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  1. I must express some nuance regarding the discussion, history (aka the field of study) is not sexist but the "object of study" are human societies and human societies were very sexist for a long time. So the role of the women in past societies is far less known and recognized. Furthermore, AoE and other RTS are inheriting a culture built from wargaming. The scope of this kind of RTS is really restrictive, think about it, primary production and military forces. There is little room for anything not revolving around physical violence and industrial exploitation of the resources. Which further ostracize women and other civilians in the RTS. There is a physical dimorphism between men and women but that's not really the origin of the ostracization of women in RTS. The issue is the scope of such RTS where everything revolves around heavy physical activities and violence. Violence is the realm of the men, this is one of the strongest bias in the society. Most crimes are made by men and most of the physical violence is caused by men. The issue of this restrictive scope is not only causing difficulties about portraying women but also anything else not revolving on violence. Religion for example. Religion is a very very very important aspect of ancient societies and yet, how it has been portrayed by 0AD (or AoE)? Healing. As a support to the other real forces of the game: productive forces and military forces. Fundamentally, playing RTS and other strategical games are similar to little boys playing with small figurines imagining they are killing each others. I don't think we should consider it more of an issue than this example. This is mature boys playing with numeric figurines, there is no issue with girls playing the game but I think that if we question this kind of complex issue (portraying fairly women role in society), the basic core of rules and concepts on which the game is built became questioned as well. This is too much a challenge for an opensource project, already struggling with its simple goals. Edit: so my point is simply to say that it is pointless to reach a decent portrayal of women in 0AD. It will always be insufficient or at worst clumsy.
    6 points
  2. Judging nowadays society, 0 A.D must change all actors into genderless, non-binary Humans soon.
    3 points
  3. Oh, look who is commenting? It's Boudica herself, the best performing heroine to have in your champion army. I'm sorry, but it kind of offends me how you imply that it's a good thing to "reduce the impact of early cavalry rushes". First of all, many types of rushes have already been made less powerful in the recent alphas. Not so long ago, cavalry used to be cheaper, stronger, tougher, faster and more accurate. If you want to be an eco bot playing the same 20 minute start every game, there Sandbox Petra AI is still there to serve you (funny enough, the AI is a female too).
    2 points
  4. Good change and thank you for the patch! Apart from what you already mentioned, it also introduced unnecessary micro (which should be shifted to other areas IMO). Disagree. Similar to many animal species, humans do have a sexual dimorphism, e.g. by nature men have a larger muscle mass on average (advantageous adaptation for hunting I guess) whereas women have a higher percentage of body fat on average (advantageous adaptation for pregnancy I guess). Depending on the activity/work, this dimorphism should translate into different work rates in some areas where the differences matter, e.g. where you have to use heavy tools or carry heavy load (lumbering, probably mining, but not gathering berries). At least this sounds reasonable and actually not offending to me. If you are looking for confirmation, compare the performances of women and men at the Olympic games. Regarding Age of Empires II, I think 0 A.D. was born because of the opportunity to make things different from it, not to mimic it...
    2 points
  5. It is true that the history of mankind is full of examples of extreme violence, slavery, sexism, misogyny, etc. If the game 0 A.D intends to be historic accurate, for good and for bad it will reflect these negative aspects that, sadly, are typical of human beings. So I think that if 0 A.D community wants to keep all of this at in-game (which does not seem like an absurd idea), I believe it would be important to shed light on the issue. And my solution here is the same as I proposed in other topics: whenever there is a descriptive box using plain text in order to describe a civilization, a hero, a construction, a weapon or whatever, it would be nice to have links to its Wikipedia articles. This will allow the game to have a much larger educational dimension, as there is no space in the game to describe any of these aspects as described in Wikipedia. Thus, whenever the theme "sexism" is relevant in the game, in an appropriate box, there could be a suggestion for reading articles such as: Sexism and video games - Wikipedia and Gender representation in video games - Wikipedia , for instance.
    1 point
  6. There is nothing that can fix losing 90% of one sex and the gene pool that goes along with it. That's just extinction.
    1 point
  7. History is sexist, don't forget that maurya champion and some heroes are already womens somes mens can't fight in 0AD : Monk for exemple
    1 point
  8. Tag @user1 Please state your lobby username and the lobby username of the offending player. my name: weirdJokes username of offending player: Titiboi92 He just quit in a very bad and unpleasant game situation. Edit: I just searched the forum here and this is already the 3rd time that somebody reported that guy for that behavior. commands.txt
    1 point
  9. Update: added the next mission, Macedonia 21 - Up the Nile River. A more or less standard build and conquer scenario with a few twists. Enjoy! This concludes the Egyptian chapter of the campaign.
    1 point
  10. You are free to submit patches to https://code.wildfiregames.com for all the changes to the code needed, new models, new units, historical background and units balance required to make the game less offensive.
    1 point
  11. The upgrade is officially complete (has been for a few days).
    1 point
  12. a few more buildings for the norse ...
    1 point
  13. @Duileoga No creo que tengas que preocuparte demasiado por esto. Las fuentes arqueológicas son débiles en las viviendas rurales de Tracia. Hay vestigios que sugieren casas de paja, ladrillo o piedra. Hay casas más bárbaras como palacios a la moda griega. Creo que la forma más sencilla es partir de casas rectangulares con paredes de piedra y techo de madera. Un poco así o así. Inspirado por eso. También puede inspirarse en el edificio producido por Lion.Kanzen como centro cívico. Para analizar este edificio, diría que las escaleras son inútiles y que las columnas no deberían estar a tal altura. Pero la idea de un recinto es coherente con lo que sabemos de los príncipes tracios. Vivían en pequeñas fortificaciones, amaban el estilo de vida griego, les encantaba festejar y recibir invitados para mostrar su riqueza. Conocemos un ejemplo concreto de un pequeño edificio aristocrático de arquitectura griega, el Palacio de Seuthopolis. Uno podría imaginar reemplazar las escaleras y el templo en el modelo de Lion.Kanzen por una casa de varios pisos con columnas en la fachada frontal, inspirándose en el Palacio de Seuthopolis. Después de todo, encontramos esta idea en villas romanas que copiaban la moda griega, a veces con varios pisos. Para hacer más "tracia", podría ser posible agregar decoraciones similares a las de la tumba tracia de Svechtari. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thracian_Tomb_of_Sveshtari
    1 point
  14. Posdata; Tenía intención de hacer al menos dos bocetos para los tracios a petición de @Genava55 ya que me ofrecí para hacerlo , pero no tengo buenas referencias para hacer bocetos de estructuras tracias , ¿ alguien me puede ayudar? Aunque no tengo mucho tiempo , espero utilizar parte para aportar a este juego. Nuevamente ; Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  15. Buenas , ¡Muchísimas gracias! (Espero que en algún momento los lusitanos sean una realidad jugable para este gran juego ya que tienen mucho potencial ) Disculpe me las molestias*
    1 point
  16. Buenas; Muchísimas gracias @Stan` , me encantaría recibir consejos sobre alguien como usted . Estoy trabajando con la aplicación 3D llamada "Blender" , si conoce mecanismos que me ayuden a acelerar el desarrollo como consejos para aplicar las texturas o moldear objetos (como cilindros y esferas que me son difíciles ) seré todo oídos. El camarada @Lopess ya me está ayudando muchísimo y explicando , pero cuantos más mejor. Espero poder tener todos los edificios y luego ponerme hipotéticamente a crear bocetos de unidades (en unos días tendré más bocetos de edificios con texturas) Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  17. Hi so I just started playing this game. (Technically I haven't gotten beyond the tutorial of the game so maybe that's all that needs fixed?) I'm female and got pissed at this game in the tutorial. I get the time frame women can't "fight" aspect of that time but could you at least make a little less sexist by making it so there are male gathers that also can't fight? Or making it so there are like amazon warriors? Or better yet both? Here's more on the amazon warriors: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/10/141029-amazons-scythians-hunger-games-herodotus-ice-princess-tattoo-cannabis/ If this is already a thing an updated to the tutorial would be great! If not I, and I'm sure your other female players of this game, would greatly apricate some changes in this regard.
    0 points
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