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  1. Insert e.g. gui.scale = "2.0" in your `user.cfg` file (see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths ).
    3 points
  2. Hello, is there a 0AD player from Asia? if anyone can get acquainted with me..
    3 points
  3. Give me battalions and I mod Fork instead.
    3 points
  4. @Kanabris In this context, forking the project is a necessary decision (one that should've been done a long time ago I might add). There have been constant debates on what features to put in, what features should stay, and what features to scrap. So much so that people began making Mods that emphasized the division amongst devs and players. If we were in a time when the goal of the game was unified, then a fork doesn't make much sense. But we've reached a point where there are divides so significant that developments tend to be on a standstill. This means continuing to develop a game with scattered goals is counter-productive. It makes more sense to have 1 game with 2 separate goals.
    3 points
  5. Changing the sun position really helps to see... and i always thought it was the color being baddly baked, but is just illumination.
    2 points
  6. Following this reference: Greaves: Note; the spartan aspis have a more orange/redish look following the old texture, athenian bronze shields follows the same helmet tone. @Nescio let me know if want the greaves for your mod.
    2 points
  7. Yesterday i've did this for see how it would see with samnites: Yeah, the armor used all the draw calls possible even when its the same texture for all 3 pieces
    2 points
  8. infantry using all the prop points for armor:
    2 points
  9. Sorry about not being on touch with this topic or another, re-exporting all cavalry animations for an "8th time" for each changes is time consuming and also made a lot of adjustments to make everything faster and easier to fix or to add. I'll try bake a new metallic border for this shields. Mind if i have a proper fully visible reference of the metallic border?
    2 points
  10. I'm taking part of that... I'm making Hd template.
    2 points
  11. Frog AD Swamps Ascendant Coming to a mod downloader near to you soon!
    2 points
  12. Thats just an experiment we gonna take for high detailed units for a future "high poly" 0.A.D. or for Campaing heros. Also leave an open field for single players modders willing to make an rpg like titan quest from 0.A.D. engine and assets. in other talk: Seeding animation added from @Enrique starting pose:
    2 points
  13. I think that other thread got deleted because you called each other names while discussing the main topic. Both parties were guilty. Going back to the topic: I didn't see @abc1's deleted comment, so I'll try to respond based on assumptions using the "Read my post again": Level 3 Citizen Soldiers Are Almost Strong as the Champions! Yes, but the champions are still stronger. But The Citizen Soldiers Cost Significantly Less for Such a Slight Disadvantage! Yeah, but you're not taking into account the time needed for that to happen. What if your enemy attacks with Level 3 Citizen Soldiers, do you still plan to buy Level 1 Citizen Soldiers, make them gain Exp, and THEN ONLY FIGHT, Or Buy Champions that don't need time to become stronger? Why Can't Champions Gain Experience? I didn't respond to this one because I left it to the devs to address. It's the only interesting part of the question that I'm on the fence. If you read my comment again, I did respond to your OP... albeit in short un-packable statements.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. We are well aware of your long standing wishlist. Perhaps will you find other reasons! Come join the dark side, we have chocolate cookies!
    1 point
  16. I don't recall deleting a thread, but there are other moderators who might have done that. In either case, that's another issue, and honestly we would probably benefit from being harsher - the forums have had quite a lot of annoying and rude posts lately.
    1 point
  17. If you have a separate issue with me or moderators in general that belongs in another thread. In this thread I deleted your post because you were basically calling spyrth stupid, without having any arguments other than "go read my first post".
    1 point
  18. For being rude and at the same time not having a real point, so there was no reason to excuse bad behaviour. It would be good if you used your original account for that matter.
    1 point
  19. The only way i can test formation animations if they work is moving the variants to the 1st group, Yet still is very broken and worst than before, actor won't even recognize the order of the walking animation and just spread all the specific id animation in all the formation
    1 point
  20. I made a wicker texture in Substance Designer some time ago if that can help. I have a few other texture I haven't released, dunno if they could be used I have this wicker texture lying around What are your PC specs ? Maybe it's because the new blender uses a more recent OpenGL version...
    1 point
  21. Hello you can either disable TLS in the game optiona or download the fixed release bundle from here :https://www.mediafire.com/file/00lxxtdmsu64nrs/0ad-0.0.23b-alpha-osx64.dmg/file Sorry for the inconvenience.
    1 point
  22. Champions used to be OP. They got nerfed in these recent versions. But I still don't consider them a waste of resource since I don't have to make them gain experience. They're already stronger than level 3 units.
    1 point
  23. Several Roman weapons have been found in Germanic territories, maybe the artist is drawing one of them or he is getting is inspiration from auxiliary weapons. Even gladii have been found in the Elbe region: There are some wooden helmets found in Denmark: And a Germanic helmet, badly recorded but dated to the 1st century AD:
    1 point
  24. The Cherusci Pikeman description comes from Tacitus, at my knowledge, there is no archeological records: The Harii Night-Ambusher is described again by Tacitus, as a part of the supra-group the Lugians/Lygians: The Lugians are associated to the Przeworsk culture with numerous offensive weapons found in burial: Both the Preworsk culture and the Balt Iron Age culture displayed burial of females with weapons. Here Przeworsk Female burials with weapons: Aestii female warrior (East-Baltic): West-Baltic+Pomerania and East-Baltic tribes description from Tacitus: West-Baltic swords: Germanic clubman:
    1 point
  25. Is a frog , lol.
    1 point
  26. Very much like the one already in the mod! Courtesy of Millennium AD.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. athenian_champion_marine with sheath in prop point "sheath_02_L" with a new falcata sheath i've just did for testing the sheaths bones: The sheath doesn't haven too many details since the small texture size and being so small doesn't let user appreciate any detail properly. But at least we gonna have sheaths for falcata users.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Other version of the germanic barrack:
    1 point
  32. Yes, if you need anything just ask for it
    1 point
  33. Yes, it is my art, i made it today
    1 point
  34. Done. this are some cencept for germanic buildings
    1 point
  35. Wilder, bluer mediterranean cypresses that mix well with Enrique's, and adds a bit more variety to Mediterranean forests. I'd like to add some even crazier windswept versions to top mountaintops and seaside cliffs with
    1 point
  36. Related: https://www.zdnet.com/article/github-starts-blocking-developers-in-countries-facing-us-trade-sanctions/ However it's not GitHub itself to blame here, but US government. IIRC we ourselves have a team member from Iran.
    1 point
  37. @wowgetoffyourcellphone @wackyserious will this be used in any unit in actual game?
    1 point
  38. Stable "bad" sounds even worse to me than unstable bad
    1 point
  39. Quick and dirty screenshot from an MP 4v4 at the 16th minute. This shows: - short requests computation (red) taking 50-90 ms per turn, with the odd peak above - long path requests taking about 20ms - Active queries taking 20-30ms per turn - Sim update (excluding active queries) taking 30-40ms per turn - Motion update taking about 30-40ms per turn. So threading the pathfinder and having unit pushing (which will reduce # of short requests) will help, but it won't be completely smooth sailing.
    1 point
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