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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-06-05 in all areas

  1. So... I had those exams to work for... and this happened. Refs #2214
    4 points
  2. Yes, a special model for the Seleucid war elephant would be great.
    2 points
  3. Trashed Fountain Reversed Tent Removed Decal Added some props
    2 points
  4. It's quite hard to do that since texture don't match much, I mixed Seleucid Greek and Ptol textures to reduce the contrast difference. But since it's supposed to be a Greek building surrounded by Ptol walls it's a bit tricky Yeah would probably be better if only military I was trying to follow Michael's comment on the ticket: EDIT : Militarized version Removed Trees Added Doors Added Greek Tent Kept the fountain as you want to have water when you are in the desert.
    2 points
  5. Today a fan in my Facebook page send me this pic, so Im sharing with you guys.
    2 points
  6. There are a few things I would like to tweak in the animation, but this is how it look so far:
    2 points
  7. I introduced a French friend to 0 A.D. he was playing the Romans, and I noticed that when one places the military camp not in one's territory (like it's supposed to be used) you loose it to Gaia basically instantly. I think that watchtowers and military camps should be immune to territory, to maintain their functionality.
    2 points
  8. Hi there! What about giving a golden armour for the seleucid elephants? I've got a little picture here: We could also give the same skin for Seleucos Nicator, maybe with an additional warrior in the mahout? I think it would enhance the difference between mauryan and seleucid elephants.
    1 point
  9. Nice Lion. Also, Obelisks can look newer and more interesting: The Seleucid version of the building can have statues instead of obelisks. I like the parallel.
    1 point
  10. its done. preview(photoshop) may be more little... or something...
    1 point
  11. True, but the 0 A.D. would model from Asian elephant.
    1 point
  12. Another view: This interpretation by the late-great Angus McBride I think, and is iconic.
    1 point
  13. Can we have some ingame screenshots (to compare with another buildings) ? If it isn't a lot of work.
    1 point
  14. I guess that's up to @Enrique and @LordGood to edit that texture or not. The only upside I see with it being yellow is that it gives an egyptian feeling. Fountain version for @wowgetoffyourcellphone
    1 point
  15. Or a fountain or... a little mosaic in middle
    1 point
  16. How I envisoned a military colony to be would be that the colonists are trying to plant their own culture in a hostile foreign land. So there would be a mix of their own architexture and the local architecture/building materials. I think this is heading in right direction. I didn't hate the fountain though. And the trees were not bad. The original image give the impression of a civic society that has to ensconce behind walls, which is the feel I can imagine.
    1 point
  17. Very nice! Makes me want to have a walk on these fresh new tiles
    1 point
  18. Yes is like a barrack plus CC. i liked, but is some contrasty... With @wowgetoffyourcellphone And @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded Be complainted about all exaggerated yellowish color in textures, thing that was fixed for Seleucids. for me the white and that yellow are very strong contrast, but I love your desing.
    1 point
  19. Hi guy. So, for civ bonuses and penalties. What would be best for performance of game? To use player aura or auto-research tech? Are they initiated by the match differently? Does the game treat them different or not at all? Same performance or is one less efficient than the other? Thank you. Performance is important to me. Here is example. In my mod I would like to give the Celt units -1 hack armor, but +10% movement rates. Would be best to use a player aura or to use auto-research tech?
    1 point
  20. @Lion.Kanzen Keep in mind also that in the assessments: https://sites.google.com/site/famigliaomo20/i-lari-e-i-penati There is the English translation after the Italian.
    1 point
  21. Indeed the point is modification will probably be made, and then will be a good time for adding garrison flags
    1 point
  22. Model and texture is very nice indeed!
    1 point
  23. This is an idea I've had from reading /r/SubredditSimulator, a subreddit where bots post content using Markov chains. I've been giving it some thinking and I thought I'd share it. I don't have yet anything to show for it as I'm unable to code at the moment, but might try it later. The idea is quite simple: let's use some sort of markov Chains to make our random maps nicer. The biggest problems in our random maps, in terms of niceness, is not so much the larger elements (such as continent shape, ...) but the finer details. It just looks too random quite often, compared to scenarios. My idea is simply to use markov chains to replicate those scenario achievements in random maps. I won't go into details on markov chains (google it), but basically the idea would be to analyze scenarios of a similar biome (or may only one map, if it's good enough. Fiddling with the data would be needed.), and then use this as a database in a "beautification" pass for random maps. So RM would still create the maps as we do know, put terrains as we do know, then add basic "necessary" entities, such as trees, player entities, and could also add some larger beautification elements. Then we'd go into a beautification pass. I see a few ways this could work: For each "important" entity, check what "decoration" entities are usually placed around (from the markov chains) and place those.For each terrain type, check which decoration entities can be found aroundPossibly this would require us to "pre-sort" important entities by checking how many important entities they have around (as you might place different stuff around a lone tree than in a forest), but this would have to be checked. It might be extended to actual terrains too, to make it easier to have nice transitions, but I'm not entirely sure it'd work so well. Just an idea, anyways.
    1 point
  24. https://weaponsandwarfare.com/category/shipbuilding/page/3/
    1 point
  25. It seems that the blacksmith template might be broken? none of the blacksmiths are showing the garrison flags. I knew I put in a flag point, and it shows in the actor viewer when set to garrisoned, but doesn't update on garrisoning troops.
    1 point
  26. Fixed it, also that cloth should look a bit less plastic-y
    1 point
  27. Not yet, but soon maybe http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/252
    1 point
  28. That batter attack really needs to be slower IMO, even AoE only registered an attack every two batter cycles, It felt right for some reason
    1 point
  29. When creating a trade route, select your first market, then use the shift key to add some points along the route you want to follow and then to select the second market.
    1 point
  30. The battering motion is very jarring with the current attack cycle. After I make another quicker, shallower motion I'll commit it to the SVN. I'll update here when that happens.
    1 point
  31. To be a real marcov chain it would need to have entities and actors in the (square) matrix IMO. The advantage would be that objects could then be placed continously over any size of area without entities to start with (or only one entity to start with). The disadvantage would be that also placing entities means less controll of the map designer about resource distribution and ammount So maybe let's just sick with only placing actors and maybe do a full map generation script with real marcov chains (best if also including terrain texture) later.
    1 point
  32. I've been adding more stuff. First thing is I now open the PMP files, which allowed me to sort which actors go over water and which go under (or both), to avoid weirdness. I also added the possibility of adding "rules", for example a map might decide to not add entities around a certain fauna/flora element, or forbid some actors from appearing (useful on volcanic lands for example). Finally I've added a beautifier based on the terrain texture, but it only works on some textures (check out Oasis) so it's not as useful as I'd hoped. It could probably be modified slightly to become a more uniform way of placing actors around a map though. At this point I'm not entirely sure what to add next, so I invite everyone to play a bit with it and see if they like it. Generally speaking I think it looks good, needs a few tweaks. Just download the mod at https://github.com/wraitii/0-AD-RM-beautifier
    1 point
  33. just use shift + click to add to "transit points"
    1 point
  34. I find that my traders die a lot because they take the shortest path (?) which often unfortunately happen to be through enemy territory. Is there any possibility for custom routes to be added for traders?
    1 point
  35. I finally went for "Expert", thx for the feedback
    1 point
  36. I agree that the 4 triangle roof look kind of Chinese maybe? Gables on each end would probably look more Greek. Orherwise it is nice. And like Lion said, don't forget 'garrisoned' prop point. EDIT: I think the cloth texture is way too specular. Look like plastic in the game!
    1 point
  37. Apparently, there is already a ticket for that, so you certainly shouldn't create one. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1088
    1 point
  38. That warning comes from the AI. The AI keeps a reason why a unit is garrisoned (to know when to ungarrison it again). So when you garrison units from the AI somewhere, you will get this warning. If this happens when playing a regular game, then it's a bug in the AI, and it's best to post the replay file, so it can be reproduced.
    1 point
  39. A couple of thing to fix. 1. When select a visible garrisopn unit, the selection ring should be at his feet, not on the ground beneath the building. This is especially visible on gates, but affect all visible garrison building. 2. Double-click behavior. Sometime double-click work, but most of time it does not. Cannot double click all the same dudes on a fortress wall. :\ 3. Visible Garrisoned unit should not add to the building's default arrow count. I mean the arrows that are counted from the <BuildingAI> element. Only dude inside the fortress add to the default arrows. Okay, to simplify the behavior, the VisibleGarrison points should be stocked with units when on the act of garrisoning. This is what happen now. Any visible spots that become emptied by a death don't get restocked unless more soldiers of the right type are garrisoned. You guys worry about micro, but as I have testing this stan's patches, there is so much going on that I do not worry about the micro. I just garrison my archers to get them to show up and they shoot. Meanwhile, I worry about flanking the enemy attacking force with another ground force of my own because I know my fortress will not last long anyway. If I see my archers on parapet dying, I garrison some more archer inside. The dudes already still inside add arrows to the default arrows, I don't worry about the micro too much at all. If you want to, you can show the individual slot in the UI, but we would need to UI redesign. Kind of like Ancient Wars: Sparta...
    1 point
  40. You could have the game paused until the other player is connected, similar to when starting a new multiplayer game. Which would basically make the save just like a scenario.
    1 point
  41. I think that's because now classes are mandatory, I removed the optionnal keyword. Sorry for the late reply. I did play it, but making units movable is another problem, since it relies on pathfinder more than anything else. Visible Garrisoned units don't/can't move, only rotate. Same that's totally different ^^ Well currently in the game it's used for walls. I am not adding a new feature, I'm extending it to all buildings. This is already in the game.
    1 point
  42. The placement of the Royal Peltasts in the battle line indicate that they are heavy phalangites like the others in the line. This indicate to me that the small round shield carry by the phalangites (pikemen) was called a pelta/pelte. Seems "pelte" was the word for any small shield, not just the crescent shield of the skirmisher. Aspis just mean shield but I have seen indicate a large shield like the one Hoplite carry. Hoplon seem to have been the general word for weapons and armor. The kit of a warrior is called Panoply. Pan = All, oply = derived from same word base as hoplon for weapons and armor. This is all armchair supposition on my part.
    1 point
  43. I dont know if people have said this already, but can trees be "walk thu-able" to units that arent in a formation? To go with that, possibly "thicken" the fog of war in forests, so forest ambushes are possible.
    1 point
  44. Performance shouldn't differ a lot, but if there's a difference, technologies should be faster. That is because auras are not permanent (can disappear again), so the cache format for techs is more simple. Team bonuses need auras though, as alliances can change throughout the game, so they must be undoable.
    1 point
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