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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-12-07 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. PhiliptheSwaggerless vs BeTe FTS2.5 PhiliptheSwaggerless vs BeTe.zip
    2 points
  3. You probably meant that you recently bought Age of Empires 4 for $45 or so.
    2 points
  4. @Dakara told me of his win, but he'll post the replay tomorrow. I will now launch the 5th and last round of the tournament! __________________________________________________ Round 5 matches: @Feldfeld vs @Dakara @ValihrAnt vs @Player of 0AD @Edwarf vs @MarcusAureliu#s @Philip the Swaggerless vs @BeTe @rm -rf vs @LetswaveaBook @chocapoca vs @seeh Bye (no game for this round, +1 point): @alre The deadline for this round is Friday 16, 23:59 UTC. Please try to organize your match as soon as possible using forum private messaging! Beware of timezone differences. Please message me personally if your opponent doesn't answer you after 2-3 days.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Please vote for us for the indie of the year award hosted by IndieDB and sponsored by Mod.io! Head over to https://www.indiedb.com/games/0-ad and cast your vote!
    1 point
  7. The short answer; success, we made an internet connection through the lobby. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The longer answer. When I first experimented with using the lobby, I may not have set a server password. Overlooked it???? Anyway this time I made sure to set the password, my daughter successfully joined the game with that password. Didn't see anyone else attempt to join. That is the process we use on our local home LAN. When I used https://www.whatismyip.com/ to get my internet IP address, my daughter was not able to join. She received the error message that "this is often caused by UDP port 20595 not being forwarded on the host side, by a firewall or anti-virus software". For a quick test, turned off the firewall, but she was still not able to make a connection. Very helpful. Thank-you for responding.
    1 point
  8. thanks now its working. i did some mistakes that hint me to seeing the changes. for e.g. this helps: Engine.ConfigDB_CreateValue("user", nameLabel, cleanLabel); to see the changes later in the GUI. and a other typo. thanks for re-asking. now it works
    1 point
  9. Hi @user1 played and won against yasa.baris yesterday. Bug in rating system - didn't get any points commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. i completely agree, recently bought AOE4 for $45 or so and instantly regretted. It's just too realistics doesn't feel more like an rpg. I bet 0ad is way better as compared to AOE4 from my POV. Faster and competitive games, requires smart approaches and fast thinking to overcome opponents, that's what RPG is all about. In AOE you cant use a scout to gather food, women can take forever to gather etc. The only best thing about AOE4 is their graphics. If we are to compare 0ad with AOE4 headon, i definitely would say 0ad stands out. About time people should get to know 0AD #0adtotheworld
    1 point
  12. is 0ad not 3D? Honestly, I think 0ad has a massive edge graphically even over AOE4 with its massive budget. AOE 4 looks goofy and cartoonish, and apparently it only runs fast on the lowest settings so it looks even worse in that configuration. I think one way to make 0ad more "modernized" would be to improve accessibility. It seems to me that players these days often just want to jump right into a playlist with matchmaking as soon as they are set up with an account and knowledge from the tutorial/tech tree. In other words, it might be a bit of a turn-off to join the lobby and have to pick a 1v1 or host their own game. Within the lobby, I can envision a "Ranked" quickplay button which will queue you up for a 1v1 with an opponent determined by matchmaking. I'd say this would improve accessibility and the competitive interest of the game. These ranked games would have a standardized set of random maps (maybe feldmap incorporated into main game), a particular map size, population cap, and starting res.
    1 point
  13. ok @Stan` all of mine are ready for voting, idk about @Philip the Swaggerless's MR, but it looks good to me.
    1 point
  14. @maroder's solution is correct. For your information @Thales, you can achieve the same, but without entering the Game Lobby. Just do the following: one of the players hosts the game: from the main menu choose "Multiplayer" and then "Host Game"; the other players join the game: from the main menu choose "Multiplayer" and then "Join Game". The joining players just need to enter the IP address of the hosting computer in the prompt. If playing with people you know, this alternative solution has some benefits: no need to register/authenticate with a lobby account, no need to set a password when creating a game, no information on your games are made public, risk to be DDOSed is reduced.
    1 point
  15. you can set a password which prevents people from joining when they don't know it.
    1 point
  16. @CeresThe README is at https://github.com/0ad-matters/gh-action-build-pyromod and a thread here with extra info
    1 point
  17. Before packaging mods was a hassle because you had to download mods and put them in correct directories and whatnot. Now I can just create a github release and the pipeline takes care of the rest. Then I can download the pyromod turn it into a zip sign it and upload it to mod.io. You can also download the pyromod and install it.
    1 point
  18. Main menu backgrounds look amateur (of course, but still, it's the first impression and that impression is pretty mid). In-game UI (the HUD) is super old and outdated. Menus look too simple, small, and outdated. Game setup looks old and outdated. A lot of random maps still use old assets. We keep old assets around because getting rid of them might break someone's mod = not a great impression. A lot of bad random maps mixed in with the good ones. Time to get rid of the bad or ugly random maps and useless scenario maps. Time to fully support @maroder's efforts to improve things. Also, perhaps we can reimplement the 'default map' UI interface under the hood, where we can select the best maps (random, skirmish, scenario) that the game setup defaults to (instead of strictly the first map on the list alphabetically). Maybe we can refine this to only occur the first few times the game is played in each of this category. After that, it defaults to top alphabetical.
    1 point
  19. I guess if they're into fighting effects like this a new map won't cut it.
    1 point
  20. no es lo q tu pides, pero sabes q si tienes unidads en su cuarteles asas van a ganar experiencia con el tiempo?
    1 point
  21. Yeah it's the name of the franchise. 0 A.D. is not real time period. There is -1 B.C. and 1 A.D.
    1 point
  22. You did? Wanna buy a receipt that you own a picture of something NFT?
    0 points
  23. Such a good game and such a mediocre title...
    0 points
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