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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Just so we're on the same page, we have an official snap maintained by @oSoMoN @andy5995 also made a pipeline to build an appimage (I sadly never had the time to port it to jenkins) We're in contact with Arch, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD and Fedora for official packages The problem is not so the package but the testing. There is a myriad of Linuxes, and none of them behave the same. eg different kernel versions https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/os/ The moment you take the responsibility to make the package you have to test every distro. Which is why while it's official snap and appimages are still separated for now.
  2. From your system_info.txt it would seem you are using Windows 10? Does the game crash on any map? Does the game crash in single player? You might also want to try disabling TLS in the options https://videos.pair2jeux.tube/w/1XZRV3KkeekuafgUg4sif8 but since you're able to join the match it shouldn't make a difference (And it's better on by default)
  3. Well it doesn't hurt to try if you have time. But it might work for you
  4. This one is okay, I just used the sandboxing feature to be able to put it on the appstore (because that's what other project did), but our license is not compatible, and it's not mandatory. It's also not dependent on anything on the repo. I was waiting for the release to happen to close it. I'm pretty sure it's a snap issue rather than a distro one. The spidermonkey issue is a bit annoying indeed, since it's now extending to macOS As to what people can do, playing svn and reporting issues is good enough With no dev activity, not much is gonna move.
  5. Well we usually work with Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu repositories, but yeah updating packages can sometimes take a month. Isn't ubuntu the most used distro, and their default app manager now using snap ? (I may be out of the loop there) I'm not able to take decisions on this anymore but this sounds good. Unfortunately testing is not really the issue there, the problem is more whatever kind of virtualization happens in there that breaks graphic drivers and sound ones.
  6. IIRC the problem other than manpower is that thing break in non obvious ways (and we don't have the knowledge on that) on flatpack/appimages/snaps and we prefer people use their distribution package when ever possible. IIRC there is an app image, and the snap version is official.
  7. I've sent the email again, I cannot (as far as I know) activate your account directly. Make sure to check your spams.
  8. The music is also available on Spotify
  9. Already exists on some maps. Basically you need n json one for each biome and load that depending on the current biomes tha'ts how biomes work anyway
  10. As far as I know only I can. I needed a simple way to share links at events in the form of one QRCode for those not willing to waste flyers and who'd rather just use their phones. The reason I didn't qualify with official and unofficial is that it prevented some people from engaging at all, and in other instances caused me to have to join 15 discords The next person managing this list can feel free do to whatever they want however. I'd say the international discord link is the second biggest 0 A.D. discord after the hyrule one.
  11. There is one. https://linktr.ee/wildfire_games
  12. Not that hard, but a little still. For all templates with the garrison component, for all actors of those templates if there is no garrisoned variant then you have a missing flag. Then for all the dae files referenced in that actor you need to ensure they have a prop-garrisonedYYY else the model needs to be adjusted. Something like that <node id="prop-box_02" name="prop-box_02" type="NODE"> <matrix sid="transform">-1.62921e-7 -1 0 -0.8 1 -1.62921e-7 0 -0.08623493 0 0 1 3.79285e-4 0 0 0 1</matrix> </node> https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/meshes/props/box_pile_01.dae#L71 Else you can convince someone to rewrite the system so that the prop point(s) is/are set in the templates instead and convince that person to extract all the data from those nodes and put them in the templates instead. This way adding a flag will be easier for you (Also you can change the civ depending on the owner )
  13. Hey, I see no PR on that repo https://github.com/0ADMods/terra_magna/ If you are a web dev and know react you can contribute to the replay-pallas website. https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/
  14. Looks like the API broke. Probably needs an update to work
  15. I think the fact we used famous names was to give an incentive for people to learn about them Just like Pyhric victory in Medieval 2 Total War made me wonder about Pyhrus
  16. Added a small update to the wiki page.
  17. Hey @Allan You need to add the following tag to your particle effect: <use_relative_velocity/> So in your case: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <particles> <texture>art/textures/particles/flame.png</texture> <blend mode="add"/> <start_full/> <use_relative_velocity/> <constant name="emissionrate" value="20.0"/> <uniform name="lifetime" min="1.0" max="1.5"/> <uniform name="velocity.x" min="-2" max="-2.5"/> <uniform name="velocity.y" min="-0.3" max="0.3"/> <uniform name="velocity.z" min="2" max="2.5"/> <uniform name="velocity.angle" min="-3.14" max="3.14"/> <uniform name="size" min="1.0" max="2.0"/> <uniform name="color.r" min="0.8" max="1.0"/> <copy name="color.g" from="color.r"/> <copy name="color.b" from="color.r"/> </particles> I removed the following line in my screenshot for it to be straight. <uniform name="velocity.x" min="-2" max="-2.5"/>
  18. @hyperion https://thetechy.life/how-to-enable-huge-pages-windows-10/ you mean the 4kb file ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35566176/windows-large-page-support-other-than-2mb Sounds like it needs custom dev to be usable.
  19. I'm not sure that works for 32 bits apps. Basically : - Default 32 bit app : max 2GB of RAM - Large adress aware 32 bit app : max 4GB of ram - 64 bit app I couldn't see any swapping info on the MSDN links https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2222901/memory-allocation-limit-for-a-32-bit-app-on-a-64-bit-system I think there was no popup then. elexis fixed a shitton of OOS in A23b
  20. If you still have it around, it would be interesting to have the 64bit A26 build you made to see if that reduces the issues ? If it's that frequent, it would make it easy to rule it out ^^ Not sure if @vladislavbelov has a usable 64bit build.
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