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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. https://www.lpi.org/blog/2024/12/04/0-a-d-reviving-history-in-real-time-in-foss/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=fosspotlight
  2. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/0adStory
  3. Yes it's possible a few mod in the past changed the way the game is played. It's quite the undertaking though You can add new JS components to handle more things and you'll have to tweak the GUI to display those new things.
  4. We are. But less exciting if broken stuff gets missed
  5. If you're on windows you could try the nightly build
  6. But do we know how long those players have been playing? We know that there are a lot of downloads. How do we know that these aren’t new players that are continually coming in but not being retained? It feels weird to me that the influx of players would be 1) constant 2) consistent in terms of version representation and especially that new players would enable feedback while it's apparently a hidden feature. I mean sure people can be convinced to work on specific stuff but most of the time you just end up draining their energy faster. I'll agree that my experience here might be different than elsewhere. I don't think the document does that per se. For me that specific line is not from the document itself, which I cannot say I know by heart. It's mostly how devs feel or are made to feel about the game. If we followed the design doc the game would be much more different than it is now. @Wijitmaker told me it's completely off with regards to what they had in mind at the time.
  7. Yet most players with user report on are SP players not MP ones (1500 vs 150) by a factor of ten. So there must be something that's keeping them playing everyday. Sadly FOSS is people driven not priority driven. If you force people then you lose developpers and they are harder to get than players. Also not all skills convert.
  8. Yeah it has everything, shaders translations etc
  9. He's using SVN he'd need to to use git for that.
  10. Ported to https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/pulls/7271
  11. We do have an old orchard actor we could use.
  12. https://libquotes.com/plautus/quote/lbx0m0c
  13. I've noticed that sometimes when 0 A.D. crashes there is a zombie process lingering. Maybe this process is somehow maintaining the connexion to the lobby causing those issues.
  14. Just FYI the build has been fixed recently and is slowly being rolled on to Ubuntu and Debian.
  15. Hey thanks for picking it up again. It's possible that they use a different build system like CMAKE ?
  16. I know but it's blocked by a Gitea bug leaking personnal information. It will be fixed in 1.23*
  17. Keep in mind that they will be seen from top down when modelling them.
  18. Nah that's another issue Those files probably either don't exist or are in another folder.
  19. Your problem is there. Your thing should be 256x256
  20. They already sent you the blend file.
  21. Message limit was lifted. Sorry about that It's okay. It's usually useful to know what your level might be . Thanks for sharing it. You need to sign this Else we cannot use whatever assets you make. @wowgetoffyourcellphone might have buildings that need to be done, this might be more interesting than making a sword.
  22. From https://releases.wildfiregames.com/ you can get the tarballs. Not it's not the same procedure. You only have to run update workspaces.sh on linux and then make
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