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  1. 3 points
  2. 1) Lobby changes: I think that is not a secret that lobby style is too old. Maybe should be changed for something more ''atractive'' What i propose is to make a big lobby where all players are there chatting or just being, and then 3 sublobbys (maybe more or less depending of the wellness of your ideas) - Team Games Lobby: As the name shows, a lobby to play multiplayer games - Rated 1v1 Lobby: As the name shows a lobby to play 1v1 rated - Casual Games Lobby: As the name shows a lobby to play non rated 1v1s Ok, let's do here another way, a way where there is a rating in TGs. (We'll talk about this in some time) In case that there is a possible TGs rating, the Casual Games Lobby would be to play TGs and 1v1s unrated. I'll let design stuff to you, think about some ideas and coment them!! 2) Ratting System Changes Well, probably we all can accord that nowadays there is nothing that makes people play rated games, excepting the own points. Maybe it's not enough, maybe not, is not. I propose (as i accorded to @user1) to make a new Ratting System to make people play rated games, and to make this game more atractive. What you think about this: 1) Making seasons . Yes, making for example 3 mounths seasons and when season ends, restart the points in new season to the initial ones. I propose to start with 1600 points. 2) Making a League Mode. This is handed with the first point, and in my opinion is the most atractive point. Why not making Rated Games Lobby a league mode, having a league depending of your rating. I give you an example: Wood League: (-1400) - Stone League: (1400-1600) - Bronze League: (1600-1800) - Silver League: (1800-1950) - Golden League: (1950-2100) - Platinun League (2100-2250) Diamond League: (2250-2350) /// Here, we would be at 1730 ratting more or less, which is a strong rating. Top 23 now. So, we could make a Pre Master league. Candidate Master: (2350-2450) - Master League: (2450-2600) - Grand Master League: (2600+) Obviously, designers should make an animation showed after each rated game with an experience bar with rating, that is filled or emtied acording if you win or lose. At the left with the current league, and at the right with the upper league. I don't know if you understand what i mean. 3) Giving some insignias: Before the nickname of each player, you could have some insignia depending of your rank, i thought in having your League's shield until you're Master or Grand Master, that you would have a yellow RM (Rating Master) or a GM (Grand Master). For example: GM elexis (2741) Sorry @elexis haha Maybe titles like GM or RM should stay forever, becouse it's suposed that only 12 players as much would get them in all seasons. Or maybe it should last just the current season and the next. Brainstorm guys =D 3) Player Names: @user1 told me that he doesn't want to overcharge names, so we got the conclusion that maybe removing the rating of the players, just showing the insignia and the nickname would be a good idea and if you click one player, in his profile you can find its own rating. In my opinion i would let the rating too in names. 4) Player's Profiles: What you think about this: When you click in a player, you can see, Name, Rank, League, W/L and the flag of the country. You like the idea? I have more ideas that will be posted with time. Mates! share your ideas and let's make 0 A.D. bigger!! Let's make a brainstorming. Greetings. Stockfish
    2 points
  3. Then I got it. Less you see - less object the game should draw. @nani and @OptimusShepard are mostly right, we're CPU bound in most cases. I'm working on the bottleneck. I could recommend to use closer views to prevent drawing of most objects on a scene.
    2 points
  4. no meat this time
    1 point
  5. Nothing much to say, great games. Need balance test mod v6 vali vs feld series of 4.zip
    1 point
  6. Hello, im Stockfish, since some weeks, i've been thinking in the idea of changing the rated points. What i want to do, is not changing the rated system (that in my opinion is ok, ¡but! i would implement some changes . But that's another topic) The idea i have is to change proportionally the points to 2857, finding the multiplierr number to obtain those ratings. If @borg- is now 2371, then to make it be 2857 you must multiplicate his ELO for 1.205 ---- (2371 x 1.205) = 2857 Let's do a top 7 players by ELO and see how it would be : @borg-(2371) x 1.205 = (2857) @ValihrAnt(2164) x 1.205 = (2607) @Feldfeld(2076) x 1.205 = (2501) @Stockfish(2069) x 1.205 = (2493) @chrstgtr(2031) x 1.205 = (2447) @JC (naval supremacist)(2026) x 1.205 = (2441) @liberty (1896) x 1.205 = (2284) That's how it would be, but as there is a lot if difference betwem the first, and the second (and then they're all equal more or less) i would suggest to make the proportion with @ValihrAnt's score, and then, with the number that we obtain, plus it to @borg-. Let's see how it would be! @ValihrAnt's score is (2164), so: 2857/2164 = 1.320. ¡Lets apply it! @borg-(2371) x 1.320 = (3130) @ValihrAnt(2164) x 1.320 = (2856) @Feldfeld(2076) x 1.320 = (2740) @Stockfish(2069) x 1.320 = (2731) @chrstgtr(2031) x 1.320 = (2681) @JC (naval supremacist)(2026) x 1.320 = (2674) @liberty (1896) x 1.320 = (2503) That's how it would be, in my opinion would be better becouse as more points difference, is cleaner. Greeting! What do you think?
    1 point
  7. People doesn't go to mine with armour and helmets
    1 point
  8. I see... Maybe a compromise would work, where the helmet is lifted up to reveal the face, when working? I dunno, just brainstorming...
    1 point
  9. @Stan` Really cool! I'll post it tomorrow. I think it would look better if they don't work with with their helmets on though, like in the original version...
    1 point
  10. With rP23448 committed today, you can create proper slowing towers (And poison, for that matter.) (Status effects being able to apply modifiers.)
    1 point
  11. RenderSubmission seems to take ~50% of the the total render time (measure from the internal profiler). Maybe that part can be threaded as it consist of a bunch of loops (but seems the data from each iterated object is dependent of its parent object as it's seems to traverse to the root object till it finds all has been correctly updated).
    1 point
  12. dont care if there are historical inaccuracies in favor of making the game more playable and adding interesting mechanics but...slaves... yeah that makes way more sense than women it would be waay cooler if u needed to protect the slaves because they were ur backbone of economy than women..would fit so well would be awasome..women 50 food cheap weak eco unit seems extremely stupid now slaves atleast make sense.like slaves can be well ..slaving for 12-14 hours every day on farms normal citizens would need to be paid so their production vaule would be less.with wood and stone/metal having les gatherrate because slaves wer weaker and worse at strength based labor.but then what about the 10% women inspiration thing? how about combining the 2 things into 1 ?! SLAVE WOMEN.
    1 point
  13. So somehow "slavery" is so unacceptable to the core devs that slave units were removed... Yet somehow "misogyny" is so acceptable to the core devs that the women remain nerfed. Change please. Moral consistency is OP.
    1 point
  14. Nonetheless, I doubt women growing grain twice as fast as men is historically accurate.
    1 point
  15. Actual gender ideologies are bullshit. This is history and is wasn't political correct.
    1 point
  16. about the sexism - prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination on the basis of sex based on that u could say life is sexist,evolution is sexist
    1 point
  17. omg i had no idea about many of thoes details when feld said that its averaged that means literally everything..so men much much slower than i thought thought 25% but is 50% darn...well everybody should know this the fact that i know this and will use it and others dont is kind of cheating. well im glad that food gather is even worse than i thought i was trying to figure out corral build some time ago and gave up i dont remmeber what the result was but ill try figuring it out again now that i know what i thought was womens gather rate for farms was 20% less than what it really was.also having men on farms is worse than i thought
    1 point
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