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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Interesting to see a first person mod. How are you calling unitmotion ?
  2. We need a bit more information than this. What OS, what version of the game, and what are you trying to achieve.
  3. Feature is now live This would add a significant size increase. In the replay above, it does it in loop, so garrison ungarison, garrison ungarrison and so on... Technically it's doing something ^^
  4. Hmm I supose this could be fixed by some sort of debounce function, but it would probably cause more lag. I don't know if it can be fixed easily. (detecting command patterns undoing each other sounds hard)
  5. There is probably some optimization to be done here. But in general I don't expect people to be able to do 80 actions per 200ms
  6. Working on a CPM graph, which is a bit more readable. Dunno what happened there @guerringuerrin Some kind of frenzy ? ;D
  7. Small update, improved performance a bit using caching (the first call will be slow, but the rest will be fast) Fixed searching for player names breaking the background menu Fixed searching for players in local ratings being case sensitive. Added CPT (commands per turn) chart We now have 643 replays
  8. It's more general info about the replay. See https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/Replays/ReplayDetails/6F68BB674044541A (Should work for most replays)
  9. Phabricator is no longer used. It's mostly readonly. You should use Gitea instead on gitea.wildfiregames.com
  10. Just for the record I've added @ffm2's idea to replay pallas locally. Wanted to go live today but I forgot to push Still need to tweak some settings as the graphs are quite crowded.
  11. If you're on Windows, you can test the nightly build. You can also help translate the game :)
  12. That works for me? Changed it recently Ah you mean the forums? Fixed. Pinging @Itms as I cannot do that.
  13. Well yeah you always run into the issue of trying to control things causing things to escalate. Where there is a need there is usually is a way. BUT. People who want transparency would have it with proposal 1. The rest of the users would just not use it.
  14. Player color uses the alpha channel of your textures. For it to work, the actor referencing those textures must have a player_trans*.xml material. Alpha controls how strong the player color is.
  15. You can see some stats like that on https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/ Maybe with the help of @Dizaka we could add such graphs.
  16. Well unless the mod is being disguised as a mod that doesn't require compatibility checks it will never happen. Unless of course people don't update versions in the mod.json but then you have broken mods and one cannot do much about it. Any text editor. @Vantha @trompetin17 might have different approaches. You should use the hotloading feature as much as possible to get the fastest feedback. Two screens might help (or windowed mode) For 1 maybe a few days + review time. For 2) more likely a week or so. More depending on how you compute the hashes. If unpacked mods are in scope one needs to define how exactly do you compute the mods' hash. For 3) maybe the same time or more than 2). You also have to accept mod.io's terms to download anything from them and you still have to implement whatever is missing to force clients to broadcast their mods to you. For all the proposals you need c++ changes and js changes. Finding a dev that can do both (correctly) might be tricky. Another thing: "Cheat mods" could be on mod.io (minus the issue of signing taking time) with compat checks on. This way everyone has the same (guaranteed by the signature)
  17. Ah sorry I confused it with the first one that was made by @Sebastián Gómez that one doesn't have a compatible license. @wowgetoffyourcellphone found another one but it was without a clear license which made it unusable. He found a third one recently you could probably use
  18. I'm not sure you have access to user mods right now (I suppose guest have access to the host's mods though). My issue with just listing mods is you are basically just listing names. So I can make an autociv named mod with the progui features and it will go under the radar. The good thing with Dunedan's approach is that one can rely on zip signatures which are harder to craft. With mod names, you mod can be a zip, a list of files in a folder, with or without mod.json and it's gonna be pretty hard to compare them between users. And if you can't compare them, you're just in a slightly better place than right now, but you have almost no extra guarantee. Agreed on the signing times @Itms and I can take a while. And as mentioned on the autociv thread, not all mods are eligible. I'd be against porting all of them to the main game, but I think some features in autociv are great, like the hotkeys. Our hotkey situation is bare, to say the least.
  19. It says ~/.local/share/0ad/mods which is where the mod should be if there are any. Maybe not. What mods do you have installed ?
  20. This means that autociv doesn't appear in mod checks. And with the new rule about signing mods we can no longer do that since it touches the simulation codes https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/Mod_Verification_Processee Just like ProGUI, users will want to keep the mod hidden because an incorrect order such as users having community mod enabled first and autociv second while others have autociv first will cause players to not be able to join games with each others.
  21. Maybe should be an opt out option like ranked. This way you can still play with custom maps and whatnot should you want to.
  22. Public.zip is the main game. I think you're looking in the wrong location see https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths
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