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0 A.D. Social Media Accounts (We need you!)


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On 21/03/2021 at 7:21 PM, maroder said:

This is the only answer I could find

So maybe a problem with the wiki page, or the play0ad homepage has metadata in the wrong format.

Or google just changed their algorithm.

As part of the Pr and Social Media work I'm doing for 0AD at the moment, I got the keys to 0AD's Twitter account. It's been suggested that I tweet at Youtube's Twitter account to highlight the vanishing of 0AD from Youtube's gaming section - will be good to do that from the 'Big Dawg' account! :) I'll let you know if they reply.

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20 minutes ago, mysticjim said:

As part of the Pr and Social Media work I'm doing for 0AD at the moment, I got the keys to 0AD's Twitter account. It's been suggested that I tweet at Youtube's Twitter account to highlight the vanishing of 0AD from Youtube's gaming section - will be good to do that from the 'Big Dawg' account! :) I'll let you know if they reply.

Yeah, the name "0 a.d." was a coup in passive marketing. It shows up at the top of any list it's in. Its removal from the YouTube games list was a bit of a blow. Thanks for trying to get it reinstated. 

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1 hour ago, Stan` said:

As long as you don't claim to be WFG it's fine

First day on the job. Tweets a threatening message to Youtube on Twitter, purporting to be Wildfire Games! Claims the ultimate power granted to him was way too much! Goes into self enforced exile! 

It's okay, Stan, I got this :) ( threateningly brandishes a baseball bat ) 

Just kidding :) 

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22 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Yeah, the name "0 a.d." was a coup in passive marketing. It shows up at the top of any list it's in. Its removal from the YouTube games list was a bit of a blow. Thanks for trying to get it reinstated. 

Have finally gotten into the 0AD Twitter account (thank you, Stan!) and retweeted to TeamYoutube. I've linked them to the website and the wikipedia page (apparently having a wikipedia page used to be an essential requirement) - we'll see what happens next. I'm wondering if it's the lack of updates on the Wikipedia page that may be the problem? It says it's not been updated in a while, although the correct Alpha version is listed, but evidently this is such a minor update as to not count as an update at all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My suggestion is since we have Instagram/Twitter, we should post anything on quick intervals, perhaps one or two posts a week/per two weeks.

Also on Instagram, there should be more frequent activity. It doesn't have to be only important announcements or events, it could be as simple as sharing random cool screenshots or newest YouTube videos. It could also be a short clip of interesting things found during a game, or a poll on what features should be next.

Both of these threads provides rich contents that I think would be interesting to share to the public instead only to forum members. What do you think?

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  • 1 month later...
On 05/05/2021 at 8:56 AM, azayrahmad said:

My suggestion is since we have Instagram/Twitter, we should post anything on quick intervals, perhaps one or two posts a week/per two weeks.

Also on Instagram, there should be more frequent activity. It doesn't have to be only important announcements or events, it could be as simple as sharing random cool screenshots or newest YouTube videos. It could also be a short clip of interesting things found during a game, or a poll on what features should be next.


Indeed, that very much was and still is the plan for social media going forward. We've had a monthly announcement going out on the website, echoed in the forums and then echoed on social media since I began co-ordinating this, but the plan is that the social media accounts tick over weekly - either pushing official bits of news or echoing any 0AD related news or features, retweeting 0AD stories, etc. 

Annoyingly, a lot of this has coincided with my house move, which has been chaos, and all kinds of work and family stuff, so haven't been quite as productive with the social media side of it as I'd hoped, but that is about to change. And just in time for A25 as well, it's a great time for it all to come together. 

Will have a lot more time to react to ad-hoc SM posts, so absolutely, if anything catches your eye that should be shared, please do DM me :) 


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  • 5 months later...

Okay guys, I'll finally ask: would you like some assistance with graphic design on these collateral stuff? 

I was a bit hesitant to commit to longer term tasks, but also would be nice to help out @mysticjim which is already doing a great job together with his life changes .. I think that a little team could be more effective to assist each others out and cover some social presence in other channels! :)

What do you think? 


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