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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Not sure what causes that particle clipping maybe @vladislavbelov knows.
  2. From the snap stats. 0: {name: 'United States', number_of_users: 2517} 1: {name: 'Germany', number_of_users: 2506} 2: {name: 'France', number_of_users: 1855} 3: {name: 'Spain', number_of_users: 758} 4: {name: 'Italy', number_of_users: 755} 5: {name: 'Brazil', number_of_users: 724} 6: {name: 'Russian Federation', number_of_users: 697} 7: {name: 'United Kingdom', number_of_users: 682} 8: {name: 'India', number_of_users: 538} 9: {name: 'Poland', number_of_users: 500} 10: {name: 'Canada', number_of_users: 492} 11: {name: 'Netherlands', number_of_users: 343} 12: {name: 'Mexico', number_of_users: 297} 13: {name: 'Argentina', number_of_users: 292} 14: {name: 'Ukraine', number_of_users: 257} 15: {name: 'Switzerland', number_of_users: 252} 16: {name: 'Czechia', number_of_users: 250} 17: {name: 'Australia', number_of_users: 233} 18: {name: 'Austria', number_of_users: 219} 19: {name: 'Japan', number_of_users: 218} 20: {name: 'Belgium', number_of_users: 215} 21: {name: 'China', number_of_users: 206} 22: {name: 'Colombia', number_of_users: 194} 23: {name: 'Hungary', number_of_users: 177} 24: {name: 'Sweden', number_of_users: 169} 25: {name: 'Romania', number_of_users: 154} 26: {name: 'Greece', number_of_users: 150} 27: {name: 'Finland', number_of_users: 141} 28: {name: 'Turkey', number_of_users: 134} 29: {name: 'Indonesia', number_of_users: 127} 30: {name: 'Portugal', number_of_users: 123} 31: {name: 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', number_of_users: 110} 32: {name: 'South Africa', number_of_users: 110} 33: {name: 'Chile', number_of_users: 99} 34: {name: 'Denmark', number_of_users: 86} 35: {name: 'Bulgaria', number_of_users: 85} 36: {name: 'Norway', number_of_users: 80} 37: {name: 'Slovakia', number_of_users: 74} 38: {name: 'Taiwan', number_of_users: 73} 39: {name: 'Israel', number_of_users: 72} 40: {name: 'New Zealand', number_of_users: 71} 41: {name: 'Serbia', number_of_users: 71} 42: {name: 'Egypt', number_of_users: 58} 43: {name: 'Ireland', number_of_users: 52} 44: {name: 'Vietnam', number_of_users: 52}
  3. From https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/build/ People who have enabled in game feedback : 22271 Unique Reports sent per day (meaning the game is running) v11 = A23b From snapcraft devices Weekly active devices on Snap Most Linux players in Germany, and USA. Download statistics on Source forge https://sourceforge.net/projects/zero-ad/files/releases/stats/timeline?dates=2017-06-01+to+2022-07-08 Download statistics on the website https://releases.wildfiregames.com/stats.php?type=year Active lobby players at time of writing 62
  4. @wowgetoffyourcellphone is this something that can/need to be improved ? @wraitii can we make it so campaign has its own settings instead of polluting sp?
  5. Oh, no lag very much exists, but it really depends on the number of players, complexity of the models, and number of units. The more people the more lag. Thank you
  6. Our requirements are much lower than AOE4. The game even runs on a raspberry pi. I've seen a difference of 40fps on the same machine between linux and windows though. You can limit max pop in the options.
  7. Hey you could try to play in 4G to see if your ISP is blocking things.
  8. The SA version is a bit more restrictive so it should be fine.
  9. We're always trying to improve performance. It requires C++ programmers though. But it's definitely something we want with our limited resources. I'm not sure what making the game more like AOE2 means though.
  10. That means we missed one two years ago. His videos have more views than our 300k yearly downloads
  11. I mean if you can come up with better alternatives under CCBYSA3+ by all means be our guest. But for now it's the best we can do with the time and resources at our disposal
  12. Maybe, I'm not sure. but it's time I do not have currently.
  13. Probably even in Xsarsaya. Some have been updated by @wowgetoffyourcellphone If someone makes them, sure. As long as they fit the style of the others.
  14. Hmmm. https://linktr.ee/wildfire_games @mysticjim @superflytom @psypherium Been doing that for a bit, just need names, mostly. Biggest so far, Mayorcete and SergiuHellDragoonHQ; Just need names and way to contact them. We can, but pretty sure people who know the game and are in the lobby are not the target audience.
  15. @maroder for your next Shiny background?
  16. With regards to wall I'd like gates to be turrets and only damageable by rams. Then you'd be able to repair restore the gate once it's been damaged knocked down.
  17. Do you have any mods running? What version of the game are you using?
  18. It's nice to see my fist used in so many techs Maybe I should make more of those.
  19. Only in atlas. But you could hack something to make them buildable I suppose.
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