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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Nah I meant the boar mesh could be bigger looking at how big the bird is.
  2. Open a terminal (CMD on Windows) change directory to the place where the pyrogenesis.exe file is and type pyrogenesis -mod=yourmodfolder
  3. Did you load the mod ? You either need to use a mod.json file and load it via the game's mod loader. Or you can launch the game with the -mod=yourmodfolder name to bypass that.
  4. Hey there @jdbandoni, Welcome to the forums Please do not Necro threads though and create your own. What are you interested in ?.do you have other work experience ? While it's not necessary you could answer the same form than the first post in a separate thread. If you want to get to know the code I'd suggest you head to trac.wildfiregames.com and look for tickets with the simple keyword. You can ask questions here on the forums or on IRC. Make sure you read the document on how to get started on Trac too. It will cover most of the steps. If some seem unclear please ask
  5. I like the boar. But its maybe too small for the level of detail ? it will be perfect with my improved A24 Board and for my dwarven mod
  6. Do you have the other .dmp file ?
  7. The amount of people complaining about the AI being too hard seem to disagree with that statement.
  8. Or you can download it from here https://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-ponies-ascendant and rename the zip to pyromod
  9. Yes it does. It knows *Everything*
  10. Been there, already done that https://github.com/0ADMods/ocelotlazohteotl He will need to sync his mod with this one.
  11. @wowgetoffyourcellphone did you try my mod ? The visibile Garrison one ?
  12. @Alexandermb @wackyserious@asterix What about terra_magna and MilleniumAD, are they ready to be uploaded ?
  13. SVG version: 1522130693_Agrishelmetcheekprotector.svg
  14. @Alexandermb Video PLS 1632559594_Agrishelmetpattern.png.9194bb168f8d73f7c0f968f06565e965.svg
  15. Need to upload the above files again. Any mod installed ?
  16. You know you can just rasterize the image and make an SVG out of it ?
  17. Maybe you could place them depending on textures ?
  18. Note that you could also sell the source code of 0 A.D. if you do so you'd only have to fix the android port of 0 A.D.
  19. No I meant the blender metal material nodes
  20. Did you upload the material somewhere ? How do you bake the spiral into the final helmet ? Do you merge all objects ?
  21. You also have to give attribution to the authors though we are not liable for anything you do with the art.
  22. You an but I can't remember if it doesn't try to remove theold version anyways
  23. How do you make the side sculpts on the ear pieces ? How do you make the shadows too ? Do you paint ball afterwards ?
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