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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Or maybe not http://trac.wildfiregames.com/roadmap
  2. Well I love the theory unfortunately reality is not that simple. There are some maths to do to convert the anims into something usable by the game. Being able to select each bone in Atlas, move them and then record the motion is not going to be easy, let apart the fact of it looking cool. There are only two volunteer and highly talented artist that work for the game currently and that are able to add new stuff to the game. But if you want an animation editor into Atlas, you can make a ticket on Trac, wait until someone does it or find someone to do it. Trompetin17 is currently reworking Atlas, you might want to drop by on Irc and ask him for his input on that.
  3. Ouch, do you play on a laptop with 2 graphics cards ? Sometimes the switching doesnt go right. Edit : ↓ Nice catch Lion, if you switched to windows X make sure to update your drivers.
  4. Maybe you should ask the devs on IRC, working alone is not really the best solution when people are able to help you
  5. Well depends on what you wanna do ? Make new anims → Blender with the mesh armatures Import new anims → Notepad++ Xml files Make units have random actions → Edit the cpp code to add different actions.
  6. You could add your commands.txt also I believe this is a pathfinder problem.
  7. I can also answer some of your questions.
  8. Maybe you could upload it as an attachement, so it's forum dependent =)
  9. Actually It was only used on windows so, not everybody else
  10. No it doesn't depend on that. Relevant tickets http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2031 Somewhat relevant http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2264
  11. It's not directly related to the mesh (model in Blender) in the game you have XML files called templates, that define the size of the obstruction given by the building.
  12. Crtl + R and mouse wheel maybe for 1) For 2 Go to the UV layout (SHIFT + F10) and in the bottom menus Uvs\Export UV layout. You have to be in edit mode.
  13. Try the "F" key while selecting the two vertices you want to link;
  14. Really nice for flip normals and remove doubles ^^
  15. In blender that helps ALOT. In 3dsmax not so much.
  16. Yup ! =D Great Time saver isn't it ? XD They will eventually have them, though it will be in the exporting process you don't have to worry about it. If you want to do them you can use Ctrl + T
  17. Game engines use triangles instead of any other shape. So when you export for 0 A.D. your mesh get converted. In order to remove them, you can use ALT + J in face mode (you have to select all).
  18. So basically, slight improvement in performance for a quite time consuming stuff ? Why don't compilers use it as default ? And Cookies : Nom Nom Nom...
  19. What are the benefits of a memory pool ?
  20. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Rada left, upon disagreements with the 0ad team. :/
  21. Welcome to the forums ! 1. I might be able to do that if you have really specific requests (videos are time consuming). Made one some time ago : 2. Might wanna ask Scythetwirler(One of the devs) about that, he is the one in charge of the balance of the game. 3. Your map look nice, might be interesting to add some more details on some area. Niektb(Member) might also have a good advice. But remember that in the current state of things playing with eight players might not be a good idea (Lag)
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