Hi all here is a building that I'd like to see in the game since it is historically accurate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mint_%28coin%29 I was thinking that it could be a special building, for scenarios, or something for some of the factions to have which would either refine metal or, improve trade routes. I could also be an eyecandy building. Here is an example of a building from my favourite game(after 0ad) Die Siedler V : Das Erbe der Könige (The Settlers 5 : Heritage of Kings) In that game every building refines extracted ore (wood, stone.. etc) except this one for it is not present as a playable building. There is also a ticket made about this game with animated buildings. So what do you think about adding this kind of buildings to the game ? Also here you can see how obstruction was calculated in this game.