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Alpha 25 - General Feedback


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7 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

What about Diaspora though? Prerequisite are three traders and they're only available at p2.

Hmm sometimes you might get a free market in P1 or free traders ( on some custom maps). But I guess this is very rare and the tech should be limited to P2 or later to avoid confusion. 


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@Gurken Khan Were you saving ? @wraitii

 	VCRUNTIME140.dll!6da1cf5e()	Inconnu	Code non-utilisateur. Impossible de trouver ou d'ouvrir le fichier PDB.
 	VCRUNTIME140.dll![Les frames ci-dessous sont peut-être incorrects et/ou manquants, aucun symbole chargé pour VCRUNTIME140.dll]	Inconnu	Aucun symbole n'a été chargé.
 	zlib1.dll!6d942dcd()	Inconnu	Code non-utilisateur. Le fichier binaire n'a pas été généré avec les informations de débogage.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!CodecZLibStream::CallStreamFunc(int(*)(z_stream_s *, int) func=0x6d942680, int flush=0, const unsigned char * in=0xff00d040, const unsigned int inSize=44, unsigned char * out=0x0000002c, const unsigned int outSize, unsigned int & inConsumed=8847338, unsigned int & outProduced=0) Ligne 151	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!Compressor_ZLib::Process(const unsigned char * in=0xff00d040, unsigned int inSize=7756565, unsigned char * out=0x0000002c, unsigned int outSize=8847338, unsigned int & inConsumed=8847338, unsigned int & outProduced=0) Ligne 218	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!Stream::Feed(const unsigned char * in=0xff00d040, unsigned int inSize=7756565) Ligne 124	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	[Cadre en ligne] pyrogenesis.exe!StreamFeeder::operator()(const unsigned char *) Ligne 126	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!ArchiveWriter_Zip::AddFileOrMemory(const CFileInfo & fileInfo={...}, const Path & pathnameInArchive={...}, const std::shared_ptr<File> & file={...}, const unsigned char * data=0xff00d040) Ligne 711	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!ArchiveWriter_Zip::AddMemory(const unsigned char * data=0xff00d040, unsigned int size=7756565, __int64 mtime=1630118041, const Path & pathnameInArchive={...}) Ligne 658	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!SavedGames::Save(const CStrW & name={...}, const CStrW & description={...}, CSimulation2 & simulation, const std::shared_ptr<JSStructuredCloneData> & guiMetadataClone={...}) Ligne 130	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!SavedGames::SavePrefix(const CStrW & prefix={...}, const CStrW & description={...}, CSimulation2 & simulation, const std::shared_ptr<JSStructuredCloneData> & guiMetadataClone={...}) Ligne 53	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!JSI_SavedGame::SaveGamePrefix(const ScriptRequest & rq={...}, const std::wstring & prefix={...}, const std::wstring & description={...}, JS::Handle<JS::Value> GUIMetadata={...}) Ligne 54	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	[Cadre en ligne] pyrogenesis.exe!std::_C__Invoker_functor::_Call(void(*)(const ScriptRequest &, const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &, JS::Handle<JS::Value>) &&) Ligne 330	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	[Cadre en ligne] pyrogenesis.exe!std::_C_invoke(void(*)(const ScriptRequest &, const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &, JS::Handle<JS::Value>) &&) Ligne 330	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	[Cadre en ligne] pyrogenesis.exe!std::_Apply_impl(void(*)(const ScriptRequest &, const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &, JS::Handle<JS::Value>) &&) Ligne 1233	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	[Cadre en ligne] pyrogenesis.exe!std::apply(void(*)(const ScriptRequest &, const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &, JS::Handle<JS::Value>) &&) Ligne 1241	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	[Cadre en ligne] pyrogenesis.exe!ScriptFunction::call(void *) Ligne 195	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!ScriptFunction::ToJSNative<&JSI_SavedGame::SaveGamePrefix,0>(JSContext * cx=0x00e5e810, unsigned int argc=3, JS::Value * vp=0x3a4c41f0) Ligne 336	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	mozjs78-ps-release.dll!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext * cx, const JS::CallArgs & args={...}, js::MaybeConstruct construct=NO_CONSTRUCT, js::CallReason reason=Call) Ligne 585	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	mozjs78-ps-release.dll!InternalCall(JSContext * cx=0x00e5e810, const js::AnyInvokeArgs & args={...}, js::CallReason reason=Call) Ligne 648	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	mozjs78-ps-release.dll!Interpret(JSContext * cx, js::RunState & state) Ligne 3312	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	mozjs78-ps-release.dll!js::RunScript(JSContext * cx=0x00e5e810, js::RunState & state={...}) Ligne 465	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	mozjs78-ps-release.dll!js::InternalCallOrConstruct(JSContext * cx, const JS::CallArgs & args={...}, js::MaybeConstruct construct=NO_CONSTRUCT, js::CallReason reason=Call) Ligne 620	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	mozjs78-ps-release.dll!InternalCall(JSContext * cx=0x00e5e810, const js::AnyInvokeArgs & args={...}, js::CallReason reason=Call) Ligne 648	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	mozjs78-ps-release.dll!js::Call(JSContext * cx=0x00e5e810, JS::Handle<JS::Value> fval, JS::Handle<JS::Value> thisv, const js::AnyInvokeArgs & args={...}, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval, js::CallReason reason=Call) Ligne 665	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	mozjs78-ps-release.dll!JS_CallFunctionValue(JSContext * cx=0x00e5e810, JS::Handle<JSObject *> obj, JS::Handle<JS::Value> fval, const JS::HandleValueArray & args={...}, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> rval={...}) Ligne 2777	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!IGUIObject::ScriptEventWithReturn(const CStr8 & eventName={...}, const JS::HandleValueArray & paramData={...}) Ligne 417	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	[Cadre en ligne] pyrogenesis.exe!IGUIObject::ScriptEventWithReturn(const CStr8 &) Ligne 398	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	[Cadre en ligne] pyrogenesis.exe!IGUIObject::ScriptEvent(const CStr8 &) Ligne 388	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!IGUIObject::SendEvent(EGUIMessageType type=GUIM_PRESSED, const CStr8 & eventName={...}) Ligne 352	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
>	pyrogenesis.exe!IGUIButtonBehavior::HandleMessage(SGUIMessage & Message={...}) Ligne 100	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!CButton::HandleMessage(SGUIMessage & Message={...}) Ligne 80	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!IGUIObject::SendMouseEvent(EGUIMessageType type=GUIM_MOUSE_PRESS_LEFT, const CStr8 & eventName={...}) Ligne 366	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!CGUI::HandleEvent(const SDL_Event_ * ev=0x009efa34) Ligne 209	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!CGUIManager::HandleEvent(const SDL_Event_ * ev=0x009efa34) Ligne 316	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!gui_handler(const SDL_Event_ * ev=0x009efa34) Ligne 55	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!in_dispatch_event(const SDL_Event_ * ev=0x009efa34) Ligne 63	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!PumpEvents() Ligne 262	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!Frame() Ligne 407	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!RunGameOrAtlas(int argc=1, const char * * argv=0x00b60008) Ligne 701	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!SDL_main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00b60008) Ligne 753	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!main_getcmdline() Ligne 74	C	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	[Cadre en ligne] pyrogenesis.exe!invoke_main() Ligne 90	C++	Code non-utilisateur. Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Ligne 288	C++	Code non-utilisateur. Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Ligne 365	C++	Les symboles ont été chargés.
 	kernel32.dll!76e36a14()	Inconnu	Code non-utilisateur. Binaire correspondant introuvable.
 	ntdll.dll!7786a9ef()	Inconnu	Code non-utilisateur. Binaire correspondant introuvable.
 	ntdll.dll!7786a9ba()	Inconnu	Code non-utilisateur. Binaire correspondant introuvable.


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I briefly saw a message pop up in the middle and top of the screen about "... cannot be controlled" (not sure anymore, but "temple" was the first word). First, I wondered about its meaning, second why it appeared in English despite German language setting (I thought that all strings have been translated to German, but maybe that status is outdated), and third, why such a message appears at that place and in this format (no borders, just plain text, almost like error messages, but they look different and are left-aligned). Are there more messages like this?

Sorry that I was not quick enough to take a screenshot; the message disappeared automatically after about 3 seconds.

Edited by Ceres
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41 minutes ago, Ceres said:

I briefly saw a message pop up in the middle and top of the screen about "... cannot be controlled" (not sure anymore, but "temple" was the first word). First, I wondered about its meaning, second why it appeared in English despite German language setting (I thought that all strings have been translated to German, but maybe that status is outdated), and third, why such a message appears at that place and in this format (no borders, just plain text, almost like error messages, but they look different and are left-aligned). Are there more messages like this?

Sorry that I was not quick enough to take a screenshot; the message disappeared automatically after about 3 seconds.

@Freagarach introduced that they might have an idea


10 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

Yup, trying at least. very frustrating.

When does it crash? When you open the menu ? If so you might have a corrupted savegame


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@Stan` I was able to load and save without removing any file. AFAIR I only had a problem with a corrupt save once, when I had manually messed with a file; I don't think loading/saving was possible then until I removed the culprit.

And I wanted to mention that this happened shortly after I updated to 25b.

Ofc it would be great if the game wouldn't crash when it encounters a corrupt save.

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18 hours ago, Ceres said:

I briefly saw a message pop up in the middle and top of the screen about "... cannot be controlled" (not sure anymore, but "temple" was the first word). First, I wondered about its meaning, second why it appeared in English despite German language setting (I thought that all strings have been translated to German, but maybe that status is outdated), and third, why such a message appears at that place and in this format (no borders, just plain text, almost like error messages, but they look different and are left-aligned). Are there more messages like this?

Sorry that I was not quick enough to take a screenshot; the message disappeared automatically after about 3 seconds.

The string _is_ marked for translation, so should be translated already. Do you have a replay of when that happened?

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I'm really sorry guys and should pay more attention to keeping track of these things. :blush: Unfortunately, the kids and I have played so many further games that I have no clue when/in which game it happened. I can try to find the replay, but I am really not very optimistic to find it. Not that I fear the effort!

PS: I checked but could not find that specific game anymore, sorry! Next time, I will note down date and time and try to take a screenshot and provide the replay - promised!

Edited by Ceres
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3 hours ago, Stan&#x60; said:

okay so that's a really scary error you have there.

Scary and majorly annoying. Considering it didn't happen once with the six previous versions of 25 I'll go back one step if it happens again.


3 hours ago, Stan&#x60; said:

All I can say for now is that you might get a significant performance upgrade by using your nvidia gpu :P (it's currently using the integrated intel)

Oh my, thx! For the longest time I wasn't even aware I had two GPUs; and then I guess I didn't really bother to check. Ramped up the grfx settings, but playing at turtle I didn't notice a performance difference. ;)

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On 28/08/2021 at 1:18 PM, Ceres said:

Sorry that I was not quick enough to take a screenshot;

Created a screenshot for clarity (String from https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Commands.js.
The translation is really missing, about the situation, I don’t know why you could not control the unit

Снимок экрана от 2021-08-30 23-22-07.png

Edited by nwtour
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8 hours ago, Angen said:

Are notifications translated? I think marking for translation is not enough

Marking for translation is indeed not enough, but according to https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/TimeNotificationOverlay.js it misses a "translateMessage" tag when pushed to the GUI.

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4 hours ago, Freagarach said:

Marking for translation is indeed not enough, but according to https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/TimeNotificationOverlay.js it misses a "translateMessage" tag when pushed to the GUI.

You mean "translatemessage: true"? (if I understand the example there correctly)

  message: "%(person) string in printf style",
  parameters: {person: "me"},
  translateMessage: true,
  translateParameters: ["person"],

I dont' understand why you refer to https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/TimeNotificationOverlay.js after @nwtour referred to this link: https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Commands.js

Where exactly is a "translateMessage" tag missing?

I cannot find the message "Civic Center can't be controlled." under any of the 2 links. What am I missing?

Please bear with me and accept my apologies for my obvious ignorance of all these things. I'm trying to learn. ;)

Edited by Ceres
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