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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. You could save as a TIFF to keep the layers separate IIRC Photoshop can open them. Enjoy the Choice
  2. You really only have to do this for Lap-Tops as they usually have the most custom hardware for which the Linux drivers get spotty as the manufacturer doesn't provide any data to the kernel wizards.The main-board makers have been much more forthcoming in the last couple of years,most of them use Linux in the design stage they don't like paying the M$ tax any more then we do Enjoy the Choice
  3. Do a goggle search UEFI secure boot can be turned off otherwise it would be not legal to sell in the EU as several countries actually use Linux on their gov dept desktops Enjoy the Choice
  4. Just a thought on the updater concept fedora uses delta RPM's which generated the final RPM on the client side,the server side infrastructure is in Python IIRC. Enjoy the Choice
  5. The main requirement for rendering is lots of memory and processing power some of that processing can be off loaded to the GPU with CUDA support (it's built into Blender). Enjoy the Choice
  6. Was wondering when you would find that bit of eye-candy it's been there for a long time. Enjoy the Choice
  7. I think that they are inherently low-poly in reality so having such in game is ok,but they should have an AO map to highlight the brow shadows. Enjoy the Choice
  8. You can sell GPL apps but you have to provide the source code in some way as it is one the main requirements of the licence. Enjoy the Choice
  9. Good Luck minGW is not complete yet so most of the external libraries would need to be compiled as well do get the needed .dll`s that would work with gcc. Enjoy the Choice
  10. I have always believed that the Roman church was just a continuation of the Imperial bureaucracy all the clerks became clerics Enjoy the Choice
  11. As in enjoy the choice of all that Open Source Software been adding to my posts on several forums for a few years now Enjoy the Choice
  12. Not that I can see any comments from the Art Dept guys Enjoy the Choice
  13. looks like you have a ninja turtle on top ; Enjoy the Choice
  14. All work on formations requires that the path-finder works right it does not ATM(why all that lag) so sanderd17 or anyone else can't work on them till it is finished probably not till alpha17 at least it is a hard problem. Enjoy the Choice
  15. I just pay attention to my browser's spell check,though if you are not a native English speaker all the homonyms can be confusing Enjoy the Choice
  16. I use AVG free and it tags several open source projects .exe's as dodgy since I usually know the packager I just add them to the ignore list. Enjoy the Choice
  17. That is a problem for all open source projects not limited to this one Enjoy the Choice
  18. A question to clarify things was the save file saved with the same version ie. an earlier version of the binary? Enjoy the Choice
  19. Try looking at some Mongolian images for some two humped camels. Enjoy the Choice
  20. There is a mod team working on the Han Chinese which is the relevant one for the time period that the game covers ATM not that many cultures where active in the Arabian peninsula in this time period. Enjoy the Choice
  21. Not enough info nero check the .0AD hidden folder for the logs and post those here. Enjoy the Choice
  22. No open a terminal then type/paste in $ ldd /PATH/TO/pyrogenesis | grep glooxthen copy/paste the result here that will allow fabio to figure out what is wrong with the current build. Enjoy the Choice
  23. First you have to have an animation to use so creating in blender comes first,so how are your blender skills After that you edit the relevant .xml files to point to that animation. Enjoy the Choice
  24. That is what we are trying to find out but with out the info fabio requested there is nothing to done as we can not read your mind or what your comp is telling you until you tell us exactly computers are very literal one character out of place and crash,and you haven't provided the offending character yet. Enjoy the Choice
  25. Which driver are you using the "nouveau" Open source it just does not work as well as the one from Nvidia. Enjoy the Choice
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