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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I need the last sounds recorded before we do anything. But I cannot do it without @Sundiata My kushite is rusty
  2. Those three buildings were made on the commission of @Andrettin I might make more in the same style in the future I haven't finished with the farmstead and cc level 2 & 3
  3. @borg- @ValihrAnt @Feldfeld @Dakara @Stockfish before I commit this do you care to vote? Thanks!
  4. Why do you ask? We tend to support whatever the worst plateform support. For visual studio 2017 and 2019 extra work is needed.
  5. Stan`

    Some errors

    You can probably edit the script to print whatever actor is broken
  6. Stan`

    Some errors

    Mmh that means one of the actors is broken :/
  7. If you just want to change unit stats, knowing how to edit XML and JSON file is needed. If you want to change how gameplay works, you will need JavaScript knowledge as well. If you want to create art you will need 3D Software Knowledge (e.g. Blender) and 2D Software knowledge (e.g) and XML knowledge. If you want to just use the current art assets to make more art, you just need XML knowledge. Let me know if I can help.
  8. More like <ApplyStatus> <Burns> <StatusName>Poison arrows</StatusName> <Icon>poison</Icon> <StatusTooltip>Champion Maurya Maiden is equipped with poison arrows.</StatusTooltip> <Interval>100</Interval> <Duration>10000</Duration> <Damage> <Poison>1</Poison> </Damage> </Burns> </ApplyStatus> But yes. You also need a file called binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/template_helpers/damage_types/poison.json { "code": "Poison", "name": "Poison", "description": "Damage caused by poison, such as venom or toxic substances.", "order": 5 }
  9. Sure see https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2737 It's basically the same but with poison instead of burn
  10. Stan`

    Some errors

    I see. I haven't been able to patch this yet you will need to run this as many time as there is a duplicated tag in the templates :/
  11. Stan`

    Some errors

    If you have perl installed, you can get all those errors in one go by running the following commands. $ cd source/tools/entity $ perl checkrefs.pl --mod-to-check=delenda_est --check-map-xml
  12. @Nescio thanks for the comments. I'll try to look more into English consistency in the next report. Done. Took six months more than expected to write this report, so that was to be expected. I fixed it. Same for @ValihrAnt's name
  13. Stan`

    Some errors

    That's me too https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23707
  14. Stan`

    Some errors

    Yes but delenda est partially depends on the public mod. I changed those files.
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