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First I want to say that it was a great pleasure to work on this mod. I have a lot of affection and respect for this game, where many people work hard to give us some fun. 0a.d has already provided me with hours of fun and I felt compelled to give back a little of it. Were long 7 months of much work, really most people do not know how much this is laborious. You need to always have new ideas, do and redo many things, look at historical context, test, test and test, and of course, have people available to help you in this process. Tnx @Angen @Lion.Kanzen @Stan` @ValihrAnt @Feldfeld @Stockfish @wowgetoffyourcellphone. Well, this will be the last version (1.0.5) of the mod for the current version a23b. Just a version to fix something if necessary. Nothing new will be added. From now on the whole work will be focused on the a24 version, where together with @elexis we will review the mod so that if so accepted by the developers, it can be implemented to the a24. The main goal of the mod was to bring players and the community a better experience of gameplay/balance within what the game can offer in the current state of development. It is perceived by everyone that gameplay has been "stalled" for some time, so that was my focus. As I mentioned before, even though many resources are lacking due to the current state of development, it is possible to do much more with what we have now. I want to make it clear here that the changes made in the mod have always respected the main pillars and design documents (just changed what was really needed for the balancing to work). Major changes/Features - Added counter system; - General balancing of all units and buildings; - Gameplay slightly different for each civilization; - Reformulation of current techs/auras/bonuses/teambonus; - New bonuses/auras. - New buildings/units/technologies for the respective civilizations; - New upgrades to units/buildings; - New icons; - Mercenary champions units now has icons with yellow color. - Civil centre can train only women (some exceptions); - All mercenaries cost only metal; - Units promoted has no gather penalty; - Deactivated the animation of promotion (units do not take damage while celebrating); - Hero after death can not be trained again; - Dead animals lost food; - Domestic animals can fatten; - Increased number of icons available on the panel; - Women can build all buildings; - Promotion (advanced/elite rank) gives +10% health, +1 armour, +20% attack +1 capture attack, +20% loot, vision range for all soldiers. Healers gain +5 heal range and +2 heal/HP. Counter System The system I chose to work on is simple and easy to set up for casual players or pro players. Spearmen/Pikemen bonus against Cavalry/Elephant; Archer/Slinger bonus against Melee Infantry; Skirmisher bonus against Archer/Slinger; Swordsmen all-round; The same applies to Cavalry. Cavalry Spearmen bonus against Cavalry/Elephant; Cavalry Archer bonus against Melee Infantry; Cavalry Skirmisher bonus against Archer/Slinger; Cavalry Swordsmen all-round. To many changes such example: to each quarter built by a Macedonian player, gain a free pikemen. Macedonian is the only civilization that can train pikemen in village phase. Sparta is a civilization focused on melee units and the only can train champions on village phase. These and many more changes can only be seen with details in the technological tree. Please, give your feedback, this is important. The latest version is not yet downloadable by mod.io, it is waiting authorization. If you have any doubts on how to install the mod: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide2 points
celt_helmet_berru: 500 to 350 BC approximately, some of them are much decorated, most not. During this period, it is expected to be a helmet of higher status, found in aristocratic burials sometimes. All of them are known exclusively in bronze. celt_helmet_marne : Berru is in the region of Marne. It should be the same typology. Most of them were found in this region, but other were found in Europe Central, the most eastern is at Turocz in Hungary. What is called a Marne helmet is in fact a early Montefortino from Celtic tradition. celt_helmet_agris: Western France, 350 BC. Very decorated helmet. For a hero like Brennos it is a good idea. (suggestion) celt_helmet_amfreville: Northwest France, 250 BC. Very decorated helmet. For a hero like Viridomarus it is possible (suggestion) celt_helmet_canosa: Italy, 400-300 BC. Very decorated helmet. For a hero like Brennos it is a good idea. celt_helmet_ciumesti_raven: Eastern Europe (Romania), second half of the 3rd century BC. For a hero like Viridomarus it is possible. celt_helmet_montefortino: Most common helmets, general typology used by the Etruscans, the Romans, the Gauls and even some Iberians (region of Catalonia). 400 to 200 BC. The evolution of the typology is difficult and poorly done by previous researchers (too many different interpretation and naming). There are iron and bronze examples of this typology. It should be the most common helmets in the Gallic roster. celt_helmet_ciumesti or celt_helmet_castelrotto: second half of the 3rd century BC to the end of the second century BC. Late variante of the Montefortino helmet. I think it is only an iron type. The main difference is in the cheek-protection attachment. A common helmet for the gallic roster. celt_helmet_port: I don't know why it is called classical coolus by Alexander. It is a helmet we found from 60 to 20 BC in France and in Switzerland with some variants in Eastern Europe. Should be a higher grade helmet. Gallic champion cavalry or infantry. Or elite version of gallic normal cavalry. celt_helmet_alesia: 1st century BC. Most common iron helmets found during this century, in France and in Switzerland. The Agen type is a variant with a crest holder but Alexander added some features from the Forêt de Rouvray helmet (the wave border at the level of the cheek protection). For advanced units version? (suggestion) celt_helmet_foret: Only three helmets of this typology are known, found in Northern France, dated to the 1st century BC. Two variants, forêt de Rouvray and forêt de Louviers. Maybe an higher grade helmet but it isn't sure. Same utilisation as the Alesia and Port types is possible. (suggestion) celt_helmet_boe: 60-30 BC helmet in iron. Found in a rich burial of a gallic cavalryman serving the army of Rome as an auxiliary, southern France. For cavalry champion. celt_helmet_coolus_mannheim: 1st century BC, found in France, in Germany, in Switzerland and in Italy. There are two types, the coolus which is the light version and the mannheim which is the heavy version. The latter is thought to have been developed by the Romans both the Gallic auxiliaries and for the Caesarian legions during the Gallic Wars. A coolus example was found in Britain, I suggest to use it for the Britons. To my knowledge, all the Coolus and Mannheim helmets are in bronze. celt_helmet_meyrick helmet: Also known as the cap jockey helmet. The Meyrick helmet is dated from the 1st century AD, but I similar piece were found in the Balkans from the end of the 1st century BC in a Celtic related burial. Bronze helmets. celt_helmet_waterloo: River Thames, Southern Britain. Mid-Late La Tene. For a Briton Hero definitely.2 points
Since Serapis did have elements of Hades, I would recommend a different god for the Ptolemies like Harpocrates. This deity was basically the Greek interpretation of the child-god version of Horus and played a fairly important role in religion there.2 points
@stanislas69 @Angen the foundation is finished https://github.com/0ADMods/A-Mythology-mod-f-or-0-A.D.2 points
Hope that this will go official, including the han civ. (Always have been argued that having this civ away from main 0 ad version, was to show modding possibilites, but now there're some others civs mods... among others reasons) Moar questions.. what will be the role differences between javs and slings?2 points
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Bonjour tout le monde, Merci pour ton implication borg. J'ai quelques idées, à vous d'en faire le tri et pourquoi pas en débattre. Débattre des avantages inconvénients et de ce que ça peut apporter aux gameplay. Idée mineures : Arbre Avoir la possibilité de détruire/brûler/ les arbres plus rapidement que par la récolte(évidemment sans récupérer la ressource).Comment : catapulte, mise à feu, autre ?. Dans quel but ? Créer des chemins, possibilité de créer des stratégies sur certaines cartes ou simplement débloquer des unités de sièges bloquées. Hit-box arme de sièges : Augmenter la hitbox des armes de sièges afin de réduire l'effet "spam" , vu qu'elles seront plus espacés elles seront légèrement plus difficiles à défendre. De plus, observer sur un même point 4 catapultes c'est moche. Pourquoi pas étendre ceci aux bateaux un jour ? Mais dans l'état actuelle des choses cela serait trop chiant et les bateaux seraient bloqués... surtout sur les mauvaises cartes. Héros : Pas de coût en population, même temps de formation pour toute les héros (ex:20 secondes) Une deux de ces trois solutions : 1) Avoir la possibilité de le ressusciter via les moines sur le lieu de mort (difficile à implémenter je suppose) ou merveille (ou ceci présenterais soucis de snowball?). 2)Timer de 5min / 10 min pour pouvoir le recruter à nouveau (difficile à implémenter je suppose) 3) Si un héros meurt pouvoir faire appel à 1 autre des 3 héros si l'un est mort (toujours 1 seule en vie en permanence maximum), ceci augmenterais le nombre de héros par partie à 3 par joueurs maximum. Idée en profondeur : Retirer ou réduire grandement les bonus de % de récolte et de HP en fonction des âges, rester age 1 devrait pouvoir être davantage un choix qu'un handicap, sans rendre op le faite de rester âge 1 on pourrais le rendre davantage viable et moins course aux âges. Excepté pour les joueurs voulant des armes de sièges et débloquer les technologies rapidement, comme la plupart voudront le faire. De plus cela pourrais réduire l'effet "snowball passif" des meilleurs joueurs. Égaliser les vitesses de déplacements des unités sans chevaux qui portent des ressources (sur le chemin retour, de la ressource au dépôt de stockage). Ceci permettrait de corriger partiellement les écarts entres les différentes unités, toute en laissant un mini écart sur le chemin "aller" dû à la vitesse des unités de base. Civilisation Un point où j'aimerais insister et de pouvoir donner la possibilité aux joueurs d'avoir des stratégies différentes, pour cela il faut leur en laisser la possibilité. Sans que c'est stratégie soit OP elles doivent pouvoir être à peu près viables. Je m'explique. Certaines civilisations peuvent avoir des départs ou des booms très différents, j'aimerais qu'on puissent offrir aux joueurs davantage de petites combines sans pour autant que les civilisations soit trop trop différentes. EN BREF, laisser aux joueurs des possibilités de jouer autrement, de créer des stratégies. Quelle idée en vrac : Une civ se composant uniquement de la cavalerie (une civilisation actuelle ou une nouvelle à implémenter pour ne pas perturber trop les habitudes des joueurs), possibilité ou non d'infanterie grâce aux mercenaires. Des étables (stables) qui se construisent très vite (ex: 60 secondes) mais très fragile (ex: 350 HP) et pas de possibilité de garnison, apparence en bois donc coûte que du bois. Idée de civilisation pour répondre à cette idée (il y a en a plusieurs possible) ? Une civ qui peut créer un genre de très grande caserne regroupant les 3 types de casernes (archers, étables, caserne infanterie), esthétiquement très grosse avec un coût de 300 pierre 600 bois, 20 places de garnison. Cela n'est pas un changement fondamentale juste une petite possibilité pour la civilisation élue. A priori dans votre MOD pas de possibilité de créer soldat dans le CC. Du coup une civ qui peut créer une unité de soldat qui coûte assez cher mais assez faible directement dans le CC dès l'age 1. Ex: 50 nourriture 25 bois 30 pierre 20 métal pour 60Hp 8 attaque. C'est une possibilité de la civ que le joueur pourra largement se passer bien sur, plus un choix qu'une orientation OP. Implémenter les chars de mêlée et faire la distinction des chars archers ? pour un nombre de civ réduite Une civ avec des esclaves amélioré débloquer par une technologie unique du CC de cette civilisation, "Esclavagiste impitoyables" temps de recherche : 15 secondes coût : 50 métal. /// la technologie réduit de 60% le coût de l'unité et son temps d'entrainement passe à 4 secondes. En revanche l'unité meurt au bout de 120 secondes (temps à équilibrer). Cela serait une stratégie de surdéveloppement rapide avec une chute si le joueur gère pas, ou bien après une sévère défaite le joueur pourrait se refaire plus rapidement. Plusieurs civ romaines ? Pour représenter différentes familles / époques / régions géographique /avoir plusieurs choix d’arbres technologiques à disposition. Une civ qui à la possibilité de construire un deuxième type de maison (20 pop) , double coût de construction et deux fois plus long a construire. 10 garnison max de femme au lieu de 6 pour maison normale. Animaux : Une civ qui peut créer un faucon pour explorer (limité à 1) avec un coût assez conséquent genre 250 Métal: HP : 10, pour palier le problème de l'unité volante disont qu'on ignore le réalisme sur ce point. Une civ qui peut créer des chiens à l'age 1 depuis le bâtiment "niche". une autre civ qui peut les créer niveau 2. Ceux qui nous conduit à deux civ qui produiront des chiens. (britons, gaulois, romains? ou plutôt gâté une autre civ de cette fonction ? Implémenter le cochon incendiaire pour 1 civilisation (fort contre éléphant et très fragile, easy à tuer par toute les types d'unités) Femmes : La possibilité de faire quelques choses des femmes end game . idée : brûler des arbres, réparer deux fois plus vites les bâtiments que les soldats , les convertir en archers ou tirailleurs (faibles mais mieux que le suicide), consomme des ressources pour éviter que les joueurs produisent des femmes pour juste les transformer en soldats gratuitement. Bonus civ : Refonte des bonus de civ? équilibrage? Garder les bonus team OP? mais en attribuer d'autres sympa aux autres civilisations. En revanche ne pas remettre tout en cause, ça apporte du cachet au jeu les bonus civ. Merveille : Supprimer l'amélioration de la merveille. En contrepartie une merveille construire donne +20 pop au lieu de 10, et donne 1 métal par second (soit 60 par minute, léger tribut dû au prestige de la cité), objectif : réduire les lags et le snowball tout en proposant un avantage concret si besoin de population. La merveille à beaucoup plus de PV (+50% car les béliers tapent plus fort aussi) et la garnison possible est augmenté à 50 unité. Les marchands : Une deux de ces solutions : 1)Réduire les gains du commerce par les marchands de 40%, objectif ? Augmenter la guerre pour les ressources et récompenser ceux qui investissent pour contrôler du territoires. De plus cela permettra sur les cartes où il manque de certaines ressources de devoir utiliser davantage les unités qui en consomment le moins. 2)Supprimer les améliorations des marchands qui augmente les profits. Je suis contre la limite du nombre de marchand par contre. Changement Bélier/arme de siège : Réduire modérément (50%) vitesse bélier et tour de siège. /// laisser le temps aux joueurs qui explorent le temps de se préparer à counter ceci. Bélier à 4 pop au lieu de 3, tape un petit peu plus fort Tour de siège +1 coût de population Catapulte +1sec pour se déployer. Baliste -1sec pour se déployer, vitesse réduire légèrement (20%) L'option CTRL Par défaut pour attaquer au lieu de contrôler, prend trop de micro gestion dans les combats alors qu'on devrait mettre cette micro gestion dans les troupes. Question : Le Bélier doit-il être rapide qu'une tour de siège ? Éléphant armure légèrement booster1 point
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Vou testar, se tiver uma bosta eu falo. ah não vou traduzir pro inglês não, cada um que se vire kkkk1 point
Gooddd joob man, wonderfull work! I hope they will implement on next alpha, if they do i will see u there. Ate logo gordo travestido.1 point
At first I thought of both as archers counter, I lowered the damage of the slinger somewhat in relation to the javelins, so that both in combat could equal (havelins vs slings). But I think it would be interesting to change that bonus to some different unit. This would be interesting mainly for athens and britons, since already have an archers counter (cav javelins). Any suggestion? About hans, I have plans to implement them in the next version, maybe next month. Along with many new things.1 point
And here is the Production Panel. he Production Panel will have the duty to : 1) Show the Product in Production, this will appear in 0AD style as a icon on top of the panel with a green layer showing the percent of progress 2) Show the Product produced and stoked by the entity with icon, name, quantity and urgency. These will be the product ready to be sell. Also from here , if you are in Manual modality you can select the product to produce by clicking on the prod icon ( first image ) 3) Show the raw material the entity can stock to produce its products, like before need to be show icon, name, quantity and urgency. ( second Image ) 4) let the User decide if want to handle the entity economic activity Manually or with Ai and maybe in the future other settings. ( third image) please let me know if you feel is intuitive or what to improve.1 point
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Hi everyone! I have decided to begin work on creating a mythological mod for 0 ad. All are welcome to join the mod development. I will begin with the Athenians, Spartans, Ptolemies and the Norse (if I am given permission to use them). For the first version, most likely the Athenians and Spartans will be in it. What features would you like to see in the mod?1 point
On many scenario maps, the player starts with extra buildings. When you mentioned Gauls, try selecting the Scenario map type and find the map Arcadia. Gauls get a longhouse at the start. Similarly with the map Azure Coast.1 point
Well what matters now is that we have a good foundation that seems to work very well.1 point
This isn't an engine feature lol, its a hack, a very sloppy workaround that abuses particle emitters and hidden skeletons. Proper support would be nice but this will have to do as a proof of concept. It follows all the 'rules' so it's more or less future proof for modders, which was my biggest concern. Proper single-particle emitters would of course increase performance by negating the need for hidden emitters.1 point
I don't want to diverge from the main topic, but you obviously know that they were removed to let place for stats. But happens what it happens: nothing (from the gameplay features point of view). Was that too early? Was there a failure? I guess it's not my problem nor yours ;-)1 point
So, instead of making the counters simpler and more "intuitive" they were removed almost completely...1 point
That doesn't even make sense to have those 3 stats with hard counters. Only 1 stat is needed.1 point
I put attack hack for all melee, pierce for all ranged and crush dmg only for catapults and rams (siege tower and bolts have pierce dmg). In the vanilla sperman have pierce dmg too, slings crush dmg, this is very confusing for players and also makes it very difficult to balance. So I preferred to create such a base, cleaner and easier to understand and balance.1 point
So, to assign these to the unit actors, I think each helmet should be listed and their provenance detailed, then they can be assigned accordingly. KnowwhatImean (unless there is already a thread like this that I missed)? Kind of like this: celt_helmet_agris: Western France, 350 BC. I suggest for the Gallic hero Brennus. His current Waterloo helmet should probably go to a Britons hero. celt_helmet_berru: Central Europe (Austria) Late Hallstatt (500 BC). Uncertain that this can be used. Bueller? Bueller? celt_helmet_ciumesti: Eastern Europe (Romania), Mid-La Tene. Elite unit? celt_helmet_ciumesti_raven: Eastern Europe (Romania), Mid-La Tene. Gallic hero Viridomarus. celt_helmet_classic_coolus: Southern France? Mid-Late La Tene? Gallic Champion Infantry? Can have some plumed variants? celt_helmet_coolus: France, Northern Italy. Late La Tene. Gallic Spear Infantry? celt_helmet_marne: Northeast France. Time period? Unit? celt_helmet_montefortino: Southern France, Northern Italy. Late La Tene. Unit? celt_helmet_peaked: Britain, early Empire. Perhaps rename to celt_helmet_meyrick to be more precise? Britons infantry? celt_helmet_port: France. Late La Tene. Gallic Champion Cavalry. celt_helmet_waterloo: River Thames, Southern Britain. Mid-Late La Tene. Briton Hero?1 point
I want this a lot too as well, that is why I keep harassing @bb_ about #2577 and #2521 point
We wont go on steam or any other platform until we reach beta. If we added the game on steam and for some reason decided to change a feature that everyone loved between two alphas the comment section would absolutely crush the game and that's advertisment we don't need right now. I usually read the comments on a game before buying it if its all red I'm not likely to buy it.1 point