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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @GunChleoc @asterix I posted a comment about it there. Maybe Gitea is a better fit I'll see.
  2. Maybe not but it fixes the issues of the mod.json not being created... Vladislav suggested that too, but there is a high chance it does not compile on 10.12 macOS. Well the game manages to get the path right with offstream. One cannot load any non latin mods because of the discrepancy between folder name and the rest.
  3. Garden might look cliché. Also it's exactly the same footprint as the upgrade, and the stairs are as far from the border as the upgrade
  4. Proposal. @wowgetoffyourcellphone thoughts ? han_civic_center_no_towers.dae
  5. Weren't you the one to suggest having techs researchable in other civ's buildings ? ^^
  6. I might have a fix for it. std::wofstream instead of ofstream.
  7. Oh. Right title implied that the game showed non latin chars. A25 does the same I assume ?
  8. Maybe someone will step up and be worthy of commit access. Until then it's my responsibility not my power
  9. Fix here waiting for review by @user1 https://github.com/0ad/lobby-bots/pull/10
  10. Basically we use two wildcards <Entity>units/{civ}/infantry_spearman_a</Entity> <Entity>units/{native}/infantry_spearman_a</Entity> Assuming the civ of that building is han: Assuming your civ is pers: With {native} every civ can recruit han_infantry_spearman_a in that building. With {civ} only a civ with a template called infantry_spearman_a can recruit one. And it will be pers_infantry_spearman_a. If the civ does not have that template it won't be recruited. Now the issue here is that there are some leftovers templates that are not used anywhere, and become available through those buildings. IMHO this gives an interesting dynamic, but I can understand it may be confusing.
  11. That would be a question for @Dunedan and @user1
  12. Because the tooltip is generic and doesn't know about buildings or units etc.
  13. All structures block poison for themselves. Not their units.
  14. i think this would be a little excessive. Requiring accounts to have a unique email address is good for a few reasons I think. This way only one account can be operated at one time, no juggling accounts. I think you should still be able to change your name freely, perhaps even in-lobby, but gameplay statistics should remain the same across accounts (games played, rating, win rate, etc). I have 7 email accounts. Makes it harder not impossible. Also lots of legalese. I'm not sure I understand you.
  15. @rossenburg why do you bundle the audio/music folder ? Do you plan to change the music tracks? (That's 114Mo)
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