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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Thanks I'll update it in the next release I'll make a patch to send a nice Packaging complete to the debug view
  2. @Alexandermb ERROR: art/meshes/skeletal/xion_civic_center_chariot.dae: Assertion not satisfied (line 393): failed requirement "recognised skeleton structure" ERROR: art/meshes/props/chin_liannu.dae: Assertion not satisfied (line 393): failed requirement "recognised skeleton structure" Can you try to fix those ? I believe the civic center has a different armature than the animation you exported so should be easy to fix. Lian niu I don't know, I tried to fix it but it obviously didn't work. EDIT: Millenium AD seems ready @wackyserious @asterix @niektb @Lion.Kanzen If you want to try it out. If no one finds breakage I guess we can release it. Pyromod will be uploaded to github & moddb and we will see with @Itms for modio. The release announcement @asterix made will be published on moddb and here. millenniumad.pyromod
  3. Yeah the that's my last check usually. But in the case of broken textures it just crashes so you'll get a debug message for every texture without knowing it's name ^^
  4. Due to the recent increase in interest for mods as well as the relative simplicity with which you can install them (either through .pyromod files or mod.io) I decided to make a little guide to explain how to package mods. It's a relative tedious process when you are not familiar to it, so don't worry if you do not get it right the first time. Requirements: You need to have the package_mod installed First go to 0 .A.D.'s root folder (This the one that contains the binaries folder): In the adress bar type "powershell" A wild window will appear. (Notice the path is correct one): Type or copy paste the following command, but replace "{yourmod}" by the mod folder name, for instance, terra_magna, delenda_est, milleniumad binaries/system/pyrogenesis -mod=package_mod -mod={yourmod} -archivebuild="binaries/data/mods/{yourmod}" -archivebuild-output="{yourmod}.pyromod" -archivebuild-compress You should have something like this after copy pasting/typing: It will take some time to compile the modfile. For Ponies Ascendant which is like 300MB big, it takes like 5 mins. Optional: You can monitor the output of the packaging in Visual Studio or using a tool called DebugView by SysInternals (Recommended as fewer setup steps are required) Open the zip and double click on Dbgview.exe: It will open a window like this, and the output will appear when you run the packaging steps above. Hope it helps.
  5. So it's fixed ? Yes I will. EDIT: Done.
  6. Not really gonna help because it won't say what texture is broken. What you can do is open Atlas and test every model from the civ/mod to figure out which one breaks the game
  7. To figure out post the interestinglog.html
  8. Yes you should. Maybe it could be trainable in the fortress. Do not forget to update the issue related to the heavy cavalry here. We will need an icon for it.
  9. Mmmh, I thought I tested, weird... I can't remember doing that.
  10. I just committed a fix for those these two buildings. EDIT: If you want to fix stuff there are still issues open here. And @wolflance and @Ayakashi might want (me) to open more.
  11. No it needs to be fixed. It only needs a few tag more, because that was a lazy fix. See https://github.com/0ADMods/terra_magna/pull/43
  12. Which mod ? @Alexandermb as you wish as long as it's fixed
  13. @wackyserious This should be the next release candidate for Millennium A.D. I couldn't find any art bugs, but there might be some others. (Especially versions, and maybe release title) @Alexandermb the mud error was because you used terra magna's mud decals, be cautious, as much as possible for standalone mods only load on at once. The Sharknado bug is indeed fixed. I fixed minister gameplay as well @Alexandermb Can you remove the oars dependency to the snekkja ? Terra Magna shouldn't use files from there. Looks like Ponies ascendant/and milleniumad are almost ready for modio. @asterix made the announcement, so once those bugs are fixed I guess we can release at last. millenniumad.pyromod
  14. Prop is good It will allow for variant to be nature and others to be player owned. The best would be civ specific Variants but it has to be done by the conversion code.
  15. Yeah I fixed it locally need to rebundle was waiting for the last fixes by @Alexandermb
  16. Well Trees are used for maps.
  17. You can only post three messages when you first sign in this is to prevent Korean spammers from making too much damage. @feneur will unblock you when he can. About multiple accounts @user1 Is there any way to properly register them for a family ? Sorry for the inconvenience but there has been a lot of abuse.
  18. Okay EDIT: I firgured out what was wrong and prevented units from garrisoning
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