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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. The pathfinder does what it's name suggests it finds a path between where a unit is and where you clicked on the map as where you what it to go it is used for all unit movement so it has to know what a road is and the AI also needs it so it can move the civ that it controls. Enjoy the Choice
  2. It still needs the pathfinder to understand that their is a road on the map till the pathfinder is mature enough this is not possible. Enjoy the Choice
  3. Not much info here since you mention running as administrator I assume you are using a Window variant so what are you doing trying to run the game or install it. Enjoy the Choice
  4. BTW since he is speculating he can not influence your game at all.All the simulation tasks are calculated on his machine not yours so no effect on lag that will remain till the new pathfinder is ready Enjoy the Choice
  5. A Beast Master champion unit with an influence aura couldn't resist. Enjoy the Choice
  6. The women gather food resources faster but can not build military buildings the military units get a gathering bonus when a female unit is near them. Enjoy the Choice
  7. It is most likely an animation switch glitch ie: wrong reference or no animation defined something of that order anyway. Enjoy the Choice
  8. That error hints that the public zip file(all the game and map data) is corrupted try re-downloading and reinstalling. Enjoy the Choice
  9. Had this issue till I started using Mint's Cinnamon desktop now it just turns off my second monitor with primary monitor in fullscreen mode.Other OpenGL games also behave this way under the Cinnamon desktop. Enjoy the Choice
  10. Pressing the "shift" key does allow batches of 5 which is quite useful I find. Enjoy the Choice
  11. So have the maps in the svn repo been run though the upgrade script. Enjoy the Choice
  12. RBM select must be a blenderhead find myself using RBM select in lots of apps and also prone to use use RMB context menus on he desk top but I agree with sanderd the select/cmd split is more intuitive and consistent with GUI design principles. Enjoy the Choice
  13. Looks just right though it might be a rendered a bit lighter in game so the dirt should be more noticable then. Enjoy the Choice
  14. Might have a look at the Scottish Deerhound as well almost the same characteristics. Enjoy the Choice
  15. The use of "--enablerepo=updates-testing" should be only needed for a week or so things move out of the testing repo pretty quickly on fedora,former fedora user Enjoy the Choice
  16. Well share other newbies will also need that solution Enjoy the Choice
  17. Even when a distro does package a new release it usually takes a day or two for all the mirrors to fully update to the new version if you are using a 'buntu derivative the repo you want is a PPA not the main Ubuntu one as they do not update for new releases. Enjoy the Choice
  18. There is a maya plugin hit the files link the file is called COLLADAMaya 1.4.1 plug-ins the 3DMAX on the front page is just the most popular download Enjoy the Choice
  19. Then apples should be a food resource with a prominent press to get that cider Enjoy the Choice
  20. Open the .bat file with notepad or another text editor and you will see that the map editor is called with pyrogenesis.exe -editor there is no separate exe so to run it you just double click on the Atlas.bat file or create a shortcut pointing to it. Enjoy the Choice
  21. He is quite right the square city idea was the result of 17th and 18th century surveying technology before that laying out a straight line over long distances was just not done as people built just about anywhere they wanted no zoning laws apart from don't aggravate the nobility And no ancient city had regular street grids with the possible exception of Chinese ones as they made defence of the city during a siege and probable defeat at the walls quite problematic random streets helped in the defence. Enjoy the Choice
  22. The colour fading looks right for sun bleaching now a bit of water damage from freeze/thaw cycles Enjoy the Choice
  23. That and the fact that the widows build is 32-bit if you don't compile it yourself your problem could be related to SDL 2.0 which handles creating and managing the windows,the switch to SDL 2 is recent on Windows so there my well be a few bugs in the works yet. Could you have a look at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors so the code team have a bit more data to start the bug squashing task. Enjoy the Choice
  24. Not bad could a bit more distressed(weathered) to blend with the rest of the textures,but that should be just a few tweaks in the Gimp or Krita try using a couple of layers and experimenting. Enjoy the Choice
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