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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums, Weathers are a planned feature. See ticket #44 What is "a world selection" ?
  2. @mauiaw Sure. You need to credit me, and Sundiata and Lion.Kanzen
  3. @wackyserious Reference from a museum
  4. It looks good, BUT the stones were made to keep the hay in place and the roof curves were made to depict hay so it looks weird that the roof is not flat.
  5. @wackyserious I really like the leather one
  6. Nice ! Anyway you can make the coif texture sharper ?
  7. Can you improve the wood ?
  8. I definetely want/need/will improve the wiki, but I don't know how/where to start.
  9. Don't forget to allow users to disable it
  10. @aeonios By the way thanks for your work so far. It's nice to have someone else doing graphics programming.
  11. If not there should be. You should look for the civ.json files in simulation/data/civs
  12. @Imarok I like when you outrun people and fix the game at the same time
  13. It looks better than the one you gave me Did you tweak the bump ? Texture source http://www.imageafter.com/textures.php
  14. @bb_ It only missed the atlas todo when I left it So it was done and working
  15. Most likely snd_detect()
  16. Wasn't #2577 doing just that ?
  17. Can you remove the unrelated files or add the missing ones ? Also double check you haven't forgotten units, I'm pretty sure you forgot macedonians units Thanks.
  18. Glad he sorted it out. That bug should be fixed in the next release. Stay tuned.
  19. For the record it's also broken in Atlas. About lighting I'd like to have working torches and explosions at some point doing light. Glowing windows too.
  20. Ah I know why ! Since you cloned the repo you didn't get binaries so you had to build it yourself. By default Atlas is not enabled you have to pass --atlas in the premake script (update workspaces.bat) (You could also download the SVN dll) As always patches are welcome
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