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Share your LocalRatings data


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Hello 0 A.D. friends!

Now that Alpha25 is about to be replaced by the new Alpha 26, I want to share my LocalRatings data from Alpha 25 with you, I believe all of us can benefit from it. Feel free to do the same if you wish so!

I include a picture of my TOP 30. Further, I attach the entire database (JSON format) for those of you who want to see the bigger picture. Since the ratings depend of the user-defined weights and filters, I declare mine: Score Weights -> default; Match filters -> default; Player Filters -> minimum number of games played = 5.



Additional info

  • the forum thread of the LocalRatings mod is here.
  • if you wish to share your entire database as I did, look on your computer for a file named ratingsDatabase.json.


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how does this work? is it based on tg? then just "perceieved skill" of player will dictate that, ie som1 who is perceieved as 1400 but is 1600 will give him wrose team balance overal than if it was opposite. so it may just be that weirdjokes, darkcity, vinme are seen as less skilled than they are, so when game is balanced they are given advanatageous teams. 

also depends im sure on players database, ie whoever they play with more, and whoever playes better when playing with them.

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The smell of a new 0 A.D. release is in the air so... here's my TOP30 for the A26 season! :holiday:

1819754617_Screenshotfrom2023-05-2218-39-42.png.05316046e7191f0e75c514f06460b514.pngMy settings

Match Filters: games with < 4 players are excluded.

Player Filters: players with < 5 games are excluded.

Score Weights: default, apart from exploration weights set to 0.


Few comments

  • Feel free to ignore #1 from the ranking; the mod tends to overestimate the owner's rating.
  • I wished I had more games played with strong players. Unfortunately some of them do not appear in the list due to the small numbers of games played.
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5 minutes ago, Stan` said:

@Mentula Do you have a stat that computes the number of hours you put in matches ? I wonder how hard it would be to integrate your stats in my replay database.

Currently not, but it doesn't look hard to implement (at least, in the context of the LocalRatings mod). Basically it's a matter of summing up the game duration, alongside the other players' stats. Cool idea!

Edit: adding up the game duration might be an imperfect solution. A problematic case is the one of a player early-quitting the game: their stats will be computed until the end of the replay, although the player has left before the end. This problem (although it's probably a minor one) also affects the way LocalRatings currently computes stats; I don't have a good solution to this.

Edited by Mentula
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 The reasoning for uploading this is not meant to shame Aqua in anyway, shape or form, rather the opposite. Anyone getting this impression, please take a moment to reflect as to "why" then. Top players of this game often remain focused on the other high skilled players at the top of the pyramid (as can be shown in the above posts) while players that are often overlooked might not be as adept, capable or experienced, but they exhibit greater character, determination and unwavering commitment to their teammates. Title of this thread is "Share your LocalRatings data". As an aside, "You come at the King, best not miss."

Edited by Palaiologos
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