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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. If you do a lot of installing from source have a look at checkinstall lets you clean things up. Enjoy the Choice
  2. Try with a svg icon Lion that way it is completely scalable. Enjoy the Choice
  3. For a quick answer Lion try goggling (your Mac model # Linux) you should get quite a few pages of hits Dual booting is part of the initial install the installer will find your OSX system and setup GRUB the boot loader for dual boot.Your main decision will be how to partition the hard drive for both OSX and Linux they use different files systems.Mint should do just fine check out the different desktops that are available a few are very lite on resources.You should not have to worry all that much about drivers try booting from a LiveCD if it does not find a particular bit a hardware then try a different distro one with a newer kernel(where the drivers live in Linux). Enjoy the Choice
  4. Which one of these so called services will work on all the platforms that is Windows,OSX and Linux/BSD and are they free to use but most important are any compatible with our licence. Enjoy the Choice
  5. I have been senior administrator for the vegastrike project for several years now a space fight sim that supports several mods from the Wing Commander Universe to Star Trek some not that active ATM we are planning to add Ogre3D support to have walkable bases and ship interiors in the future one of the reasons I am fooling around with MakeHuman ATM so that I can have a character creation pipeline in waiting and some facility in using it.we can not use vanilla Ogre3D as it does not have the precision for astronomical distances but as a rendering back end it has several benefits including said walkability and CEGUI. Enjoy the Choice
  6. One that I can think of easy paths to work/drop sites. Enjoy the Choice
  7. Not sure if the source files of the models are in the SVN repo they should be IMO been doing that on a other project I'm involved in for years so that if there any changes in the rendering pipeline can be accommodated from them instead of the derivative ones that are imported into the engine. Enjoy the Choice
  8. There is a plan to move to GIT it's a matter of getting around to it most everyone has been stomping on bugs when ever they jump up. Enjoy the Choice
  9. Have a look at the readme.txt file in the 0AD\biniaries\systems it has all the available cmd line options.Then ckeck Quickstart.bat on how to use them. Enjoy the Choice
  10. And how long has every one said that save games a broken period so till all the serialization errors are fixed don't use them or expect them to behave in a rational manner. Enjoy the Choice
  11. And if you want a 3D character try MakeHuman an other Open source project they are just releasing their Alpha 8 it creates a high poly mesh but there are a couple of low poly proxies for game engine use,it's written in Python and works very well with Blender. Enjoy the Choice
  12. That should be easy enough use this thread or a google docs instance though using the thread as a collector of volunteers might be a bit more manageable
  13. Still have a working 8-bit machine that used a 5.25 inch floppy drive with 2k/track and 40 tracks do the math great little machine if you liked Assembler language or Forth as the MSBasic that came with it sucked big time bug in the string garbage collection routine yeah a memory leak in a 64k address space(it was an easy fix though just had to change one byte in the EPROM) Enjoy the Choice
  14. That should be Bullseye not Eyebull Lion and and lole is not an English word at all good find though. Enjoy the Choice
  15. That behaviour would not be supported on all platforms each of the operating systems has a differing mouse focus rules. Enjoy the Choice
  16. It maybe a GPU driver bug as well. Enjoy the Choice
  17. You might prefer "Battle for Wesnoth" it has more of a RPG feel to it and large maps can be used by linking the story line to several smaller ones it is turn based so that is why it is not an RTS game as 0AD is. Enjoy the Choice
  18. Yeah irfanview is great I used it first with Win95 it was the only free image viewer that I could find back then It's developer has kept it up to date. Enjoy the Choice
  19. To bad that units can't use the bridge yet as that will take walkable meshes. Enjoy the Choice
  20. It was explained a bit earlier in this thread the decision was made several years ago so any change would involve a massive effort to change to an other. Enjoy the Choice
  21. Yes they are under Windows have a look at 0AD's %appdata folder under Linux it's in the .cache folder. Enjoy the Choice
  22. You could save as a TIFF to keep the layers separate IIRC Photoshop can open them. Enjoy the Choice
  23. You really only have to do this for Lap-Tops as they usually have the most custom hardware for which the Linux drivers get spotty as the manufacturer doesn't provide any data to the kernel wizards.The main-board makers have been much more forthcoming in the last couple of years,most of them use Linux in the design stage they don't like paying the M$ tax any more then we do Enjoy the Choice
  24. Do a goggle search UEFI secure boot can be turned off otherwise it would be not legal to sell in the EU as several countries actually use Linux on their gov dept desktops Enjoy the Choice
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