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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. We don't have the infrastructure at all to do it. I don't believe there is any mod translated. Only parts, because the main games translates it. If you happen to make the Anglo Sutton Hoo helmet would you mind recording ? I'm looking for a way to do such stuff but the level of details is too big for me.
  2. Well he probably didn't know how hoplites properly held their equipment. ;P Might want to drop a link to 0 A.D @sphyrth. ^^
  3. We should translate stuff at some point.
  4. That's soon. Do you guys think you can get it done as fast ?
  5. A incremental save add-on graciously advertised by Khaganat http://www.pitiwazou.com/portfolio-2/review-auto-incremental-saves/
  6. Actually my question was wrong. What I would like to know is when we can release.
  7. @wackyserious @Alexandermb What do you guys plan before we can make a release ?
  8. Sorry for the edit, but it was really unreadable to me. Thanks so much for working on that @asterix it helps a great deal.
  9. I guess the best way to figure this out would be to look at the code
  10. About ten seconds while it was kinda instant before this release. There is a ticket about it. The brush too. Also it's normal but it takes a big time to load all the units in delenda est.
  11. Can I have an actor viewer that doesn't take ages to load ? Can we have brushes to paint trees or other objects ?
  12. Ykkrosh hasn't written patch for 0AD for few years now Also wraitii seems to be busy with Pathfinder right now but he still does reviews which is nice Dont you have a lot on your plate @vladislavbelov ?
  13. Won't likely be soon because it's annoying but it should allow me to fix something.
  14. @aeonios Not to discourage you or anything but it's been ages since we last had a graphics programmer. We already have two people working on the random map generation and @elexis has done a huge cleanup on the codebase. Fixing shadow issues and adding some fancy graphic features would do the game a lot of good fixing the skybox too.
  15. Oh that fire is exactly what I need
  16. A while ago I made this helmet for the Han dynasty heavy cavalry. I never got to finish it but I realized I haven't released it either. So here it is. @Alexandermb Some heavy cavalry references, could have a been a champion or something, or just a scenario unit: chin_helmet2.blend
  17. Because it was starting to be about word being a nice piece of software and all wordprocessors being worse than text editors which wasn't really productive.
  18. Indeed, But it was hard to split it properly ^^ Right, you're free to suggest a better title.
  19. Then it's done in DE (as the default atlas texture suggests :P) Still needs to be committed to vanilla.
  20. Split because it's really irrelevant to the kushites
  21. My point was just that no it is not hard to copy and paste text from PDFs and as @Loki1950 would say: Enjoy the choice
  22. You can also import pdf in Word Also I know how markdown work, as I write readme regularly, and even wrote a few papers in LaTeX, but that doesn't make it easier to use and in the end it's up to Sundiata
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