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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Everything goes out of sync if an anim is missing. If you load say attack_melee on an archer then all the props and the unit need to have an attack_melee animation and the same id if not they are gonna pick a random anim at a random time and go out of sync. Well progress is slow. Getting all the binaries to work for windows in a synced manner without having them in a repo without making it too complicated for non technical people and writing the migration scripts is complicated. Hopefully blender will soon have a phab to gitea script. For trac I need to write the golang version. We could use the gitea git repo right now technically but no CI would send us back four years earlier.
  2. I just set it to 5 seconds. We'll see if that makes the server irresponsive. We don't have an elastic search server so search might be slow and use a lot of resources.
  3. But I mean if you wanna do video support be my guest
  4. The trailer patch is available on Phabricator. It just adds constant framerate and jpg support. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3507 The thing it relies on is in the game. Then you just have to write scenarios like those https://github.com/0ADMods/trailer_tools So you can actually have videos but they will run as fast as your PC can handle. FFMpeg has to be downloaded manually cause it has a special license no? I know of no software bundled with it. Raises the question of distro support too. Also backend integration with the renderer I guess ? Buggy how? Just the projectile not showing up the first time ? or the fact that missing anims will show an out of sync idle because it removes animation sync.
  5. Means it crashed before generating a crashlog. Sadly not much to do here.
  6. Best way would probably to put them in the app. Maybe update the cache if necessary.
  7. Could it be that you rejoined?
  8. Sorry we could not find a solution. Please let us know if you want to look further into it.
  9. VLC said we could ask them for a special integration when I asked them last week but there seemed to be money involved. An advantage is they apparently don't require codecs. @The Undying Nephalim currently uses buttons that open youtube. He said he has a friend who added video support for another engine. But hasn't convinced him yet. But basically we just need to support one video format.
  10. Hey can you try to update your drivers? Also can you upload userreport_hwdetect.txt ?
  11. Stan`

    error report

    Can you try to update your drivers ?
  12. Stan`

    error report

    The same place you found the file you copy pasted above
  13. Stan`

    error report

    Can you upload a zip of %localappdata%\0ad\logs ? EDIT: Yes use a zip
  14. Stan`

    error report

    Are you on Windows ? Can you upload the userreport_hwdetect.txt file? You can find it using wiki:GameDataPaths
  15. Stan`

    error report

    Hello can you give us more information about when it happened, what version you are using, etc? See wiki:ReportingErrors
  16. For random maps it's up to @smiley and @maroder
  17. Why don't you play the balanced maps like feld feld's ?
  18. I'm working on this, but we first need to finish A25 compatibility then start A26 compatibility.
  19. Hey I'm not sure how hard it would be to create one, but for now there is nothing of the sort sorry. The main website and trac have a rss feed but they don't link directly. We don't release that often though so I could ping you when we do?
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