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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Why dont you use the script ? (if you don't know how just ask me
  2. Hello you can either disable TLS in the game optiona or download the fixed release bundle from here :https://www.mediafire.com/file/00lxxtdmsu64nrs/0ad-0.0.23b-alpha-osx64.dmg/file Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. @Itms @Alex from Intel Now that Spidermonkey 45.2 was committed maybe it would be nice to use the tool again ?
  4. http://www.romaniadevis.ro/dacia/zona-geto-daca/reconstituiri-3d/item/templu-dacic-v-01-reconstituire-virtuala-3d http://www.romaniadevis.ro/dacia/zona-geto-daca/reconstituiri-3d
  5. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I did not hate your texture, I just wanted to learn texturing with Substance Designer (Which also allowed for a clean normal map and specmap) hence why I did not use it @Genava55 I went for that style because that was what was depicted on that romanian web site.(I surely posted some picture somewhere on the forums) Greek columns slate roofs lot of wood If someone wants to make everything better and throw everything in the trash I have no issues.
  6. Yup, last time it was fixed by assigning weights to some vertex on the gastaphrete. Not on holiday, yet anyway just on a break, which is getting harder to hold these days.
  7. The Phenotype tag which replace the previous Gender tag, can be now have tokens. Once there is more than one token it will pick one randomly. Note that tokens are also inherited see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/22611 Then in the actor name you will be able to specify the {phenotype} tag for the engine to replace Assuming this in the Identity component <Phenotype datatype="tokens"> male female</Phenotype> And this in the actor <Actor>units/britons/{Phenotype}_villager.xml</Actor> Will be replaced by <Actor>units/britons/male_villager.xml</Actor> <Actor>units/britons/female_villager.xml</Actor> An official post could be made maybe by@wraitii or @Freagarach like the one I made for breaking changes.
  8. @Enrique I tried to update the art design document in the past months (For future contributions from an art school in Rennes) updated links updated the pipeline created a page about footprint standardizations https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtDesignDocument And created a few subpages to make it more readable https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtPolyCountGuidelines You might want to update it or create a thread about making reasonable polycounts you have more experience than me on that matters. Still there is the question of drawcalls that are huge these days and we only have what @wraitii started. I believe art performance might be an issue in a A24. (Ships, gaul and brit blacksmith, gaul barracks)
  9. Just use the name of the armature If the armature is Biped, then use 'Biped'
  10. Don't forget to edit 'Armature' for armature name and 'm_armor_dress' for the mesh And the export filepath at the bottom (Basically the three green things)
  11. It's in the thread it exports all the animations in one go You just need one armature and one mesh selected Anything preventing you from committing ? # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/41484/how-do-i-change-actions-in-python # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/26995/where-is-python-file-for-exporting-dae-collada # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/38618/selecting-an-object-via-scripting # https://blenderartists.org/t/deselect-all-command/666535/4 # https://docs.blender.org/api/2.79/bpy.ops.wm.html # https://blenderartists.org/t/set-the-first-and-end-frame-by-script/535050 import bpy # Deselect everything for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: ob.select_set(state=False) # The armature, and the dummy mesh needed (It has to be parented the armature) armature = bpy.data.objects['Armature'] unit_mesh = bpy.data.objects['m_armor_dress'] armature.select_set(state=True) unit_mesh.select_set(state=True) # For every action that exists in the blend file, export the matching collada. for a in bpy.data.actions: # print(a.name) # Get the current action to be exported armature.animation_data.action = bpy.data.actions.get(a.name) # print(a.frame_range) # We only need to export from the start frame to the end frame bpy.data.scenes[0].frame_start = a.frame_range[0] bpy.data.scenes[0].frame_end = a.frame_range[1] # Export the collada model bpy.ops.wm.collada_export(filepath='D:/Export/' + a.name + '.dae', keep_flat_curves=True, include_all_actions=False, keep_keyframes=True, selected=True, check_existing=False,filter_blender=False,filter_image=False,filter_movie=False,filter_python=False,filter_font=False,filter_sound=False,filter_text=False,filter_btx=False,filter_collada=True,filter_folder=True, limit_precision=True, filemode=8)
  12. @Alexandermb, @Lion.Kanzen I'm not back yet, however you can send me mail at (stan at wildfiregames.com) if you need me to review/look at something. How far are you with the reexport ? Did you use my python script ?
  13. Maybe we could use that new building but keep the 'U' Shape that's typical for barracks. That being said, haven't worked on it in a month, and unlikely for me to work on it soonish. So if anyone feels like giving it a try, be my guest.
  14. @LordGood Can you remove the trees you made from the task list ? Thanks ! Added links for greek buildings redesigns
  15. This feature will be implemented for A24 if I decide to switch its internal workings to use StatusEffects as @wraitii stated, that feature was implemented by @Mate-86 as of now D1718 is stalled. It works though, so it can be used in mods. I am currently not back from my hiatus, still have a few things to figure out. Just going through a month of forum posts and 4 PMs and 45 Notifications, so I don't die when I come back.
  16. Trying to update the model to make it less bland, guess it didn't have the expected outcome.
  17. @Thundori @Itms is the person you need to contact for that. Thanks for your interest
  18. No it doesn't get overwritten. It should be in documents/my games/0ad/replays.
  19. I was thinking of buying one for that purpose but it seems a bit overkill ^^ I don't think it's ram related, there is something else at play here.
  20. I guess given the name of the file, a yellow specular ?
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