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  1. My attempt to model a "range" for Zapotecas.
    3 points
  2. Maybe use a Kiva ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiva https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon_Ruins
    3 points
  3. Hello, I have been following the game for many years and of course playing it, it is a game that I love how it is, but I think it would be nice if before starting a game in the options of that game you can activate or deactivate the function of capturing buildings, there are occasions that I prefer that this function was not there, and I think that it doesn't hurt anyone that the function exists, I think we will all agree that there are people who like the capture function for being more realistic and others who don't, so Because a function is not added for when you prepare a game can be played with or without it, I do not know what you think, I think that having more options when configuring a game such as this is not bad. Maybe that function already exists, but I have not been able to see it.
    2 points
  4. In special commemoration of the first broadcast game from the tournament, 0AD Newbie Rush have produced a special one-off collectible T-Shirt
    2 points
  5. New development version: - Big optimization in code that retrieves production from players, reduced from > 100ms to < 10 ms in late game 4v4, accounting for GUI. Thanks @nani prodmod.pyromod
    2 points
  6. This map is called Isthmus of Tehuantepec. It just needs some tinkering but it's ready. They will find a Huave village (the villages are not finished) that are supposed to give you food and fishing techs(is not implemented )
    2 points
  7. First game of a very rapid series from Derek O's 0AD 1 v 1 World Cup July 2020 Tournament
    2 points
  8. Hi again, this is my second contribution to the 0ad game, but a big one for me As I promised on the ArchMod, I've developed a new AI architecture by modifying the original Petra bot. After a long (nearly 2 months) and exhausting development and testing period, it is now ready to be shared with the fans of 0ad. I have to say that AI development is really a serious job and I have a full respect to the developers of the Petra AI. Thank you very much for your efforts to develop the Petra AI. Arch AI Pack Arch AI bots are distributed as a pack that consists 9 Arch based and 4 Petra based bots. Arch Based AI Bots Arch based AI bots use Arch AI architecture. Admiral Capitalist Communist Imperialist Mason Mercantilist Patriot Theocrat Unitary Petra Based AI Bots Petra based AI bots use the original Petra AI architecture. Imperialist Patriot Single Based Unitary Initial Release Bonus: Naval Attack + Mauyran AI can produce Support Elephants and use them effectively. Capabilities: Arch AI can defeat Petra Bot except Very High Starting resources. Arch AI can start naval attacks. Best faction for Arch AI: Mauyrans (Main faction for Arch AI development) Tips: I advice to play with ArchMod. In ArchMod, you can set handicap levels for AIs. In addition, you can start with zero resources and play different game modes. ArchMod Difficulty Support: Arch AI supports Archmod harder AI levels (Insane I-X) that are harder than Very Hard AI level. Github page of the Arch AI: https://github.com/eserlxl/Arch-AI ( I'm waiting your bug reports and feedback ) Challenge: Play against Mauyrans faction with Very Low or Zero ( ArchMod ) starting resources. Installation: You can download the latest Arch AI Pack from here. Extract the release version and copy the ArchAIPack directory to the mods directory ( ../0ad/data/mods/ ). P.S. to Developers: If you give file read/write ability to the AI like readJSON/writeJSON access from the Engine, I can develop a learning AI. I hope you will enjoy when playing against Arch AI bots
    1 point
  9. @Stan` For the first i uploaded one patch. Please can you give a look at it to see, whether or not it's correct? Thank's in advance.
    1 point
  10. New development version: - Fix issue with single player not adjusted for optimizations Screenshots (on a 4k monitor with 1.5 gui scaling, let me know your experiences with other resolutions/scaling factors): prodmod.pyromod
    1 point
  11. Hello folks, This is an email message that I post here on verbatim for those that did not fill out the email field on challonge and/or for visibility: This week ends the deadline for the 1st match, these are the outstanding ones: - @Lorenz11 vs @Lenhes - MarcAurel vs @afarre - defc0n vs @Wendy22 - @LeGenDz vs @frank93 If you have a reason for why you can't play until Sunday EOD please send an email/PM/comment (with me and/or @DerekO on cc) and we can reschedule no problem. If no reason is provided and the player is not present in the lobby at 19 PM CET, player automatically forfeits. If both players are not present in the lobby at specified time, and none provides an alternative schedule, it's a tie. If one of the players is present at the specified time, or has been responsive and provided an alternative schedule in message with copy to me or Derek with no response from opponent, wins by WO. Again, if you can't play for whatever reason, that's not a problem at all, you can play in a more opportune occasion and won't lose the match, just let us know ahead of time. Good luck and ggs! Amadeus.
    1 point
  12. @Stan` The problem is the `autociv_patchApplyN` function is not available to that file, which is puzzling since I am using the same format as autociv is. Anyway, I already put the definition and the same file as GuiInterface and called it a day New development version: - Dynamically colored sprites - Brighten progress bar if the player color is too dark (most difficult thing I've done on this project so far ) - Compatible with or without autociv/mods that alter player color prodmod.pyromod
    1 point
  13. @vladislavbelov any update from this thread? (glow, light, lighting, storm)
    1 point
  14. I dont know what load order the simulation files have. The file might be being loaded after its used or not accesible from that folder, try copying the file where you use it but be careful to not name it the same as the others.
    1 point
  15. Hello @user1 I have followed the instructions and there it is the required commands file. My name in the lobby be the same (afarre) and the other player was called "Liberal_Elite" in the lobby. commands.txt
    1 point
  16. Adding new methods to the GuiInterface component doesn't trigger OOS and if you only extract data from the simulation then you can guarantee no OOS as it doesn't affect the simulation
    1 point
  17. Please be aware of class renaming that was done in a24. For example these two https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP22328 and https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP23853. Also I am not sure if your petra will be compatible with a24 aside classes because this one: https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP22527. I generally do not think you should spend much time getting it compatible with a24 while you actively develop under a23b. But sure once you are happy with state of your ai, you can make it a24 compatible but I would suggest fork your ai and do not try to make it work under both 0ad versions. Also you can make use of this.debug in Config and if your debuging code with it so you have easier time making dev version to release one. Happy coding
    1 point
  18. New development version: - Adjusted positioning for production row when not observer and playerid > 1 - Small visual adjustments - Decreased update delay from 1s -> 500ms - Small optimizations and refactoring - Do not show remaining time for buildings without assigned workers - Do not display progress bar when foundation has not started - Small adjustments in preparation for Units display mode - Fixed transition when player resigns -> observer mode prodmod.pyromod
    1 point
  19. Yes they are Pueblo/Hopis. thanks Also how could the temple look. I did not find references
    1 point
  20. ¡Hermosos edificios! cada vez más genial!
    1 point
  21. Sorry, i saw the comments from @Stan` but thought it was just an information that he has this done. So, i've just correct the two files online, as nescio said. I'll hope this time it's correct.
    1 point
  22. Took inspiration on your concept
    1 point
  23. Thanks @Angen for your feedback Rate and time array were removed as you suggested in ArchMod-0.3. I've double checked handicap settings are correct in the game play. AI Handicap indexes are between 0 and 39. 0 => -95% Bonus, 19 => No change and 39 => 100% Bonus. The AI Handicap equation: SetGatherRateMultiplier(1+(AIHandicapIndex-19)*0.05) For your thoughts about AI, you are right. But, we can always code better AIs. I would like to improve the current PetraBot AI as an alternative AI. I never think to replace it I think the player should be able to choose AI difficulty and handicap options separately. It will be interesting to play against absurd AI bots like Very Hard AI with -95% Bonus Besides, playing with many AI bots with different AI difficulty and handicap settings means countless different game possibilities. My intention is exactly to increase this number to have fun and improve my strategic thinking capability. The rate advantage is still can be chosen from handicap settings. But, I also want to play against very hard enemy without any rate advantages to AI to test myself. Yes, exactly I'm testing different AIs as you said. My aim is to create an alternative AI. I don't want to replace PetraBot or other possible bots. I think there should be many different AI bots. Of course, humanity will alter the bots before they conquer the world I always support and help better AI coding without any AI cheating
    1 point
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