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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. Just a matter of being there when the wheel was invented (wrote my first code in the 60's) Enjoy the Choice
  2. Most likely trying to avoid reinventing the wheel as their lots of python libraries for networking/server apps and the fact that python does not need to be complied means that the development cycle is faster. Enjoy the Choice
  3. Or both net and rod as variants yeah more work. Enjoy the Choice
  4. Sure they where primitive/simple peasants but not stupid do something for four hours a day you get better or you break so efficiency of the stroke in independent of our own cultural assumptions period. Enjoy the Choice
  5. That would depend on the culture you are creating ie: if it's a an armour upgrade the blacksmith if that culture has one or if you want it to work in the early phases choose one of the buildings from the village phase. Enjoy the Choice
  6. Yeah lots of laptops use dual GPU's now cheaper on the manufacturing side but it can be a @#$% when they don't behave.Getting them to work on Linux can be tiresome. Enjoy the Choice
  7. Try turning on GLSL in the options as you have an Intel GPU if I remember correctly that should deal with the artefacts you are seeing before it crashes. Enjoy the Choice
  8. Most of the relative stats for each type of unit has been the object discussion for over a 100 yrs since the beginning of table-top war gaming much simpler than reinventing the wheel look up some on that research then adapt it for 0AD's combat stat system. Enjoy the Choice
  9. For managing map sharing in the lobby how about PGP signatures for verification not sure on the added overhead. Enjoy the Choice
  10. That would require damage animations maybe three or more to take into account direction of collision lot of work for low gain so it will most likely remain low priority Enjoy the Choice
  11. Very few Linux firewall rules include anti-virus software and then they mostly pertaining to out going traffic ie: clamav on out-going e-mail so your Windows friends don't get a virus Enjoy the Choice
  12. Thx for the update on Netbeans I don't really like Java based apps on Linux as I was a fedora user for so long and installing Oracle's Java version was most often a real pain. Enjoy the Choice
  13. Try the codeblocks IDE as the updateworkspaces script gives you a full project folder for it BTW Netbeans is for Java not C++ and javascript Enjoy the Choice
  14. Like all the colour Trinketos almost all mesoamerican civs used lots of paint on their buildings. Enjoy the Choice
  15. The Celts also used Scythed chariots quite effectively against the Greeks during their campaign down the peninsula to sack Delphi. Theirs were just driver and one warrior throwing spears or arrows one of their favourite tricks was balancing between the horses on the chariot's tongue and hacking at anything that came their way. Enjoy the Choice
  16. Hi gameboy when you run the updateworkspaces.bat add --with Atlas if I remember correctly check the build instructions on the wiki for the options that can be passed to the update script for the correct syntax and all the details,luck to you ! Enjoy the Choice
  17. Lots of references for women warriors in Celtic cultures the tribal laws where quite equal in their dealing with gender including about 8 different marriage/partnership arrangements with means of handling the property of both members.Not many women actually trained exclusivity as warriors but is was always an option for any female.All this can be found in the Celtic sagas in their various translations. Enjoy the Choice
  18. I like the Mauryans just love those elephants though I also like the Han from Rise of the East. Enjoy the Choice
  19. Gaia's fauna do have an very primitive behaviour prey flee and the predators hunt lost a few spearman in the early game when I didn't notice a predator close to the trees they were chopping.Boars are also very aggressive. Enjoy the Choice
  20. That does make some sense for the predators but that would also need an AI component lets not pile on the work now BTW the lion,tigers,wolves and boar will attack given the opportunity now Enjoy the Choice
  21. Yeah seen the RC announcement like the double level pie menu good short cut for me with my post stroke issues on my left side. Enjoy the Choice
  22. That is a known issue and mentioned in the know issues thread that is pinned on one of the first pages of the forum it is caused by the pathfinder routine that every unit on screen uses to move about so more units on screen the more lag it is being worked on it is not a trivial problem to solve. Try playing on smaller maps with a low population cap to keep the problem manageable BTW if you had searched you would have found that it is one of the most common first questions Welcome to the community if you have any other question do feel free to ask them we don't bite except while playing multi-player games Enjoy the Choice
  23. Stripped to the essence it works. Enjoy the Choice
  24. Guilty as charged leper just not fast enough at building an early economy I'd get beaten badly so no multi-player yet getting stomped by the AI is bad enough But I have been moderating/admin a forum for about 6 years now thought I'd put my 1/2 cent in. Enjoy the Choice
  25. Clear and concise no ambiguities and placing it as part of the lobby registration makes it universal for all users now to roll it out and watch the fur fly Enjoy the Choice
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