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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. There are reasons on the forums.
  2. I don't think so. I couldn't convince them it was a good feature the fact that vanilla doesn't use it doesn't help too. I could probably rebase it but that means you'll have to carry it around which is suboptimal. One could use mod dependency and I could upload it to modio. But meh :/
  3. @aeonios Any chance you could investigate the weird glitching issue we have on parallax maps on buildings such as the Iberian wonder ?
  4. I fixed the walls locally. Need to make the gates and add the clouds.
  5. I prefer choosing is giving up on something
  6. Uh well not really ? No offense but it looks like you just switched the textures which is not looking good
  7. Yes there is at least 3. I was wondering if he wanted to add more than that. Yeah I'm really looking forward to seeing that. Hope it'll get reviewed in A24, though D13 and 3700 are a priority IMHO. The bird song is hardcoded, which is stupid We already have walking sounds, I just fixed them in last alpha but had to disable them because of side effects. If we don't have sounds for farming and gathering, that's because nobody enabled them in the options.
  8. You plan to have different territory types ? Mind to elaborate ? I am not sure I'm following your thoughts Well we haven't had much eyecandy (or earcandy) features with regards to the engine in a long time so I thought it'd be nice to have. Ambient sounds will bring much more depth to the biomes Same as walking sounds, If I fix the bug that makes playing too much of them unbearable.
  9. That will be a really nice feature though. I'd prefer weather and day and night cycle or ambient sounds but that's just me
  10. I guess the reason behind sele is that it's a very recent civ which unlike Kushites was included before being finished See DE for more units ideas. also see the respective design document
  11. With sounds no. Else see what's done in DE. Would be nice to be able to specify variation in the templates but it's currently not possible.
  12. Likely AO maps. I disabled alpha for this. Should be fixed in the respective mods. Else you could just delete the textures.xml file in the so folder. I made this to reduce mod size.
  13. Ah it's me being a dumbass. I'll fix it later. Oh nice ! thanks, I didn't think to look there.
  14. @todor943 Welcome to the forums. See also: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3054 for weird rendering slowdowns on amd cards.
  15. You can thank the main developper :P @wowgetoffyourcellphone Can you report those ? :)
  16. @LordGood Can coup commit them to the com repository ?
  17. Release Candidate: ponies_ascendant.pyromod
  18. Fixed. I wouldn't know you'd have to ask @LordGood Fixed. There is no such thing as Pega walls sadly. If there was it was lost when Lordgood lost his files... We also lost a ram, and the projectile particle for arrows. If he still has them around that'd be awesome. I have no ideas for pegasi architecture :/ Fixed. Fixed. Fixed.
  19. Yeah. Also it's not using animations from Alexandermb. Carry anims are broken with formations because they were not taken into account. Can't remember if we discussed that with @temple or if it was something else. I'll try to fix it in A24.
  20. I'll have a look unless you want to help me and make pull requests
  21. Is there anything you like in the game lol ? So far all you have looked at is crap :p
  22. Still that's how the game has been working since Mythos left. I agree it's not always for the best, but the game isn't that bad ^^
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