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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I'm sorry I forgot to answer. @Samulis said he would be busy for some time but he'll look at it when he comes back.
  2. Well that would be the first to strike a fatal blow. I guess ordering units two by two is expensive. Also would be kinda weird no ? We need knockback
  3. How do you handle multiple hits ? in Totalwar I believe units fight one on one.
  4. You need to replace the generic arrow by a laser beam and that's pretty much it
  5. @borg- I'm pretty sure you have, but have you looked at @wowgetoffyourcellphone's Delenda Est for techs Also, @Nescio's mod (would still be nice to have it on mod.io one day for more players to be able to play it) @Karamel 's old mod might have some nice ideas Sybillae Vox I know it's hard to gather everything but you seem to now have a nice team. and with @Angen and @Freagarach for gameplay you are pretty much covered.
  6. Or you could, you know, ask Stan.
  7. @Lion.Kanzen What happened to the quality ? All the images are highly pixelated... I can't print anything like that...
  8. Alright I was getting ahead of myself there
  9. Great. We dont do any spanish events though. Maybe one day with @Gallaecio and @Enrique Not sure if We'll ever be famous enough for this but maybe latin america one day
  10. Hello @Love The Game , welcome to the forums, and thanks for the nickname. Let me answer some of your points Allow people to change teams: You can already do that in the game. It's in the top right corner, you can change the diplomacy between players if the team aren't locked. Allow people to reset resources : That's a bit harder since people might have built things over said resources... I get the point though, but I guess it could be better fixed with an improved balancing. Allow bartering to be independant from the game: I'm not sure this is a great idea, I like the fact that every player selling resources makes its value plumet. Usually to compensate this you use trade lines. Allow people to gather resources when killing enemy stuff: Again, that's already into the game It's called looting, and you get a few resources back when you kill enemy units and buildings. Give more variety to units and weapons: That's something we are working on, I'd like techs to after those as well, but it's needs new code that wasn't written yet Let me know if I can help you with that, we could use mapmakers
  11. @Anaxandridas ho Skandiates I believe you are familar with photoshop, here are the two textures
  12. Thanks a lot @Lion.Kanzen <3 Now i will be able to print them for the event
  13. I guess we could do something about that When D1718 is in i'll look in the possibility to split fruit and wood gathering for those trees.
  14. Nice ! I just meant you guys could have a common mod repo on github
  15. Well you mainly stated facts with which I agree. You also offered two solutions which do not help the issue. Adding a 14th civilisation while nice would not help make the game more balanced. You can still convince your friends to play Terra Magna or DE (which might more balanced even though you lose the Random Maps) For the wall thingy it's planned Pratice is the only reason you are not banned With practise comes patience. I'm just wondering though, if Age of Empires is so much better, why are you not spreading your love on their forums instead of spreading your hate of this FLOSS game here ?
  16. That must be the lighting they use the same texture... As for the fire boulder I will fix it somehow. Removing the particle is easy we could make smaller variants for the tower level below The only thing to keep in mind is projectile should be visible.
  17. Okay, if you don't mind I'd like to the have a secondopinionof@LordGood, @ValihrAnt, @borg- @wowgetoffyourcellphone @ffffffff I believe you created a mod to change those specifically didnt you ?
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