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3 points
This is a very significant feature for this alpha, let me say it again. I played last night and, I was way faster at advancing my phase (As for someone who takes city building seriously while playing RTS)3 points
-Buenas , encontré una apariencia para las mujeres íberas según "La Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Valencia-España)" y unas investigadoras de "La Universidad de Jaén (Andalucía-España)" ; -Estaría interesante la posibilidad de darles a las mujeres(que no luchen como soldados) una apariencia tanto de soltera como de casada(en todas las facciones del juego). Información sacada de ; https://blogs.20minutos.es/ciencia-para-llevar-csic/2016/05/03/asi-se-vestian-los-iberos/ http://damadeelche.me/mujeres-iberas/ http://damadeelche.me/ninas-vestidas-de-mujeres-iberas/ Disculpen las molestias.3 points
=/= es un igual tachado, o sea, no igual. Differentiating every tribe on the broader cultures that we have now doesn't have sense, when more diverse civs or with unique gameplay elements could be added (Germans, Scytians, Han, some desert North Africa civ, an Arabian one..) but devs have said that there won't be adding more civs. But my point is to make proper Iberians without mixed celts or Lusitianian features. to avoid this common misrepresentation, all the guerrilla warfare should be kicked (and maybe given to Britons) because was a Lusitianian thing, while Iberians have a phalanx style warfare, supported by light cav (there was a topic on that in the forum). The master elite slinger cliche also seems that should go with balearic units (not Iberians)2 points
2 points
I've just committed the building snapping feature. I'd like to here some feedback: does it behave like you expect, would you like to change something (like adding an option to enable it by default)? To use the building snapping you need to select a building, press Ctrl and move your mouse. When a preview of the new building is near to other structures it`s trying to snap to their edges (while Ctrl is pressed). Snapping (1).mp41 point
1 point
@Duileoga Aqui puedes dejar imágenes con una description. Es foro de are y referencias.1 point
That's a shame. Would have come in handy combating the enemy. Thanks for the quick reply and sorry for my late reply.1 point
Aquí esta nuestro documento de diseño, puedes usarlo como base. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Iberians Ya hay un post sobre los lusitanos.1 point
Dale un vistazo a esto, es el tópico de arte 3D Alexandermb tmb habla español.1 point
-Buenas , no tengo seguridad de lo que me dice , pero creo que es esto; Posibles unidades de héroes íberos ; - Indíbil (Ilergetes o Iltirgesquios) -Mandonio (Ausetanos) -Orisón(Oretano). Tribus íberas; 1)-Contestanos 2)-ilercavones 3)-Ausescos 4)-Sordones 5)-Lacetanos 6)-Castelanos 7)-Bástulos 8)-Indigesquios 9)-Eisdetes/Edetanos 10)-Layeskos 11)-Contestanos 12)-Oretanos 13)-iltirgeskios 14)-Jacetanos 15)-Ceretanos 16)-Cosetanos 17)-Sedeskios . Posible Maravilla para los íberos; Palacio íbero del yacimiento de Puente Tablas (Jaén) -Mirar concretamente los minutos ; (1:48 - 2:21) Disculpen las molestias.1 point
@Bred Bonjour et bienvenue Est-ce que tu as essayé de télécharger le dll du post au dessus du tien? Sinon tu peux essayer celui-là https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/system/libvorbis.dll1 point
1 point
Hi guys, Thanks for the help provided, I have two pc and on my ryzen computer (3600X) the game doesn't launch.. (on other computer -Xeon haswell- the game works well) I installed the game (on windows) and followed your instructions, added all the files to 0AD "system" directory and now it says" imossible to execute the code, because libvorbis.dll is missing...." (translation, I'm french^^ ) Have you an idea of what I can do to resolve this issue ? Thanks1 point
Los pueblos prerromanos de la península Ibérica (pdf), descargar aqui.1 point
-Buenas ; No tengo nada para los Sasánidas( encantado estoy de buscar) , pero encontré unos dibujos que de los cuales podrían aprovecharse para decorar la arquitectura Arsácida; (Estan ubicados en la "Sinagoga de Dura-Europos") Además de una posible representación de la ropa de las mujeres Arsácidas que igualmente se ve en la imagen superior ; (disculpen las molestias)1 point
-Buenas(disculpe si no le saludé antes), no les extrañen si los mezclan , es un error muy común incluso en historiadores y artistas españoles debido a que los romanos eran amantes del genocidio, es decir , cuando iban de conquista , cuanto más se resistían más se daban cuenta de que no podrían tenerlos sometidos por siempre y por eso preferían matar , destruir al máximo incluso después de vender a los supervivientes como esclavos , sembraban los cultivos cercanos con sal para que no creciera en mucho tiempo , traían colonos y romanizaban todo lo posible la región , en resumen... todo los que sobrevivió de los Pueblo Prerromanos de la Península Ibérica son restos arqueológicos. Lo bueno es que todos los años se descubren nuevos hallazgos que reescriben los libros de historia. Si necesitan ayuda para buscar información no duden en pedírmelo =D. Disculpen las molestias.1 point
Ditto. So does at least one of the fans on facebook who asked for this specifically.1 point
No need to apologize! Besides, A24 won't be released soon. Sardian → Lydian (Sardes is the capital of Lydia). The Anatolian peoples (Mysians, Lydians, Carians, Luwians, Hittites, Cappadocians, etc.) were ethno-linguistically related to each other and culturally quite different from the Iranian peoples (living in Media (Atropatene) and beyond). With hillmen I assume you mean the tribes who gave Xenophon's ten thousand so much trouble, i.e. Armenians (Bronze Age Urartu); though they're not exactly Anatolian, dressing them similarly is fine by me; and I agree hillmen armed with slings, stones, and axes would be a great addition. Feel free to go ahead. Hyrcania was the eastern part of the coastal area between the Caspian Sea and the Alborz mountains (just north of Tehran). To the east lay Parthia proper, with which it often formed a single satrapy. To the north of Parthia lived the Dahae (Seleucid horse archer), a confederacy consisting of three tribes, one of which, the Parni, seized Parthia from the Seleucids and went on to form the Parthian (Arsacid) Empire. To the east of Parthia lay Aria, Bactriana, Sogdiana. All those were Iranian peoples (as were Scythians and Persians) and shouldn't look like Anatolians.1 point
1 point
@serg click with two fingers to right click, for example you would click with two fingers to order units around. Click with one finger to use left click, for example to select a unit.1 point
I hate to say I’ve been playing AoE2 DE for awhile and still in single player but the game has no immersions for an infinity game. once all the trees are chopped down the enemy AI stalls. The reason is they are trading only gold. The AI don’t even fish afterwards to get food to keep making attacking units. I have to feed my enemy more with resources to stay in the game. 0ad is much much better in single player by a mile, 1 enemy AI can trade and continues to accumulate resources that are needed for continuity. 0ad women won’t wander towards my settlement to gather wood. Somehow 0ad has better good looking units, more building varieties. AoE 2 DE or any version is only good for multiplayer. You can’t rotate the map! You can’t play on Mac! Tower defense is much worse that they can be placed side by side. And tbh I hate that boar thing coupled with very less fauna. I don’t understand myself why I still keep playing it but probably just to test my newly upgraded A17 laptop. I hope A24 will release soon and can introduce some better gameplay on single player.1 point
1 point
Tnx u feedback Nisean is purposeful, i do not want any tech much op. Sorry about Blacksmith upgrades, this was a my mistake of mine that is already fixed in the new version (probally realese today). Techs back to %. Mauri maceman is hack dmg but has bonus vs structures, same to champion javelins cav iber. I intend to implement capture for siege towers, seems good and realistic.1 point
the first references are done (helmets) at this point you must add the name of specific units, and we posted before some images, so the text is more important. i give an example what Im looking for. -----Edetani Tribe------ The Edetani were an ancient Iberian (Pre-Roman) people of the Iberian peninsula (the Roman Hispania). They are believed to have spoken a form of the Iberian language. source.http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?732637-History-The-Iberians-Compilated-Information in others words very detail information with sources, by tribes, by warriors, what is wrong with Iberians in actual game (A23 b) in this case.1 point