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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. We ran out of space on the server sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. Or just use the psd you made and let people use Photopea works like a charm
  3. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/PMP_File_Format So it seems it's mapped between 1 and 65536
  4. Does not exist. We only have wav https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/audio/trunk/music I think vlc can convert wav to mp3. You can also listen to the soundtrack on Spotify or buy the mp3 on bandcamp
  5. If anyone could find the revision that introduced it that'd be great. Was it in RC1 ?
  6. Screenshot looks fine? Maybe your heightmap is too bright or too dark?
  7. There is https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions https://play0ad.com/download/source/
  8. Haven't they always done that? Which is why they don't attack in formation @Freagarach @maroder
  9. Compiling from source? Using the distro package ?
  10. Haven't decided yet; I'm busy with other things. Hopefully I'll find a solution I like before the release.
  11. @SSplat need the pmp too. @andy5995
  12. @Freagarach I suppose transform does not preserve orders?
  13. Could be added I suppose. I thought you had decimals though. Although at 50k one probably doesn't care.
  14. That's why. You can only test mods on the release They were not updated for A26.
  15. @mr.nemesis It's fixed in the next version https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP26157
  16. binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/session/portraits Don't think there is a way. There are hacks but mostly it's done by hand.
  17. First version of @Pureon Random screenshot
  18. Only if they use the same port (20595) Stun works a certain amount of people. Problem is restricted networks such as schools, shared ip adress for instance my ISP only gives me access to 1/4 of all ports out of 65536 For new games ipv6 helps as well as having the money to host games on dedicated servers. There was some attempt at dedicated servers by elexis then by wraitii but both ran out of time / motivation
  19. @Sevda Why do the buildings sti have their textures ? IMHO you should replace colors by eco military, same for units full 2x2 transparent texture so that they are player color. Ironically I don't think the palace was meant to be used I think it was dug from the existing assets. Pureon made it I think. My only grief with it is that it doesn't have the same roof as the others.
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