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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. We do not block any Iranian IPs as far as I know. Given that you can access the forums, maybe something else is off. Are you on a restricted network, such as a public Wi-Fi or a School Wi-Fi?
  2. I just checked https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/source/simulation2/components/CCmpUnitMotion.h#L742 We only support affecting UnitMotion/WalkSpeed and UnitMotion/RunMultiplier not Acceleration and InstantTurnAngle According to wiki:TechModifications and https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Attack.js we don't support changing projectile speed either. So sadly, no techs can affect those value.
  3. Right so that would require trac pages to be versioned somewhere (in svn it would seem) and then somehow generate the docs from that... That sounds hella tedious. Also I assume more people read the Meson docs than people read the trac wiki.
  4. That's different. This one is just bad UVMapping.
  5. Autociv's code works well but it's built around the game's code rather than with it. Which means it's gonna be hard to maintain. Also the requirements "it works" are not enough for an inclusion. Tried it a few times. Never managed to pass the inclusion bar => [Differential] D2936 Allow limiting the max number of corpses simultaneously visible in the game (wildfiregames.com)
  6. Yeah my point was I don't trust some people uploading replays Whether it's SP or MP. As long as it's a handcrafted title, it's risky. Indeed. Anonymising all nicknames sounds annoying, but it's doable.
  7. Well that's enough to break the immersion for people that don't care about competitive play. (Not seeing the projectile annoys me enough) That's probably because you play zoomed out Also you can achieve the same result by disabling the spread and the fact archers can miss. That's not what I proposed (I just want an on/off switch under the form of a game option) but yeah, you could do that too given the engine supports it.
  8. I hope someday we can have a non hacky version of it in vanilla.
  9. The tournament thread is filled with zip with multiple replays Yeah Titles are a bit dangerous for me, for its extra moderation. Some of the matches name in the mp lobby are pretty bad. Not sure how I'm gonna tackle tags though. I was thinking of doing it through the interface with a curated list one could choose from
  10. Yes. CXXTEST supports python3 (might need an alias in case python = python2) And I addressed Spidermonkey above.
  11. As long as you have the commands.txt it's fine. I just assume one commands per subfolder. That's because the game creates folders like that. Commands.txt have a unique MatchId, which is shown on one of the screenshot, you can turn the timestamp into a date aswell. Gamenumber doesn't really make much sense since it depends on the machine.
  12. Well I could then overwrite your .bashrc...
  13. Well MatchId is supposed to be unique. If that proves to not be enough we can add the timestamp. Yeah rar and 7zip would be an issue. So far most people usually upload a zip or two files. Yeah export would be nice inside the game but adding something to save files anywhere from JS is a can of worms I suppose. Same as exposing a curl api. The main issue is that on macOS and Linux all the interesting files are in hidden folders... Importing replays sounds more manageable if we drag and drop them like mods. For now though I don't plan to touch the game I'll think about it. For now I planned to call it more a vs b vs c or a,b,c vs d,e,f. And adding tags like, tournament, 1v1 etc
  14. Just because it is the only solution you can think of doesn't mean it is the only solution. The reason you can still dance is because we reduced the turn times to please competitive players. The reason we're having this discussion is because people complained so much about automatic dancing in A23, not the manual one, which still requires you to "waste" time doing the automation. Another solution could be to add a Gamemode such as relic and conquest, which applies a technology on top of all units increasing the turn times, but turning archers into melee units by making their arrows faster. I am however not sure the game allows techs to affect TurnRate, Acceleration, and ArrowSpeed. But it could, in theory.
  15. Hello everyone, Today I would like to share a project that's been in the back of my mind for a while. Sharing replays has always been a mess and annoying and I wanted to address that a bit by providing a centralized address so that all replays you want to share can be uploaded there. I made a proof of concept Using Svelte &, Fastify and I'd like to hear your feedbacks about what you'd want the UI to look like, what filters would you like to see etc, details about the match (we don't have the possibility to get all the info) Here are some screenshots (Keep in mind the layout isn't set in stone, just wanted to have a convenient way to test things out) For security reasons there will be no direct upload button there if it gets online, but rather you'll be able to upload replays to single thread and it will be scrapped periodically. One can upload a zip containing a replays or containing multiple folders with replays, or just the commands.txt or the commands.txt and the metadata.json. LIVE AT: https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/ Sources at:
  16. Was removed when we upgraded Spidermonkey versions from 38 to 45.
  17. Wraitii said it rang a bell as of being a quirk of the hotkeys but he isn't quite sure what's going on. And he is busy ATM.
  18. Currently stuck in Feature Freeze until all the bugs with the new renderer are fixed.
  19. That's because random is the wrong word. The word we should use is procedural.
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