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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. If you have a shortcut for 0 A.D. you can edit it and in target add -writableRoot
  2. Yeah usually it's the maps that changed in the release. Once @wowgetoffyourcellphone changes one in theory it should be put in there. @phosit ?
  3. When it crashes is there anything in the interestinglog.html file ?
  4. It's possible OneDrive plays a trick with 0 A.D. depending on how your documents are configured on Windows. Another solution if you want to keep everything at the same place is to run 0 A.D. with the -writableRoot command Then everything will be stored in %appdata% next to the game.
  5. Is there any difference with the previous versions ?
  6. Do you have the exact same version of the mod ? Maybe you can add some logging so you can see when it crashes precisely.
  7. Let us know how it goes! Do not hesitate to share photos and videos of the event
  8. It's the same issue than the Github PR because the character should be escaped. https://github.com/0ad/0ad/pull/44
  9. It's not perfect but it should be okay. You might also reduce the amount of entities with such particles
  10. In theory it should appear in the logs as well.
  11. The last person who did ramming animation was @LordGood for ponies ascendant.
  12. @Vantha did you, by any chance use any texture that is not a power of two (eg. 135x168) and not 128x128 or 128x512 etc. That will break the game on most oses when in release mode.
  13. In init you can do something like const refreshInterval = 1000; // 1s let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); cmpTimer.SetInterval(this.entity, IID_PlayerParticleColor, "TimerTick", refreshInterval, refreshInterval, undefined); Then you need to add function like TimerTick = function() { this.UpdateColor(); }; You can be a bit smarter and check what is the current animation and if it differs from the previous one but that's a bit more elaborate
  14. I don't know the state of the art for translations maybe there are options. Maybe in case of such string we could automatically update the translations if possible.
  15. Yeah the non breaking space change has caused a lot of issues sadly. Since you're looking into it you might want to merge the following PR in SVN -> https://github.com/0ad/0ad/pull/44 Don't you have suggested translations or something, still ? I had a quick look it seems Blender uses Weblate, while Supertuxkart and Widelands use Transifex, Wesnoth uses github repos (which IMHO is a no no). I don't think we should switch for the following reasons: 1. Self hosting sounds like it would be an additional pain 2. So far we had a constant influx of translators due to the Transifex visibility, we might lose that by switching platforms. 3. We might lose actual translators doing the switch (and we might gain new ones going FOSS but usually that doesn't even out) EDIT: There was one user of Mastodon that suggested another alternative, but I can't find it anymore it seems they deleted their toots.
  16. Sorry wasn't clear. Point is you *can* check the compiler, but you have to account for a few ones And you *also* have to take the cpu architecture Risc v, power pc, i386, x64, elbrus2k, arm, aarch64 etc...
  17. A presentation was given at a small french conference back in May, and work should resume during the summer Work has been done on the documentation that can be checked there.
  18. That's because you built in debug and not in release mode. You can't assume gcc sadly. There is also clang. Also maybe the intrisic you use isn't available on ARM.
  19. How slow? On a good machine it's about 2-4 mins. Actually it failed to build What did you expect
  20. Hey, I have some good news and some bad news... The good news is that I found the potential culprit for that messy behavior okay preview -> broken construction -> broken final. The problem is that Foundation.js sets the scaffold animation on buildings. That breaks the construction (If you remove the lines in Foundation.js the color is correct until completion) After that it switches animation again to Idle I suppose and that breaks the final state. It "works" for buildings that have been placed at the start of the map because I suppose they don't change anims. Unfortunately there is no way to force colors to update after each animation change... This might be a C++ "bug". Which means we can't fix it without hacks.... One could add 8 variants of the particle to every single actor and switch them in the component we made. Each particle variant would have a color that you need to guess from the rgb values (fun heh) Another solution is to get the animation name using a timer periodically and if it changed to force the color to update again.
  21. No sorry busy day ^^"
  22. Can you push it in the branch of the mod git so I can take a look tomorrow ?
  23. Could be macs overheating, if you have adapters you could try to play with ethernet cables. I have seen wifi problems with macs before:
  24. if (msg.ent === this.entity) this.UpdateColor(); I meant doing this in OnGlobalOwnershipChanged the global functions are called for every unit anytime anything changes. It's a bit better than OnUpdate but it still isn't great for performance. I suppose it triggers one of the global functions and causes the old buildings to reupdate. I didn't know you were using wals, there might be something different in Wall.js or Wallset.js
  25. You can filter the entity // msg data is {"entity": ent, "from": playerId, "to": playerId}
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