans might have less trouble though... Austria in German is "Österreich", which is very different from "Australien"
  5. Where does the string "Unload %(name)s" appear in the game? I need some more context for translation gui/session/unit_commands.js:459
  6. I first used women to hunt, because I didn't understand that I can use the cavalry to do that. It works fine with cavalry
  7. If you're stuck with a particular entry, post it here and we will help.
  8. They sound good to me, but as I said, I don't speak Latin. It does fit with what I know about Romance languages though. Maybe you could slow down "fight" a bit, it is very fast.
  9. I'm no Latin expert, but 2 thing struck me here: Wouldn't it make sense that "ae" is an diphthong? The English pronunciation of the letters "i" an "e" are an aberration, because of the great vowel shift some centuries ago. Better pronounce them as in any Romance language I guess, as and [e].
  10. Done http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2575
  11. Some Alpha 16 Screenshots in Gaelic language
  12. Thanks to everyone for getting this release out
  13. The number displayes on screen is correct, but the plural form is not. I had already double-checked the PO file to make sure it's not a translation error. http://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js var playerString = sprintf(translatePlural("%(number)s player. %(description)s", "%(number)s players. %(description)s", numPlayers), { number: numPlayers, description: description });This is the line in current trunk, I have no idea if changes have been made since the release was packaged or not. I simply quoted the code reference in the PO file This line of code looks correct as far as I can tell, so no idea what is wrong here.
  14. I'm having a problem with the following string on the Gaelic translation: gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:1231 %(number)s players. %(description)sFor 3 players, it fetches the wrong plural form - either the one for 1,11 or the one for 2,12 We have had problems with some software defining the wrong plural rules for gd, could you please double-check this? nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;
  15. I have no clue how packaging works and I am always when I see what you are doing. Just one note on the translations: Since I'm not sure what you mean by "approved+reviewed", I hope you dont mean set to "reviewed" on Transifex, because we would lose a couple of languages right now. Use whatever the i18n team has committed to SVN, all those translated strings should be good enough. If I understand correctly, they have only added the languages that have hit the 90% mark and everything has been submitted to a quick check to see that there are no problems.
  16. I don't know where to put this, so I'm listing here where I will need more space for Gaelic: Language -> Advanced -> Auto detect Options: first column. This might be solved by having more space between options when there is an overflow I have tweaked all the other strings that are too long, so if you could pull Gaelic one more time from Transifex befoe the release, it would be great.
  17. You could have a warning in debug mode only, so you can then tell the localizers that something's wrong in ICU for their language. I will definitely be working on getting my language into their default package now that I know it's missing.
  18. I have just had another idea: rather than adding exceptions for locales that don't exist, we should use a default locale if the validation fails, but still load the translations fot the desired language. Actually ICU does have a fallback procedure according to their homepage: http://userguide.icu-project.org/locale#TOC-Fallback
  19. We checked the chart and it's there, but we also lack a locale for Latin, which they have not listed. So, I dug around and found this: http://userguide.icu-project.org/locale No idea if this helps Concerning the script, Gaelic should be fine with the same codepage as French for now.
  20. I just managed to hit the 90% mark and I hope I'm still in time for getting into the SVN?
  21. Vision range is what is used everywhere else. We should stick with that for consistency.
  22. Yes, string freeze is blocking any changed for the moment; we should still keep track of these somehow though. I have another one: civs/hele.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description LOS is not defined anywhere. I have no idea what it means and neither will the player. There is another LOS in the options (gui/options/options.js:21 "Smooth LOS"), but that will be something technical. ETA: I have had a look at the German translation, it seems to be "vision range"
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