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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. It would be great to see the Britons reworked! Is a Brittonic (or Gaulish) name known, though? Welsh did not yet exist in 0 A.D.'s timeframe and Welsh is no longer used in game either, so why should we adopt a (modern) Welsh name for the next alpha? Now that D11 is in we could have a Britonnic campaign. Not sure how to collaboratively work on this though... Well if the list of features that are gonna make it into A25 are known then it could. Due to the very nature of this project it's a bit hard to tell.
  2. Whoops Glad to see the song is indeed related.
  3. If you want them to use a different path and the path where they are is writable you can use -writableRoot.
  4. Did you change the victory conditions?
  5. Could be done, but needs a hell of change You'll see them in Atlas (Note it should work way better on macOS now)
  6. *Half it was just broken by the many refactorings https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3616 So they are here but you don't see them. I don't (About their removal not the fact that it would be more consistent)
  7. @vladislavbelov is working on updating the statistics for resolutions http://zaynar.co.uk/0ad-pub/resolutions.html (very old 2014)
  8. There is a version on the forums.
  9. It's on the previous window
  10. Corinthian Ismuth4 does afaik. I like that bonus though What if you consider them surgeons and healers. Sure it wasn't 1940 medicine but they did exist. They didnt wave hands but it's a good abstraction IMHO adding healing camps might be too much mircro.
  11. Since it's handled manually it's highly possible it hasn't been done on all maps. What was the map?
  12. Is this new? Are you playing on a restricted network such as a school's?
  13. @Wendy22 Make sure your firewall doesn't block 0 A.D. (by default it's disabled on public networks and most networks are maked as such if you don't tick allow my computer to be detected when joining a wifi)
  14. It was here, and I thought there were more people against it
  15. Campaigns are not available yet.
  16. @feneur know maybe. My understanding is that it was done to show their defensive and otarcist nature. I believe it's somewhere on the design document See also https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtDesignDocument#CultureHistoryandRealism https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Iberians#CIVBONUSES http://docs.wildfiregames.com/design/ Actually it's on every single skirmish map. It's a skirmish entity. For Random maps you're right, it's part of the code.
  17. You did.on the forums That little demo was how far it got.
  18. Got references? Could help with the map overhaul in A25 me and and @wowgetoffyourcellphone planned. Maybe @LordGood could help.
  19. Forges don't do that. I wanted them to but there was a lot of complaints about it being a cheat or whatever so I never did it.
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