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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @psypherium Have you tried to set gui.scale=1.5 in the user.cfg file located in your Appdata folder if you are using Windows ?
  2. That's right. @Splizard have you seen the file there ?https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/art/meshes and animations/skeletal/animations_and_meshes_mainfile.blend
  3. Can you try to edit the user.cfg or local.cfg file ?
  4. Could do for one of two but more would be too much work. There are more than 50 anims.
  5. Can you attach crashlogs ? See https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors In the meantime have you tried disabling GLSL and postprocessing ? Are you running any mods ?
  6. I guess in this case it's just that the reference point is not the origin because someone forgot to set it. Which is why you get those weird results.
  7. Could you share your script ? Maybe the way the coordinates are scripted makes them relative to the scale factor, hence giving you the strange effects.
  8. Maybe the scale modifiier is not 1.1.1 for all meshes ?
  9. You have to tweak unitAI I don't think there is a such a behavior right now. Would work if we had animal babies and cycle of life.
  10. Are you sure you always have the address ? (Did you use fixed IP for your computer)
  11. Using those My little voice, and the lovely one of my friend I started recording voices again. @Samulis Can you do your magic ? Desktop.zip
  12. Thanks for the report. We'll see what we can do for A24. If you could update a document with the list of the bug it'd be easier to fix than looking everywhere on the forums
  13. You can play with unsigned mods you install yourself I think.
  14. Not really. Imagine someone put some really evil code that steal users data and send it somewhere. So passwords etc everything is sent.
  15. Currently only @Itms can sign and review mods. This will probably extend to other people in the future.
  16. I believe the humming sound is because of the microphone being wireless. So not much I can do there. If I manage to get the denoise to work I could record voices for the Kushites for starters and then using the same process other civ's Those were my first two voice recordings. It's done with audacity as I had nothing better around and it did the job
  17. And then substract the two sounds ?
  18. I wanted to buy a blue Yeti but I didn't know if it worth it. For now I use this setup
  19. Would you mind giving me feedback on those =>
  20. You can clone the GitHub repository GitHub.com/0ad/0ad to get the latest development version if you need any help let me know
  21. Are you familiar with either git or SVN verisonning systems ? Once you have something to show us create a thread in the art forum named ===[TASK]=== Papyrus and post the textures there the 3D file and the collada export file
  22. Vegetation would be nice You could start with doing papyrus sprites. We generally use planes to do vegetation. You can find a more complete list of specific trees we need there -> (Flora Section) Else you could try to fix existing trees. Have you downloaded the game source yet ?
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