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  1. In my journey without internet after 80h whitout power, i made the Mount/Dismount Animation. if i anyone on the gameplay mods done are willing to use it, they will be included in the horse update mod files uploaded here.
    5 points
  2. You are totally correct, and I also thank you for the kind words. We are in a dip in the programming activity, due to a low availability of the programmers. On the other hand, the output of our artists and of the modding community is staggering these days! There are up and downs in all the areas of the development, and that's the reality of the life of the project (or any project, for that matter). I am very likely to prioritize programming over leadership in the upcoming months, because the state of the review queue is indeed now one of my biggest concerns (personally, I'm happy that I have no bigger problems than that to fix right now ). But I can't make miracles, I can only do my best. I usually don't answer this kind of thread because they are nerve-wracking. I am genuinely sorry that our best is not good enough for you. It is very difficult to see you guys angry or disappointed when you make such great contributions! Not being able to allocate time to include your work is heartbreaking. The best thing you can do to help is to be supportive (like Sundiata). It really helps us to read nice messages: motivation is our only fuel. I understand the need to complain and push people into doing things, that is something we do a lot in other situations, but that doesn't work for volunteer work. I don't blame you for complaining, but it doesn't help, and sometimes it goes too far. I am really encouraging you to give us ideas about concrete and realistic things that we could try to do, that is always welcome! (especially with the matter at hand, which is, how to make the project attractive for new AI contributors). But just stating the problems we have or might have is not helping, as we are painfully aware of them already.
    4 points
  3. OMG, you're so dramatic! I think the most important thing is to: And whatever you think you can do towards improving the development of 0AD yourself, whatever your skill, The more work we do individually (and share it of course), the more other people will feel inspired to do more work themselves, regardless of the department. 0AD has been under development for so long. Even if we need to wait a year for a new AI developer to come along, I'll still be here! And my personal skills will have improved as well... Because one department has ground to a standstill, doesn't mean that every other department does too, nor does it mean that it's a permanent issue. There are so many things that took years to fix... I'm not too worried about the future of the game. Even though I recognize that there is a crisis of sorts, there's always a crisis of sorts... It's the way of the world. The thing is... 0AD has never been more popular, more stable, more fun and more beautiful than it is today! It has blossomed into one of the greatest games in it's genre, and something tells me we're just getting started 2012? 2018! The trajectory suggests greatness. Have faith my brother!
    4 points
  4. I think it should be functionally just like the Einherjar unit in Age of Mythology. It blows its horn and all friendly units within X range gain a bonus attack in their next strike. This horn blast ability has to recharge between uses. http://aom.heavengames.com/gameinfo/units/norse/einherjar.htm It could be a boost for friendly units or a penalty for enemy units (fear).
    3 points
  5. Fern attempt 2: 32 tris Size: .dae file: fern 2.dae Adjusted texture
    3 points
  6. I think the original reasoning for the free buildings was that the Ptolemies would have had many ancient structures already built from old Egypt. That's also why the build set was heavily skewed Egyptian rather than Greek. The longer building construction time was a gameplay concession for balance. Doesn't mean it has to stay this way, just that's what I remember in the discussions back when the Ptolemies were first added. (I haven't played AoM. It's possible the effect was inspired by AoM, although I don't remember it being brought up at the time.)
    2 points
  7. You all think it's bad now? Back in my day, we didn't even have an AI, or any multiplayer either. Imagine playing a game like that, then having it rewritten so that all terrain is solid black, and buildings, trees, water, mountains, and pretty much everything just let units walk right through without restriction. Units didn't automatically migrate to fresh resources, they just stopped working. As a bonus, depleted resources didn't disappear, so you had to manually pick each tree to see if the workers would gather from it. I think one reason it seems there's less progress happening today, is that there's less obvious progress to make. We're closer than ever to a completed game.
    2 points
  8. Thank you for your dramatic response. To clarify, I didn't intend to complain, nor am I saying 0 A.D. is doomed; what I wrote was “if”. I too have observed this project grow and improve over the years, which is likely to continue for years to come. Personally I don't care how fast or slow development is; it's already a great game and can only get better! I don't know what could – or should – change, but I do hope new people will come and join the project eventually; having two dozen people who do a little is preferable to a situation where one person does so much he's become irreplaceable.
    2 points
  9. Wonderful timing for coordinated posts full of positivity @Sundiata
    2 points
  10. We thank you! Over the years (even before joining the forum) I've noticed 0AD's development go through these cycles of crisis alternated by major development spurts... People will always come and go. It's a great game and an even greater project! I just hope we don't have to wait too long for someone to pick up AI development again. It's already evolved by leaps and bounds over the past few years already, but isn't quite there yet.. Anybody know why exactly @mimo left, and if he'll ever come back?
    2 points
  11. I really would love to see this. if memory serves right part two should be placed around after the time they were founded under the time they were disbanded. excuse me if I seem like a fanboy but I love knights templar order the most!
    2 points
  12. @ThuleDragon @asterix I'm currently not adding the Knights Templar at this time, as currently this is focused in the Baltic. Once certain parts for the mod are working, then more orders, western European countries could be added.
    2 points
  13. With a general decline in activity on the part of current moderators has surfaced a clamour for new administrators of the lobby. Numerous times have inappropriate nicknames or impolite behaviour been observed by players, only to have nothing done about the issue due to the lack of available lobby authorities. While this does not mean that we should rush headlong into appointing a new moderator, it must be said that if a suitable candidate appears, it should be considered worthwhile to make use of such zeal. The above user has had a sublimely crystalline behaviour record, seeing as the only time they managed to "trigger" the lobby bot was when mistyping the word "shift" into some variation containing a toxic expression - all this while instructing a newbie in basic game controls. Therefore I would commend this user to the Wildfire Games team as a good candidate for the post of Lobby Moderator. Of course, a trial period may provide considerable insight as to the adequacy of TYLER1. Such a period would prove to be instructive for both sides. I invite colleague @user1 to make deeper inquiry into the candidate's behaviour record, or just a general statement of opinion.
    2 points
  14. We really need a "paint entity" brush feature in atlas for trees.
    2 points
  15. 1. Download and install TortoiseSVN Dowlnoadpage https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html Standard setting during install will work After finishing installation create a new folder in your Userdirectory. It should be located in "C:\users\username" . I called my directory "0adsvn" Then right click on the new created directory and choose "SVN Checkout..." In the Checkout mask just enter the URL of repository: "http://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk" Then click on "OK" Now it starts downloading the 0ad Nightly version. Depending on your Inet speed this will take 20-45 minutes and needs around 14GB free HardDisk Space After the checkout is complete, you can start the SVN game from the "pyrogenesis.exe" binary wich is located in your created folder under \binaries\system\ I created a shortcut for this and placed it on my desktop. Dont forget to updated your 0ad SVN copy every time you going to play in svn. This can easily be done by right click on your 0adsvn directory and choosing "SVN Update" Have fun
    1 point
  16. The most difficult faction to balance is Ptolemaic, for having free houses/store, among other things. Overall the mod is well balanced, we do not see the same civilizations anymore all games, players are choosing all civilizations. The mod provides an immensity of new strategies, that is great. Since the beginning of the work I have tried to leave each civilization unique, so new constructions and unique units are always perfect.
    1 point
  17. To start off, as an amateur classicist, I want to point out that I appreciate 0 A.D.'s attempts to present the units and structures in a way so that players can see what they would be called in their original languages. I just don't think it works. When it come to GUI, one of the main points is to present information as clearly as possible, which is more difficult due to this. After all, which is easier, house or oikos? Furthermore, many of the ancient languages such as Punic, Celtic, and whatever the Iberians spoke is hard to accurately model. For Carthage, many buildings are missing their Punic names due to shortages of known words. Although these could be supplemented with a similar Semitic language, the result could be misleading to people who, trusting the attention to accuracy 0 A.D. takes, might themselves be misinformed as a result. The case is even worse of course for the Iberian language, but I think I have made my point on this matter. Another issue I find is the lack of consensus even amongst people more well acquainted with Greek in attempting to transliterate the language. Even when one of them is pleased, it leaves a different opinion unanswered. Thus, for the people who don't know the language, the transliteration is probably confusing; for those who do, it would likely feel like an unsatisfactory choice when the original alphabet of the language could just be used (Unless we are talking about Latin).
    1 point
  18. "We are all dancing." - A nub (Lobby) That nub might be right in some ways but I see one important difference between "micro" and "dancing". For me: Micro consists in moving a unit for a particular purpose. Dancing consists in moving a units to influence an audience (other units). These definitions emphasize one important difference, the purpose of the unit move. (All) dance is micro but not all micro is dance and I would consider dance as rather bad while micro isn't necessarily. From this perspective, trying to save a cav from death with micro is fine. It requieres some efforts to do so, and the advantage earnt is small. Doing the same thing with the only purpose of distracting a whole army is wrong because with only one unit, you might gain too much advantage over too many units. The difference can be sometimes relatively thin and apparent only to the player performing it. The issue might be seen as being in the relationship between the dancing unit and the audience. A simple way to allow a cav to run away safe but prevent from exploiting units predefined behaviour would be to implement a counter move to dance moves. To protect the strategy dimension of the game, there should always be some ways to counter efficiently all micro moves, dance or not. But this is not the case when some micro actions requieres too many actions to be countered efficiently. One could try to remove micro (aka adding battalions if I understand well) but it is also possible to just search for ways to counter the influence of the dancing units on the audience. If the "public" units could be ordered to ignore the dancer or attack a particular group of units, then all might be fine. I have also read ideas about doing this in a more systematic way, by changing units predefined behaviour as for example by implementing some spread fires. Micro would remain there while dancing would be countered (I could save my cav from multiple fires while the enemy could target my army easily). Luring is another form of dancing but I don't see it as too problematic since it can be countered more easily. I do not claim that I believe it is the best way to go, but it seems a small departure from the existing gameplay but simply cutting that relationship might allow to save some micro for those who enjoy it...
    1 point
  19. This looks really nice. Even if many players want to control individual units (Age of Empires style gameplay), perhaps one or two of the main civs could be retrofitted to be battalion based civs to allow for more overall civ/gameplay variety. Rome or one of the Greek civs would be good candidates.
    1 point
  20. Just small mental update what is going on last days I am messing with AI and I am trying to implement different things. Things pretty ready: AI moves batalion as group of units (no more long line of walking units). Things done but needs more tweaks: Resources are not marked as available if height difference in position of resource and dropsite is big. (that helps units to not choose as first resources which are close but because of cliff, they would go way around) After near resources are depleted AI should build new dropsite closer. AI builds farmsteads near fruit bushes to collect them faster. What I need to fix: AI tends to build a lot of dropsites really close ( no clue why ). What I need to do before kind of ready: I need to rewrite attackplan update function to react with batalions and not single units. And more important to do the same for defence. So there is a long way before me @Diatryma thank you for respond, I ll try to think about something more practical.
    1 point
  21. Yes, people come and go, which is perfectly fine. But if more people leave than join in the long run, then the project's doomed. And yes, the review backlog is also problematic.
    1 point
  22. You are welcome. My goal is and I guess will always be making 0 A.D. an enjoyable experience for the players. So I can give back what was given to me when I played videogames. I believe players have the right to know what is going on however sad it might be.
    1 point
  23. Đã bao giờ có một ý tưởng tuyệt vời? đương nhiên bạn với. Bất cứ ai với thể với 1 ý tưởng tuyệt vời? đương nhiên là họ mang thể. các ý tưởng đấy với thể mang lại lợi nhuận không? Rõ ràng điều này cũng mang thể thực hiện được, mặc dầu những ý tưởng mang lợi nhuận phụ thuộc vào phổ biến nhân tố trước khi họ đạt được danh hiệu đó. tuy nhiên, những ý tưởng sở hữu lợi nhuận phát triển thành doanh nghiệp thành công phụ thuộc vào đa dạng nguyên tố góp phần như sản phẩm tuyệt vời, chất lượng xuất sắc, giá cả tuyệt vời, thời khắc tuyệt vời và cuối cùng là sự may mắn thời xưa. Nhưng ko nghi ngờ gì nữa, nhân tố góp phần số 1 trong việc biến một ý tưởng tuyệt vời thành 1 ý tưởng sinh lời chính là: các bạn. ko sở hữu người mua, bạn ko mang công ty, thật đơn thuần Tài liệu : in ấn catalogue bên cạnh đó, đừng để bị lừa, bởi vì ngay cả các tổ chức với người mua cũng ko được đảm bảo lợi nhuận hoặc thành công. bởi thế, thực hành ý tưởng này 1 bước xa hơn, một công ty thành công đòi hỏi sự vui vẻ, hài lòng và để tiếp diễn thành công, hãy lặp lại những người dùng. Điều quan yếu là quý khách ưng ý. Như bài hát kể, "bạn phải làm người dùng hài lòng" Bất kỳ doanh nghiệp nào không khiến người mua bằng lòng sẽ gặp vấn đề và thực tại này chưa bao giờ thích hợp hơn trong ngành nghề bán buôn trực tuyến hoặc qua internet. những tổ chức bán sỉ của những năm trước sở hữu nhu cầu ngày nay giống như lúc họ mới ra đời, cho dù họ mười lăm hay năm mươi tuổi. Họ vẫn phải chống chọi mang sự khó khăn, họ phải luôn tươi mới, họ phải dự báo chính xác các gì người mua muốn hoặc cần và họ luôn đi đúng hướng về xu hướng và phong cách. Rõ ràng đây luôn là một mệnh lệnh cao đối mang bất kỳ doanh nghiệp nào và lịch sử với phần đông thương vong để chứng minh quy luật này. Về mặt bán buôn, các doanh nghiệp Catalogue và Home Shopping lâu đời đã hoạt động rất khả quan và đối với rộng rãi người, điều này vẫn đúng cho đến hiện nay. không những thế, thách thức đối sở hữu những tổ chức lâu đời này là ở khả năng thích ứng với nhu cầu của 1 môi trường bán buôn rất khác. các bạn hiện giờ vẫn mang những nhu cầu như vậy, nhưng giờ đây họ với 1 sự chọn lựa rất to được đặt ra trước mắt. Blog : in catalogue số lượng ít Trong thị phần bây giờ, 1 ý tưởng tuyệt vời có thể trở nên 1 công tác kinh doanh có lợi nhuận rất cao chỉ trong vài tuần nhờ vào internet. 1 nhà bán buôn rất khôn ngoan có thể thiết lập sự hiện diện trực tuyến và nhận thức của người mua trong vài tháng, nơi mà sự hiện diện và nhận thức tương tự đã từng mất phổ biến năm trước lúc với sự còn đó của internet. Điểm tiện lợi cho các nhà bán sỉ Catalogue và Home Shopping là họ đã có sẵn cơ sở cơ sở để tương trợ đơn vị của mình. Họ đã với sức mua ấn tượng cũng như màng lưới kho bãi và giao hàng và họ đã mang những khoản nguồn đầu tư quyến rũ. Đây là những tầm giá khởi nghiệp đồ sộ cần phải tiếp thu nếu bạn chưa sở hữu chúng, nhưng là tài sản hoàn hảo để sử dụng giả dụ chúng tồn tại. vững chắc, các đơn vị Catalogue và Home Shopping mang thể đã tới tương đối muộn trên thị trường trực tuyến và với thể họ ko mang được sự hào nhoáng hay tiếng vang bao vòng vèo một số nhà bán buôn chỉ dành cho internet thực thụ to, nhưng đừng nhầm, các đơn vị thực thụ đã chuyển sang Catalog các nhà bán buôn tậu sắm tại nhà, những người thiết lập được sự hiện diện trực tuyến đáng tin cậy có thể trông chờ sự tăng trưởng vượt bậc. thuần tuý là họ cần vun đắp dựa trên các thế mạnh khó kiếm được của họ. khiến cho nổi trội các thách thức đối sở hữu những đơn vị Catalog và mua tậu tại nhà đều thấp và rẻ, và tôi chắc chắn rằng họ tự nhận thức được các thách thức, nhưng toàn bộ điều ấy sở hữu ý nghĩa gì đối sở hữu bạn và tôi? mang một điều, Internet đã đem lại cho các nhà bán lẻ lâu đời một cú hích xứng đáng. Giờ đây, họ phải đưa ra những ý tưởng sáng giá và khó khăn thị trường có tốc độ mà họ không bao giờ nghĩ là sở hữu thể. Giờ đây, họ phải đổi mới sở hữu tốc độ tương tự hoặc tốc độ hơn so mang các bên chỉ tiêu dùng internet. Tóm lại, họ phải phát minh lại và tái tạo bản thân trước 1 lượng khán nhái trực tuyến hoàn toàn mới để tiếp tục tham gia trò chơi. Từ : giá in catalogue có tư cách là một khách hàng, tôi muốn thấy sự khó khăn càng phổ quát càng thấp cả trực tuyến và ngoại tuyến, vì cứng cáp khó khăn sẽ dẫn đến những ý tưởng sáng sủa hơn, đổi mới to hơn, cung cấp tốt hơn, nhiều chọn lọc hơn và dịch vụ tốt hơn. lúc những ý tưởng tuyệt vời có mặt trên thị trường, Internet là 1 thứ khó đánh bại. Ý tưởng xuất sắc muôn năm.
    1 point
  24. dont feel stupid, you could not know that glsl is a problem
    1 point
  25. i feel stupid now because its works with disabling GLSL. At least water dont make me lag as before. thx a lot
    1 point
  26. It doesn't seem like it but it honestly seems like its gonna be cool to play!
    1 point
  27. https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/
    1 point
  28. I have not found 0 A.D. to ignore my NVIDIA settings, but I haven't done much testing on that.
    1 point
  29. I don't know what that is. Even when I google it for mac, I can't see anything... I've played computer games my whole life, but I've never considered myself a gamer. In the real world I have gamer friends, and I'm definitely not in that category. I'm as casual as it gets. I never had money to buy a lot of games, and when I started working, gaming wasn't on the list of things I wanted to spend my money on. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with it if someone wants to spend all their extra cash on it, I just never did. I also don't like the industry itself so why finance them? One of the many reasons I like 0AD. Because there's no money involved. I did play a bunch of less than legal versions of the iconic RTS and city builder games and played an unholy amount of hours on friends' computers back in the day too, lol. Either way, forgive my noobness, for I really am a noob, and I've never hid it. In fact, I embrace it! I'm a filthy casual and I love it! That's also one of the reasons why I'm active on the forums. There's a huge number of casual gamers enjoying 0AD for good reason. It's good fun! But we casuals don't have a voice, because were too in awe by the presence of all these pro's and are too shy to say that we can't figure out our non existent settings on our systems (a lot of macs have one graphics system, or something...), so I'm here to give a voice to the voiceless! We casuals would like some anti aliasing in-game, because we're too dense to figure out our gpu's graphics settings
    1 point
  30. Carnyx is done. Only needs animations
    1 point
  31. Hey! there you go: cpuid -1: (I guess all the processors are identical and there are a few ...) Hope it helps, and ask for anything you may need. Thanks!
    1 point
  32. If none of you have smurf accounts, it's your guys responsibility to avoid games with people who do things you don't like. Games don't take place on Wildfire Servers, but it's your guys connection. Only when someone posts untruthful data on Wildfire Games services, for example toxic chat on the lobby or faked rating stats, Wildfire Games becomes involved. There may be peer pressure to play that 4v4 where all your buddies are in, but it remains your guys choice if you continue to play with people who you already know will do things that you don't like. The precondition to that is that noone uses smurf accounts.
    1 point
  33. alright imma stop with the cedaring They're in
    1 point
  34. Not when they're upgraded and experienced... This isn't a fantasy game. Of course there are plenty of abstractions, but 20 dudes cutting down a 100 upgraded veterans like a hot knife through butter sounds like something that belongs in mythology, not history. It sounds like you just lost a match because someone spammed harder than you. Making champions more powerful isn't going to change that. It just changes which units get spammed. I'm not saying that champions couldn't use a little buff, but nothing like the way you present it. 100 experienced veterans vs 20 pretty boy champions? Those pretty boys should loose... Also, the difference between citizen soldiers and peasants is not semantics...
    1 point
  35. There's a couple of pretty memorable quotes in there, like: "Tadaaa, there it is, now you can go home" "I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but if you wing it hard enough, you can do anything" "This is truly an awful program" "Yo, this is where we get whack!" "Is that detailed enough for ya Stan?" "I've got to piss like a Russian race horse" "If you wanted a tutorial, you should have asked for a tutorial. Please don't ask for a tutorial..." That last one killed me, because I did actually ask for a tutorial, and you definitely delivered a tutorial... Of sorts... Thanks man! Anyway, I'm trying... Not quite succeeding, but trying nonetheless... Acacia attempt 3... In Dutch, we would say: "Schoon van ver, maar verre van schoon", which roughly translates into "pretty from afar, but far from pretty"... I have two main problems I see, which is that the geometry of the branches sucks from up close. They're just bent plains (2 bends). And the tris count is getting too high 700 tris, and none of the faces have been doubled with flipped normals to counteract the backface culling, which would increase the tris count to 1200... By the way, why can't backface culling be disabled for trees? Because doubling the branches/leaves to counteract it, essentially doubles the geometry for trees, doesn't it? Is rendering two faces of a single polygon really more "expensive" than rendering 2 separate one sided polygons? Anyway, close up of the ugly: One thing I did like about my attempt, is the detail in the acacia specific texture (512x512). Which is why I decided to post anyway: I'll probably get back to my flora modeling attempts at some time in the future, but for now, if anyone more skilled than me feels compelled to give the acacia a go, here's the CC0 texture I made using wikimedia CC0 images. It was pretty tedious to manually separate the leaves, but with a few adjustments, it would look pretty good, I think... And here's a previous version: Used for this attampt:
    1 point
  36. I captured the whole awful process
    1 point
  37. atlas cedars and cedars of lebanon can be the same thing because they look like the same thing
    1 point
  38. Yep, i don't know how i get there, neither how i end finding that way of making it works.
    1 point
  39. We have no lack of people who want to decide on gameplay as a whole. The gamedesign plans where one doesn't know which individuals will implement them, doesn't how they can be implemented, doesn't know when they will be implemented by the envisioned individuals are doomed to remain pipedreams. The plan usually put forward by gamedesign proposals is that someone invents a fun game concept, and then Wildfire Games is supposed to implement that. The reality is that Wildfire Games is not a company, doesn't have any employees. The people that have worked on 0 A.D. and pyrogenesis at a time, throughout the soon two decades of existence one way or another were countable on one or two hands. When they worked on it, they worked on it in their spare time. In contrast, some commercial companies that provide comparable "triple A" RTS games may spend millions on hundreds of employees. What a single person can accomplish in their free time is very small, in particular when every possible alternative proposal by players shall be taken into account. S, to be honest, what 0 A.D. needs is more people who are capable and available for years to work on 0 A.D as a whole, so that they can decide on 0 A.D. as a whole and then implement 0 A.D. as a whole. Gameplans that decide on 0 A.D. as a whole without being able to plan an implementation with our current technical C++/JS implementation is not able to estimate the amount of work that is needed for that plan, not able to demonstrate the feasibility of 'the whole'. So it should be I'm pointing this out because if we only get "someone who decides on gameplay as a whole" without the proof of concept, we might actually worsen the situation for 0 A.D. as a whole, because it removes the freedom of the contributors to plan what they will implement. They are degraded from the developer to the programmer. I do get that the point that is often brought about is that developers can keep adding random stuff if they didn't subscribe to a common vision. But it seems rather that this is due to the absence of experience with the game and existing game concepts (implemented and not implemented), rather than the lack of "a person who decides on the game as a whole". (Also notice that Wildfire Games as a whole should decide on 0 A.D. as a whole in an ideal world (i.e. no time and effort cost to gain knowledge and take decisions and no possibility of mistakes due to partial knowledge).) But that's reversed. If we didn't had to spend past and future years on defects (and too long or sometimes emotional discussions on minor details), we could instead spend (and have had spent) our time on implementing new features and mechanics and revisioning the game. Depends on whether "planned" means "scheduled" and what threshold one defines for "major", because we have several lifetimes of plans on trac issues, in the old design documents, in forum threads. And I guess everyone has desires and imagination of the potential 0 A.D. could become, but fails to develop them (both figuratively and literally) because of the reallife constraints (the time it takes to implement it). I can provide a recent example. From August 2017 to February 2018 I worked merely on fixing bugs of the rmgen codebase. There was no space for any imagination, because there were just defects in the code that consumed months to rework. While doing so I gained a lot more knowledge on the gamedesign background, what the authors of these maps and map library methods (Spahbod, matei, Mythos Ruler, FeXoR) had in mind (or at least published) at the time of authorship. After most of the defects were gone and after months of time to think about the essence of that codebase, I gained the freedom to envision and implement the Kushite mapscripts, 'as a whole'. Exchange the program folder worked on, and we get the same storyline that we would need for someone who will work on formations/batallions, or a history mode, or as in this thread, many news civs. I elaborated on this because (a) it has potential for damage if put into action as is (spending time and effort on possibly unrealizable project ideas), (b) the same is stated by others in other threads, (c) there are no hypotheticals or conditions in that statement. I agree. On topic, it would be great to have many more civs, but they should IMO be part of separate games that use the same pyrogenesis engine. Like the 0ad mod for civs between 500 bc and 0 ad, the 500ad mod for the civs between 0 and 500ad, and so forth. Then if someone wants to go bananas and do extremely ahistoric fights, they can launch the games as mods simultaneously. 0 A.D. has the claimed purpose to inform players of the history of each civilization. So there should be a historical campaign for each these civilizations that should be more fascinating visual entertainment than any movie or documentary while the player gains the knowledge without any efforts to blindly learn it, like in school. At least that's what I would spend my time on before spending equal amount of time adding more civs. (Though I still think that the celtic tribes that aren't britons and aren't gauls, north of rome are missing if we want to implement the early history of rome in a campaign.)
    1 point
  40. We welcome the constructive approach chosen by the creators of Fork AD. We didn't, indeed, agree on the design of the development environment, on the communication methods, and on how to ultimately make the process enjoyable for all team members. We are happy that they can still contribute to 0 A.D. as a project, even if it is as a separate group. We are grateful for their many past contributions and we hope that the new situation brings balance to both teams. Nevertheless, Wildfire Games wishes to clarify that we have been making progress on the game continuously and continue doing so. Much of the recent work was either administrative, or targeted at the future Alpha 24, thus could not be directly seen in the number of commits made. Members of the community have expressed a desire to be more involved and informed, so we are taking measures to open up some internal discussions. This will allow our hard work to be more visible. On behalf of the team,
    1 point
  41. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_entities_in_the_1st_century_BC Garamantes Numidia Teotihuacan Nabataean Pontic Empire Indo-Greek Kingdom Pandyan Dynasty Vakataka Empire Japan (Yamato) Goguryeo Silla Buyeo Yuezhi Samnites Magna Graecia
    1 point
  42. Teutonic Order Faction Update. Walls are about 90% finished, as the gate animations are still under development. The gate door will fit 2-3 units wide, making for a choke point if used this way. gate size reference, https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-gate-malbork-castle-medieval-teutonic-order-crusaders-poland-image72248634
    1 point
  43. Teutonic Order Faction Update, Troops are almost finished, and moving on to structure development. Malbork Castle: Teutonic Civ Center https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbork_Castle
    1 point
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