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3 points
Nice thoughts, lots of these are gameplay related so I ping @Nescio please look at his thread and patches and try to comment there2 points
Fuentes ; https://pueblosoriginarios.com/lenguas/jero_maya.php (leer jeroglíficos preclásico) http://www.famsi.org/spanish/mayawriting/dictionary/montgomery/mainindex.htm (leer diccionario de jeroglíficos mayas preclásico ) https://books.google.es/books?id=vQgy3YMJyMcC&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=tojt'an&source=bl&ots=dRYMfnSeKE&sig=ACfU3U11YM1GN_6YSVZ09b6mZY9KOvhrdw&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw08W16f7pAhWRBGMBHbDWD9AQ6AEwBHoECA0QAQ#v=onepage&q=tojt'an&f=false (uno de los actuales idiomas mayas "Itzaj") https://books.google.es/books?id=CTUlDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA101&lpg=PA101&dq=canoa+jukuub'&source=bl&ots=vgzExRF5P8&sig=ACfU3U2U7PP7inWnsn5qgFxIqlyim8QzEQ&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHxai06_7pAhXzBGMBHVcPCe0Q6AEwA3oECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false (leer diccionario de diferentes lenguas mayas ) http://www.famsi.org/spanish/research/pitts/GlifosMayasLibro1.pdf (para crear nuevas palabras para el juego que no existan) http://www.mesoweb.com/es/recursos/intro/JM2010.pdf (para crear nuevas palabras para el juego que no existan ) https://books.google.es/books?id=qS9uCyBi3VcC&pg=PA184&lpg=PA184&dq=mayas+escudos&source=bl&ots=I3y120P5q5&sig=ACfU3U1mW0_RrFmslTLm2IcjN1AP6MxxbQ&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQgs_qkf_pAhWKHhQKHVCXB5IQ6AEwD3oECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q= escudos&f=false (mundo maya " escudos")2 points
Buenas, creo que se podría retomar la posibilidad de las ciudades estado , aunque hay menos información cuanto más atrás en el tiempo vamos , la arqueología avanza rápido y me enfoqué en el periodo Preclásico , también cojo cosas del Clásico temprano. Entre las ciudades del Preclásico cabe citar a ; 1)-"Yax Mutul ------------------(Tikal)", 2)-" Tak'alik A'baj' " 3)-"Kaminaljuyú" 4)-"Edzná" , 5)-"Nakbé" 6)-"Wakná" 7) -"Yakxuná" 8)-"Izapa" 9)-" Tipikal " 10)-"Ox te’ Tuun ------------(Calakmul)" 11) -"Loltún" 12) -"Lamanai" 13)-"Naachtun" 14)-"Oxwitik-------------------- (Copán)" 15)-"Komchén" 16)-"Dzibilnocac" 17)-" Dzibilchaltún" 18)-"Siaan Ka’an ---------------(Uaxactún) 19)-" Bàak’ ------------------------(Palenque)". -posibles unidades; ................................................ (necesita revisión) ------infantería ligera; (9) 1. Guerrero guerrillero (lanza dardos-javalinas);---------( Hul'che Bate) 2. Guerrero con Hacha;-----------------------------------------------( B'aat Bate) 3. Guerrero con Garote;----------------------------------------------( Xet'el Che' Bate) 4. Guerrero con cerbatana;-----------------------------------------(Puw' Bate ) 5. Guerrero con Honda;-----------------------------------------------( Yum'Tun Bate) 6. Guerrero con macuauitel;---------------------------------------( Hadzab Bate)---¿Posclásico? 7. Guerrero con Arco y flechas;----------------------------------( Jul Bate) 8. Guerrero con Lanza obsidiana-corta;----------------------( Taj Lom Bate) 9. Guerrero con Lanza de pedernal-larga ;-------------------( Took' Lom Bate) ----Bate/Ch'ahom/Xib' ; --Varón/Hombre ---- Chakch'ok ;-- Infantería/hombre jóven . http://www.marisolcollazos.es/noticias-criminologia/?p=7473 (hul´che) ------infantería pesada ; (5) 10. Guardián (guardaespaldas);-------------------( kokhom ) 11. Guerrero jaguar;--------------------------------------( Aj Balam ) 12. Guerrero noche;-------------------------------------( Aj ak' bal) 13. Incendiador ;-------------------------------------------( Tilo'm Bate )--- " Sustituye a la artillería" 14. Guerrero que captura;----------------------------( Aj Uchukuw / Aj' X' B'ak ) ---- B'ate ;----(título de élite que significa cabecilla o ,literalmente; " Cabeza de lanza") -----infantería campeonas ; (5) 15. Guerrero clase noble ;----------------------------- ( Bahkab ) 16. General;---------------------------------------------------( Aj Payal ) 17. Alto cargo militar;-----------------------------------( Sajaloob ) 18. Guerrero de élite;-----------------------------------( Witz Moo' ) 19. Gran Sacerdote ;-------------------------------------( Noj Aj K'uhun ) ------Unidades civiles; (4) 20. Mujer;----------------------------------( ixik ) 21. Comerciante;-----------------------( Aj Kon ) 22. Sacerdote;----------------------------( Aj K'in ) 23. Corredor /explorador;--------( A'nab / Aj'alka' ) -------unidades marítimas; (3) 24- Canoa de guerra;--------------( Jukuub' Tok' pakal ) 25- Canoa mercante;--------------( Jukuub' Konol ) 26- Gran canoa;---------------------( Chak Jukuub' ) -------Héroes; (3) 27. Soberano de Tikal ;------------------------( K'uhul Mutal Ajaw ) 28. Soberano de Piedras Negras;------( K'uhul Yokib Ajaw ) 29. Soberana;-------------------------------------( ix K'uhul Ajaw ) (para las unidades de héroes como no encontré personajes históricos verificables es mejor poner títulos de soberan@s ) posibles edificios ; (necesita revisión) ------Edificios comunes; (14) 1.Centro cívico;-----------------( Ol noj na) 2.casas;---------------------------(Otooch) 3.Almacén;----------------------(¿?) 4.Alquería;----------------------(Mol nal) 5.Corral;-------------------------(¿?) 6.Torre de defensa;-----------(¿?) 7.Cuartel;-----------------------(Bate nal) 8.Herrería;----------------------(K'al pibil) 9.Templo;----------------------(Pib naah) 10.Muralla;---------------------(Pa') 11.Huerto;----------------------(Tz'apli) 12.Mercado;-------------------(K'iwik) 13.Puerto;---------------------(Kayoom nah) 14.Fortaleza;------------------(Noj tuun atoot) -----Edificios especiales; (6) 15.Cancha de juego de pelota;---------------(Pitzil) 16.Biblioteca;-----------------------------------(Hu'un nah) 17.Templo mayor;-----------------------------(Noj witz) 18.Observatorio;-------------------------------(K'inob) 19.Acrópolis;-----------------------------------(Chak yotoot) 20.Maravilla;------------------------------------(¿?)2 points
2 points
2 points
I am only qualified to solved simple problems I could suggest you to uncheck the "filter compatible replays" section and search for "Mord" (because Mord is lord). You should see the replay. In my case it appears twice because I saw the beginning of that game live and I downloaded the full version from the forum. If you have a mod issue, you should see it in darker grey (as it is the case for the replay at the bottom of my list) Also make sure you are seeing multiplayers games with any victory conditions (filters are on the right)2 points
Really bad textures are still useable for highlights and such, only edits to existing textures I can think of being necessary are a desaturation of the autumn temperate textures2 points
What about deteriorated/abandoned structures of the current period? I used it in a modified version of Cycladic Archipelago to add abandoned structures on some parts of the islands. (On one of the matches, I managed to capture and garrison the tower before the AI started expanding, so when the AI colonized the island, the southern part of the island was under my control)2 points
0 A.D. Development Report: September 2019 – May 2020 Wildfire Games, the international group of volunteers developing 0 A.D. : Empires Ascendant, is happy to present its latest development report. If you want to find out more about the development of this open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game or if you are interested in game development in general, it might provide an interesting read. If you want to be part of this project, feel free to visit our forums and join our active community, or just grab a task from our list of open tickets and get right to it. We are currently looking for Programmers, Translators, Historians, MapMakers, Animators and Artistsa. *names written in bold black are Wildfire Games staff and names written in bold grey are community members Summary Programming We have been working on improvements on performance, both graphical and non-graphical, to make the next Alpha run more smoothly. The map editor will no longer be laggy (creation should not be hindered!) when changing the height. You can also now search the entities in a non-strict manner, e.g. “units ptol hlr” would show “units/ptol_support_healer_a” in the list. Art Greeks, Iberians, Celts, Romans, and Carthaginians have received visual updates, with better helmets, shields, and props. Flora has also been improved with better trees, and more variety in plants and props that can be placed over the maps in the scenario editor. The bear and the baby elephants now have animations, and hippopotamuses can now be placed using the scenario editor. Special artillery towers have been added to the game, as well as a new Gaul wonder and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. New sounds for weapons and for some animals have been committed. Balancing Work has been done towards improving gameplay to fix the current balancing issues with the help of some of the best ranked lobby players and some modders. Internationalization 17 languages have reached more than 90% of translation. Programming The whole team would like to welcome Angen as a new member. Angen has been an external contributor since the beginning of 2018 and has done a lot of work towards unit behaviour improvements. He is currently working on improvements on the formation system along with general unit behavior improvements. Angen added the ability to allow cancelling trade routes. He committed some fixes for formations. He implemented the ability to display tools instead of weapons when units are approaching resources. He made the trade gain by garrisoned entities configurable which will allow for a finer balancing a75397425a3774fd.mp4 bb has also been working on various smaller code fixes with the goal to improve consistency and to make unit templates cleaner and he fixed the lag that appears on windows when shift is pressed. elexis committed a patch allowing for map specific placement in the GUI game setup page, continued working on the GUI rewrite and fixed some bugs. He implemented game-setup options for landscape and daytime and added morepreviously uncredited people to the credits. FeXoR and nani have been working on the procedural generation of maps, to allow for more realistic maps. Freagarach made it possible for the same entity in multiple control groups (ctrl + number hotkeys). He allowed for status effects to affect unit speed (e.g. slowing down a unit when hit) this will be particularly useful for mods with magic. He also added a progress bar to show the upgrade status. Mods can now make projectiles deal friendly fire. This is currently unused in the game. He also allowed for some resources to not be barterable in the market, this will also be used in mods such as 0abc (link) and Delenda Est (link) upgrade-animations-and-progress-bar.mp4 Imarok fixed an error warning with AMD CPUs, fixed the display of actions cursors over the minimap and the usage of the patrol action, and did some cleanup in the minimap code. Itms worked on some improvements to the continuous integration system. He also did some library updates for NVTT (NVIDIA Texture Tools), the library we use for our textures, with the help of adrian and s0600204 on a library called FMT (This library is used to print warnings and errors). He also worked on build fixes for Mac OS. Krinkle worked on fixing JavaScript warnings, and submitted a few fixes for MacOS support, as well as some to improve the game’s CI. linkmauve did some cleanup of the rendering engine, by removing old platform specific code which was either deprecated or superseded by SDL2, and worked towards improving multithreaded debugging. Nescio has done a lot toward improving consistency in our files, renaming them to match the same conventions, and making them easier to deal with by simplifying some of them. For example all our map files had inconsistent naming conventions, and the presence of whitespaces in their name caused issues. Stan has created a feature for mods to allow buildings to construct themselves without the need of units. He made some optimizations to the engine, and did some cleaning up of the code. He also improved the scripts that help artists check for mistakes, and made a Blender importer for game objects, reducing the amount of work it requires. He also added the ability to play visual animations when a building is upgrading, and when a tech is being researched. He is currently working with the help of OptimusShepard to fix an issue with recent AMD CPUs. If you have Zen 2 CPU and want to help please head to this forum thread and tell us. Autobuildable video (3D Printing house) Researching animations user1 and Dunedan are working on upgrading the lobby backend to be able to provide new features for the next Alphas. vladislavbelov continued working on the rendering engine to bring improved performance and visuals. The next alpha will feature a FXAA filter, allowing models to look less jagged. He also worked on better tools to debug the renderer and easier access to those through the game. He added an option to use low quality shadows on more modest machines. He also worked on the map editor, allowing it to save the panel size between each session so one does not have to resize them every time, and a non-strict search to the Atlas entity list. He is currently working with Stan to add an option to resize the map with a specific offset. Snapping (1).mp4 Snapping to buildings (video) Screenshots with/without FXAA wraitii has worked on improving the engine, cleaning the code to make it easier to extend and to optimize. He has also been reviewing patches from Freagarach with aim to add gameplay features, such as status effects. Status effects will allow units to deal more realistic damage to others. For instance, it will allow flaming arrows to keep dealing burning damage after a unit has been hit. status-effect-test2.mp4 Art Alexandermb added a Transversal Crested gallic centurion helmet, sheaths, new idle relax animations for the hoplite, and scutum shields. He also made some citizen animations for the slave and siege engine operators. Likewise, there are some new Gaul idles for swordsman and new pikeman attacking animations, new Roman republican and imperial shields, gladiator helmets, Celtic Carnyx, while he finished the bear animations, hippopotamus animations, worked on improving camel animations and gave more options to modders, new animations for siege engines and improved existing ones. He worked on improving the shield textures, allowed elephant turrets to attack by giving them an attack animation, and animated the baby elephant. 5253d395bfdc8c4e.mp4 Bigtiger has worked on some gorgeous new elm trees, new poplar trees and improved the flora LordGood added new Ptolemaic houses, committed Enrique's pines, artillery towers, new unit sounds, Hungarian oaks, bolt tower and amphitheater, updated Ptolemaic sentry tower and added a new obelisk. He has worked on a few beautiful maps and provided screenshots for advertising on social media. Artillery Towers Hungarian oaks Pompeii amphitheatre for Romans in scenario editor New Ptolemaic houses Sahyadri Buttes, a new 5 player Skirmish map Atlas Valleys is a large 8 player skirmish map Samulis created new cattle sounds. Stan added an orange firefly particle and committed new improved berry bushes by BigTiger. He updated outdated icons and cavalry icons to use the new horse assets. There are now new lavender, new bluefin tuna textures and animations. Lately he has developed new icons for the unit actions and for status effects. He created three textures and icons for bears (polar, black, brown), made two hippopotamuses textures and created a model for the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. He also replaced the current Gaul wonder by a more historically accurate one: the sanctuary of Corent. Sanctuary of Corent Fireflies raw2.mp4 bear Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Hippopotamus wackyserious improved textures for Greeks, Iberians, Romans, and Carthaginians. Judean slinger Iberian Spearmen Roman Advanced Cavalry Cretan Archer Iphicrates Roman TRIARII wowgetoffyourcellphone made some Corinthian helmet portraits, worked on some animals portraits and has given feedback on gameplay and icons and has made some of the screenshots in this development report. Miscellaneous Balancing Nescio worked with Stockfish, Badosu, ValirAnt, FeldFeld, and borg- to get some gameplay balancing patches, which were committed by other members. Documentation Beau fixed some mistakes in the documentation.² Beise is currently translating the wiki from English to German. Nescio has also been updating the English style guide, corrected many templates for consistency, and standardized hero aura descriptions and generalised tooltips. Finances Jeru made a new financial report and submitted a development report to SPI our financial sponsor. Thank everyone for all the donations. You can see more information about supporting us financially here: https://play0ad.com/community/donate/. Lobby user1 and elexis continue their work moderating in the multiplayer lobby. user1 created a a special thread on the forums to report all issues regarding the lobby. Interviews Freagarach gave a presentation at Sogyo Stan gave an interview for the Waffling Taylors podcast (https://wafflingtaylors.rocks/). The podcast should be available in June. He gave an interview with Picasoft (in French - you can find an English transcript here). Picasoft is an association at the UTC (a French school) you can read more about it here. He also gave a presentation at Avanade He also held a stand at the Capitole Du Libre in November 2019. You can find a summary here vladislavbelov did a presentation in FOSDEM 2020 about graphics pipelines in 0AD. See this thread for more information. Translations 16 languages have reached more than 90% of translation. If you want to help with your native language head over to Transifex. Gallaecio has been improving and correcting the English descriptions in-game with the help of Nescio Tournaments There has been quite a lot of activity on the competitive side! Most of the replays are available on the forums, so you can see some of the best players in action. derekO organized “double elimination” a tournament fpre organized a “survival” tournament HMS-Surprise organized the Sunday pro games tournament 1v1 commentated between 17/01/2019 and 24/11/2019. This was a competitive community event with very nice graphic designs! marcusAureliu#s organized a tournament rain_ironwolf organized a Hyrule Conquest tournament Stockfish also organized a multiplayer 0 A.D. tournament called the Primus Pilus tournament from 30/03/2020 to 29/04/2020. HMS-Surprise eventually took over to finish it. This report was written by asterix with the help of Thorfinn the Shallow Minded, Stan and Sundiata. For more details, please check wiki:Alpha24 and the roadmap. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.1 point
Hay una vasta colección de imágenes de cerámica maya en este sitio web en la opción de escudos: http://research.mayavase.com/kerrmaya_list.php?_allSearch=&hold_search=&x=37&y=12&vase_number=&date_added=&ms_number=&site=&icon_elements[]=Shield%2C+pakal%2C+spears1 point
Todavía hay un largo camino para llegar a donde quiero ir, pero espero algo concreto hasta el lanzamiento de Alfa 24. (Necesitamos más civs no mediterráneos como el Subsahariano y el continente americano)1 point
-Buenas , la verdad es que yo quería poner todos los nombres de ciudades mayas importantes del Preclásico en su lengua original , como no encontré la transcripción de" El Mirador" decidí omitirla , pero como veo que tiene interés, investigaré más sobre el tema haber si encuentro algo y dejaré los enlaces debajo. Posdata ; Mi información no es perfecta , necesita revisión , pero por lo menos es mejor que empezar de cero. Post posdata; Me gustan mucho sus edificios en 3D inspirados en Chichen Itza . Disculpen las molestias.1 point
Esto es realmente magnífico, soy pesado con el 3D, pero mi sueño era una (o más) civilizaciones estadounidenses que comenzaran con los mayas, tengo algunas cosas hechas aquí en mi PC. Hubo un tiempo en que me impresionó especialmente El Mirador. ¿Sabrías el nombre en la ciudad maya? Realmente nunca encontré el nombre en los supuestos máximos de que sería la primera o segunda capital del reino de la serpiente.1 point
1 point
Arquitectura; He visto que en el "Tópico ; Mayan buildings for 0.A.D(under development ) " los edificios se centran en la época del Posclásico (me encantan, muy bonitos ) , pero no se pueden relacionar mucho con la arquitectura del Preclásico (aun se pueden usar para un mod del Posclásico maya) , muchas de las estructuras monumentales o públicas de este periodo Preclásico se cubrían en estuco o estuco rojo , como acrópolis , templos o palacios; (mercado)1 point
Nice idea I believe @wraitii and @vladislavbelov did some prototyping with waves https://code.wildfiregames.com/M41 point
Los mayas en potencia eran mejores honderos. Muy buenos deforestado res y trabajaban bien la piedra. Una red de comercio por agua muy buena. Tanto así que su comercial conectaba al valle de México con las tierras Andinas.1 point
@1:07:06, when it comes to the installation process on Mac, the more convenient way is Homebrew Casks. It is not mentioned on the website, probably there is a reason for that. brew cask install 0-ad PS: Stan was good, glad to hear some interviews from the people who make 0AD and some of their annectodes. If I had been the interviewer, I would also have asked if the game should take a more commercial path, like the Czech game company "Wube Software", which is known for Factorio.1 point
Para diseños de escudos no encontré ningún diseño fiable de esa época , pero sí del Clásico tanto temprano como medio , pero incluirlos en el preclásico sería un anacronismo; En estos códices y murales hay diseños de aspecto de los guerreros ; ( es evidente que así mismos se representan con piel morena asique sería incorrecto y racista crearlos con piel caucásica) ;1 point
1 point
-fauna;--------------- Tapir_iguana_Mono aullador_jaguar_Pavo_ciervo de virginia_corzuela americana_Saíno/pecarí_Agutí_Tepescuintle_armadillo_oso lavador_boa constrictor_tortugas_manatíes_caimanes_Mantarraya_ocelote_faisán_mono araña_Tucán_Puma_margay_Quetzal_Venado _mapache_murciélago_Colibrí -Flora;---------------- Ceiba_Caoba_Zapote_cedro hispánico_tinto_higuera_jícaro_aguacatero_mandioca_Malanga_Ciruela_Guayaba_ anacardo, nenufar ,bejuco ,1 point
-Bonificacion de faccion; 1)"Arquitectura monumental"( al acanzar la 3 fase"urbana", todos los edificios especiales de facción al igual que el centro cívico , la fortaleza y la maravilla , tardan menos en construirse) 2) Juego de pelota o " Pitzil" (Una pequeña capacidad para que todas las unidades guarnecidas en la cancha aumentan lentamente su rango) 3)" Sacrificios humanos o "K'ex" ( La unidad del Gran sacerdote puede capturar unidades enemigas y neutrales para sacrificarlas al igual que sacrificar a unidades enemigas y neutrales ya capturadas que al momento del sacrificio aumenta ligeramente el rango de todas las unidades cercanas y cuatos más sacrificios más aumenta sus rangos . Tambíen la posibilidad de que la estrucctura de "El templo mayor" crea unidades ya listas para el sacrificio de el "Gran sacerdote" , el cual si sacrifica a culaquier unidad cerca de dicho templo aumenta más el rango de las unidades dentro del área que si los sacrificara lejos del templo y cuantos más sacrificie más aumentan sus rangos) -Bonificacion de equipo; 1) Calzadas o "Sakbé "/"Bih" (Todas las unidades de infantería se desplazan más rápido que otras civilizaciones) 2) Milpa de rotación o " Siho'm" ( La recolección de madera es más rápida ) -Tecnologías especiales; 1)"Matemáticas"(el tiempo de reclutación de unidades de infantería por grupos es menor) 2) calendario o " Tzolk'in " ( la capacidad de las unidades al recolectar huertos y arbustos es mayor que en otras civilizaciones ) 3) Parcelas desbrozadas y quemada para la siembra o " Milpa" (los huertos son más baratos)1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
He is looking into it. Be patient Yep, I think I have pinpointed the issue, hopefully it will work better after fixing it. It's not a cache issue, it's an incorrect use of OpenGL1 point
1 point
Yeah the new option is very taxing on your VRAM we are investigating to know if there is an issue with the patch itself or if it's just using too many resources. Thanks for testing.1 point
1 point
Me, is little task I'm dealing with this in my little task to learn proper modelling. But i need a simple concept first.1 point
Steps: 1 - Find the folder where you other replays are stored. Something like : C:\Users\xx\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays\0.0.23 where "xx" is specific to your account . 2 - Make a folder there with a particular name (like "why you should believe goat in the future") so it is easier to identify in the future if needed) and put your files there 3 - Open the file "commands.txt" to make sure it uses the same mod as the one you are using. In this case, I guess you are not using autociv you should remove the autociv reference in the file. At the end of the second lines repeated below, you would therefore delete what I have put in bold: start {"settings":{"PlayerData":[{"Name":"Mord (1422)","Civ":"gaul","Color":{"r":86,"g":180,"b":31},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":0},{"Name":"bbleft (1622)","Civ":"brit","Color":{"r":150,"g":20,"b":20},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":0},{"Name":"Palaiologos (1506)","Civ":"kush","Color":{"r":220,"g":115,"b":16},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":0},{"Name":"MICKY (1392)","Civ":"brit","Color":{"r":160,"g":80,"b":200},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":1},{"Name":"Dizaka (1536)","Civ":"iber","Color":{"r":50,"g":170,"b":170},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":1},{"Name":"PhyZic (1728)","Civ":"cart","Color":{"r":64,"g":64,"b":64},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":1}],"VictoryConditions":["conquest","capture_the_relic"],"CircularMap":true,"Size":320,"PopulationCap":200,"StartingResources":300,"Ceasefire":0,"RelicCount":13,"RelicDuration":25,"WonderDuration":20,"RegicideGarrison":false,"Nomad":false,"RevealMap":false,"ExploreMap":false,"DisableTreasures":true,"DisableSpies":false,"LockTeams":true,"LastManStanding":false,"CheatsEnabled":false,"RatingEnabled":true,"Name":"Hyrcanian Shores","Script":"hyrcanian_shores.js","Description":"Each player starts in a coastal area between forested hills and the Caspian Sea.","Keywords":[],"Preview":"hyrcanian_shores.png","TriggerScripts":["scripts/TriggerHelper.js","scripts/ConquestCommon.js","scripts/Conquest.js","scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js"],"VictoryScripts":["scripts/TriggerHelper.js","scripts/ConquestCommon.js","scripts/Conquest.js","scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js"],"mapType":"random","Seed":849785415,"AISeed":3698933882},"mapType":"random","mapPath":"maps/random/","mapFilter":"default","script":"hyrcanian_shores.js","gameSpeed":1,"map":"maps/random/hyrcanian_shores","matchID":"01ED52B5DADDA511","timestamp":1586817370,"engine_version":"0.0.23","mods":[["public","0.0.23"],["autociv","0.16.1"]]} 4 - Just play the replay using your 0ad game as you would do it for your own game You can play a mod if you are using too many mods but you can play a replay if you don't have the mods the players was using when he played the game (unless you do the steps above). A good practice should be for posted replays to have extra mod removed but unfortunately, nmost of th etime you will have to do it your self in most cases. Even a monkey should be able to learn the trick! Enjoy!1 point
I miss these, thanks for the update guys! So excited for the next release.1 point
1 point
@Nescio thanks for the comments. I'll try to look more into English consistency in the next report. Done. Took six months more than expected to write this report, so that was to be expected. I fixed it. Same for @ValihrAnt's name1 point
This looks great, many thanks for compiling such a lengthy report! I couldn't help but notice you use different varieties of English in your text, e.g. Please choose one (Oxford, British, American) and stick with it consistently. Furthermore, ensure all sentences end with a full stop, check and double check all user names (e.g. I believe ValihrAnt is supposed to have a capital A), and verify all links work and show up properly. Good impressions matter in outreach. [EDIT] On transifex eight languages are above 99%, three more above 95%, and six more above 90%, which makes a total of 17, not 16. Wouldn't “September 2019 – May 2020” be better?1 point
The changes look impressive. When might we expect a release of A24?1 point
Here are some more textures, I am planning to consult on adding a Scythian horse archer unit to Atlas1 point
1 point